

Of course my grandpa didn't start a polyamours harem he felt that he was to old and relied on my uncles and dad to start their harem back then I'd say they started around 15/16 years of age no one of their age really knows there age any more because that was basically the last thing on there mind. Compared to how are world use to be I'm told our Era is pretty lawless but there's still a hierarchy basically the more you had the more wealth you had so because my grandpa wasn't focusing on building any polyamours relationships he devoted the time he had let to gathering what he could and this proved beneficial to us as our new Era became more stable we had more clothing,animals,maps,boats then anyone in the USA not to toot my own horn or anything but my family rocks. My father and uncles had a total of 6 women each so our future was looking bright but as I mentioned earlier when you reach a certain age 3 childern from each family are sent to the divine tree no matter how big or small your family is this quota must be made or the whole family would be punished by a divine beings. For us it was usually the middle child or women this doesn't necessarily mean women couldn't be the lead in a polyamours relationship it's just normally not having an active roll could lead to being sent to the divine tree. Why am I being so defensive about this well because this is my dream to have a harem of my own filled with beautiful men that can keep me company for eternity. But since I'm 8 and voice my opinion strongly no one takes me seriously I just get laughed at but they'll be eating there own words when my dream comes true. My father has 6 wives my mother being one of them her name is Nala Akinyemi she's the most beautiful women in the world he has dark Carmel skin with honey blonde hair with a patch of white hair on her left side just like me it's as if my mom made a photo copy of herself and I came out my mom use to tell me a story all the time about her not really being born with this white patch and that one day during the divine tree sacrifice ritual she got to close and got shocked so much so she had gained white patch of hair but since it was burnt to a crisp my mom just shaved off all of her hair and not only did her hair grown back straight she in fact still had the white patch but no one believes her because it just sounds to extreme to be real and my moms parents died during the great massacre but whats strange is that my siblings look nothing like us at all it's as if they all took after father sadly they'll never be as pretty as me but who cares it was decided that no girls were going to be sacrifice this time around only the middle boys of our family which is sadly because for some odd reason they all ended up to sick to leave the bed it's tradition to no give sacrifices names no matter who they end up being they must give up there name and go into seclusion until the faithful day. Do I cry? Yes  Will I miss him? Yes even though I'm not given the chance to make a bond with them it's still formed without my knowledge and I weep for my brothers and sisters that are force to fall to the divine tree. Our family has only produced 1 guardian knight and she voiced to us before she left that we were dead to her, and left without a second look back. I cannot blame her for pointing her hand at us in remorse it's how anyone would after surviving on a gamble many have no hope of winning her name before it was taken from her was Titi Akinyemi my Uncle Abe Akinyemi child. My other uncle name is Kofi Akinyemi he is very lad back and more approachable compared to my uncle Abe he is very strict and hates disorder and rebellious behavior let's just say he is the last uncle I'd ask a favor for.