
Adventure of BlazerHead

Jayvon_Coleman · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

summer break

It was near the last day of school for the students they are getting ready to enjoy their summer the teacher announced that since the end of grade test is finished the kids can stay at home until the last day or come to school. But we will be having fun at that time playing video games go to the carnival and rollercoaster. Jayvon said nycire what are you going to do for the summer.Then nycire said that I'm going to be at my house playing video games all day long. Then he said jayvon what about you then jayvon said the same thing but I'm might go out of town for a bit . It was 9AM we are going to are elective class then some kids from our grade came and stop us and mess with me jamari nycire and jihad they ask use to give our money to them but I said I don't have any money but they keep asking and messing with us. One of then was about to start a fight then good thing a teacher came and give them a warning then asked us to get to class before we are late and get to some serious trouble.