
Chapter 10: The swimsuit episode!

One of the most wanted chapters...Swimsuit episode! Sorry kiddos, you will have to imagine with what I'll describe. Let's start!

It was a sunny summer day, and our party complete (maybe?) and ready to take a great vacation, they head to the Beach! and the Fith member awaits!

G="The beach! The perfect place! A kiss in the sunset, and a new comrade! the perfect setting."

K="The chances of it being a boy, are high."

L="I wanna play games at home..."

A="Come on, it'll be fun! and I brought a mobile game console."

G="Games exist?! Well only if you to created one. But she is too lazy to create one."

L="Are you sure? Well, yes. He created it, but it is powered by magicules, and the image is holografic, like the television in this world."

K="Will you let me play it in the inn"


Suddenly, it starts to rain, and the plans in the beach, for now, are in wait.

L="What a lazy aura coming that way! I'll go check."

G="Lazy aura? Anyway, I'll go with you."

L=" Heya kiddo."

Sare=" 'Sup. My name is Sare. Call me red. don't mind."

L="Sure red! So I sansed a sansational lazy aura here."

S=" Ah! That surely is me. But it shouldn't be sansational. Have my teacher also taught you?"

L="If he's name is Sans, than yes."

S="Great! Surely is him. but I'm not that good at puns."

L="Wanna join our party? I'll give you a part of pie if so."


L=" There is 1,57 here. I gave you half my pi. Have a taste!"



G="Then no puns with me."

L="You were there?!"

S="Sure. Let me join your party."

What a pleasant surprise no? Another lazy one at our group. He looks like this. White hair, with a shade to red, red eyes, red sweater, fair skin, red jacket, white shirt, and black down to the knee shorts. he uses black no laced shoes.

Heya readers. Hope you are liking it. Liked the new character? All characters here are based in friends of mine. And mostly all of them are reincarneted. Hehe tricked you didn't I? No swimsuits this chapter! But I promise next one will have. See ya!

Lizeneecreators' thoughts