
Chapter 2: Interface

The realization hit him like a wave. Was this for real? Am I actually in a whole new world? he pondered, his mind drifting to the countless isekai web novels he had devoured, allowing himself a fleeting moment of indulgence in a fantastical daydream.

Shaking his head to snap out of it, he blinked at the peculiar box hovering before him. "So, let me get this straight. One moment, I'm dozing off on my couch, and the next, I find myself in this enchanting realm called Grandheim, completely devoid of clothes and hair? What's next? A talking squirrel doling out quests?" he quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm. A chuckle escaped him as he contemplated the sheer absurdity of his situation. However, his amusement swiftly faded when a new text box materialized, causing his eyebrow to raise in curiosity.

"Seriously?" he muttered, his eyes fixed on the words within:

[New Quest!]

Adrien focused on the message, watching as the text box revealed the details.

[Quest: Unknown Lands]

[You have woken in a land you do not know, you must survive long enough to explore the surroundings.]

[Objective: Seek shelter before nightfall: 0 / 1]

[Reward: Simple Shoes]

He looked around suspiciously, poking the nearby trees and bushes for any hidden cameras, he didn't see any camera drones in the sky. But what he did notice was the moon, pale and easy to overlook in the daylight, but then he noticed another moon.

"Two moons?"

Adrien looked down at the floating screen, before looking back up at the sky. Still two moons.

With a sigh escaping his lips, he couldn't help but question his own sanity.

"Am I losing my mind?" he wondered aloud, a tinge of uncertainty coloring his voice. He hesitated, torn between the options laid before him, his gaze alternating between the mysterious forest and the patiently waiting screen.

"This has to be some kind of dream. I can't possibly be a level one sorcerer," he mumbled to himself, grappling with the surreal nature of his predicament. Just as he thought that, a second screen materialized beside the first, displaying the words:

[Adrien Valcoria - Human]


Body: No Essence - normal

Mana: No Essence - normal

Recovery: No Essence - normal

[Core: Not Formed - 0 / 3 essences]

[No essence / No attribute: 0 / 5]

[No essence / No attribute: 0 / 5]

[No essence / No attribute: 0 / 5]

[Skills: Inventory, Map, Appraisal]

As the realization dawned on him, he couldn't help but ponder the significance of the character sheet before him.

"So, this is like a character sheet. Essence? What does that entail?" he mused, his mind racing with possibilities.

The presence of a video game interface and the ability to perceive his own stats intrigued him, prompting him to contemplate the potential advantages such abilities could bring.

"Did I get put into a open world VR game?" Adrien muttered out loud but thought 'let's check out the map, I know what maps are'


Soon as he finished speaking, another screen materialized, capturing his attention. A surge of excitement coursed through him, and he couldn't contain his triumphant outburst.

However, the open interface windows were cluttering his vision and soon became an annoyance. Wishing for a way to dismiss at least a couple of them, he was taken aback when the screens instantly vanished, leaving only the mini-map in view.

"Oh. Well, would you look at that!" he exclaimed, unable to hide his sarcasm. "An open world wouldn't be complete without a Mini-Map."

Things were getting harder and harder to explain even ignoring the extra moon, the voice command hologram was implausible but not impossible. Mental command holograms was something else entirely.

Hoping it didn't work he started to experiment. He was able to open and close the windows with a simple thought.

"Maybe I'm still sleeping, or hallucinating in an asylum" he said while chuckling weakly

"…but still this is pretty cool, just go with it I guess"

His excitement only grew as he examined the details displayed on the screens. Specifically the Map. It felt almost too good to be true that he could now access a visual representation of any location he had previously explored. It is just like any map found in any video game. Also, like a video game map it was mostly obscured. The only unveiled portion was the small section of the forest he had already explored. Complete with a location listing: 'Valcoria - Northern Region,' providing him with a clearer understanding of his current whereabouts. He tapped on the display, prompting a selection of marker types to choose from.

"This is absolutely incredible," he murmured to himself, unable to contain his wide grin.

The thought crossed his mind that this couldn't possibly be a dream; the level of immersion provided by the map surpassed anything he could have imagined. He fought to contain his mounting excitement, realizing the potential this newfound tool held.

Refocusing on the map, Adrien began to examine it more closely. He discovered that the map could be manipulated by his thoughts alone, zooming in and out with increased detail as required. It functioned like a live satellite feed, providing high-resolution images that remained current.

Upon zooming out to the maximum extent, he was presented with a world map that bore little resemblance to the one he was familiar with. While the intricate details were somewhat elusive, he could still make out the broad outlines of the continents. However, the layout was drastically different from what he remembered.

There were two main landmasses. The larger continent stretched almost from the southernmost point to the northern tip of the map. The second, smaller continent - where he currently found himself - was only a fraction of the size of its counterpart. A handful of sizable islands were scattered near the larger continent, and a vast ocean lay between the two landmasses.

He could discern between different types of plant life, and he could freely add the presence of elevation lines added another layer of information to explore.

Adrien surmised that the world he had landed in was called Grandheim, and the particular continent he was on was known as Valcoria. This revelation piqued his interest, stirring his curiosity about the mysteries of this unfamiliar realm.

Spending several minutes engrossed in studying the details of the map and scrutinizing his own Stats page, he gradually grew accustomed to the interface. Once he felt sufficiently acquainted, he closed down the screens, preparing himself for the next course of action.

"Alright, time to get moving," he muttered to himself, "gotta get home somehow"

Due to the appearance of the quest Adrien was determined to find some form of shelter in this unfamiliar terrain. The encroaching darkness reminded him of the potential dangers that lurked, prompting a surge of caution within him. His initial sense of safety wavered as he contemplated the unknown threats that might exist in this uncharted world. Adrien reasoned that if he completed the strange quests he might be able to find his way back home.

In an attempt to quell his nerves, he began mentally compiling a list of potential predators he could encounter. The strange ritual of preparing himself for the worst both unsettled and comforted him, creating a peculiar mixture of apprehension and curiosity as he braced himself for the journey ahead.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, his mind raced with thoughts of finding a suitable shelter. The idea of constructing a makeshift structure using a fallen tree trunk caught his attention. Any one of the fallen trees could easily house him if he were to hollow them out. But he would need a lot of branches and vines to complete the shelter.

"Not a bad idea," he mused, considering the feasibility of such a task. However, the sheer size of the branches scattered around him made him doubt the possibility of completing it before nightfall. The fallen branches were as thick as his thigh, and those were the smaller ones he encountered along his path.

Another option crossed his mind: climbing a tree for refuge. Yet, the notion of being exposed to the elements and the unknown creatures that might lurk above didn't sit well with him. The potential risks outweighed the temporary sense of security it might provide.

Contemplating the various options, he continued to navigate through the forest, searching for a solution that balanced safety and practicality as the encroaching darkness served as a constant reminder of the urgency of his quest for shelter.

As he craned his neck to look up at the nearby tree, he estimated that the lowest branch was situated at least eighteen feet above the ground. Recognizing the impracticality of attempting to climb it, he continued his trek through the forest, searching for a more viable option for shelter.

After a while, he stepped into a small clearing, the sudden change in surroundings capturing his attention. It was then that he noticed the dark and ominous clouds gathering on the distant horizon, their presence casting a foreboding shadow over the landscape. He couldn't fathom how he had missed their approach; it was as if they had materialized out of thin air. The rumble of thunder reverberated through the air, causing a shiver to travel down his spine. Time was slipping away, and the urgency to find shelter before the impending storm grew stronger.

Despite the gathering tempest, the sky directly above him remained clear and serene, creating a stark contrast. The calm blue expanse served as a harsh reminder of the impending danger that lurked just beyond the horizon. The juxtaposition heightened his sense of urgency, urging him to take immediate action to ensure his safety amidst the impending fury of the storm.