
Adventure of an Agares [DxD]

Imagine what would happen if a human from our world were to replace Seekvaira Agares in the Underworld? Read the story of Novachrono Agares who replaces Seekvaira Agares as the Heir of the Archduke House of Agares. MC is a male in a male's body. No SYSTEM shit, it sucks. No Seekvaira Agares in this world. The name sucks, I know... but deal with it, not going to change it because I like the name as it suits a pure-blood Devil. Yuri Elements between MC's Harem Members. Since MC is a noble pure-blood 'Devil', morality wouldn't be taken into account, and there will be some elements that are sensitive for modern society, for example, child-sex (mostly b/w same age), some shota elements, manipulation, brainwashing, mind control, et cetera AU elements that drastically deviate from the Canon Source Material Polls were taken just because I felt like it, doesn't mean I will follow them. ............ Disclaimer: All rights are reserved to their respective creators.

Novachrono_Agares · Anime e quadrinhos
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64 Chs

Chapter – 16 An Agreement with Sona

Sitri Castle, Sitri Domain, Underworld

The atmosphere is serene as the Sitri family gathered for breakfast. Sona and her [Queen] Shinra Tsubaki, accompanied by her parents Selene and Savion, enjoyed a meal together. However, Serafall, Sona's sister, is absent, occupied with her duties as a Devil King in the capital city, Lilith.

The breakfast routine followed a predictable pattern, with Savion and Selene engaging in discussions regarding political and business matters. Sona, as the heiress of the prestigious House of Sitri, and Tsubaki as Sona's [Queen] remained attentive, absorbing the knowledge shared by Sona's parents. This practice is crucial for Sona and Tsubaki, they need to understand the affairs and intricacies of the Sitri House.

During the conversation, the topic gradually shifts to engagements and marriages among young devils. Sona's thoughts turn to her close friend, Rias, who happens to be engaged to the third son of the House of Phenex. Sona finds this arrangement perplexing, unable to comprehend how the Gremory family would betroth their heir to a noble of lower status. She reflects on the situation, questioning the lack of romantic attachment between Rias and Riser, which further adds to her confusion.

Deep down, Sona secretly hopes that her parents would not orchestrate a similar arrangement for her. She contemplates the idea of remaining unengaged, although she acknowledges this notion as a mere jest. As a pure-blood devil and the future leader of the House of Sitri, it is her responsibility to marry another pure-blood devil and continue the lineage. The dwindling population of pure-blood devils necessitates strategic unions to ensure the survival and prosperity of their kind.

Just as Sona immersed herself in her thoughts, her parents turned their attention to her, their eyes fixed upon her with curiosity. "Sona dear," Selene began, her voice gentle and inquisitive, "How was your first dance? Did you enjoy it?"

Caught off guard by her mother's inquiry, Sona's thoughts immediately returned to the dance she had shared with Nova. Her face lit up with a genuine smile as she nodded, responding, "It was a truly enchanting experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Isn't that right, Tsubaki? You also had the pleasure of dancing with Nova."

Tsubaki, Sona's [Queen], smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting fond memories. "Indeed, my Lady. Lord Nova graciously offered to be my dance partner so that I wouldn't feel left out. It filled my heart with joy and gratitude."

Selene, still wearing her gentle smile, continued to delve deeper into the matter. Her gaze focused intently on her younger daughter as she posed the question that lingered in the air, "Sona... what is your opinion of Novachrono Agares?"

Sona's brow furrowed slightly, a mix of curiosity and confusion surfacing in her eyes. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding thoughtfully, " Novachrono Agares... He is a good friend. He possesses a sharp intellect and carries himself with a sense of maturity beyond his years. We share similar interests and have had meaningful conversations, and I appreciate his perspective on various matters."

As the words left Sona's lips, her mother's expression grew more serene, but there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes. Sensing that there was more to the story, Sona couldn't help but ask, "Why do you ask about Nova, Mother? Is there something specific you would like to discuss?"

Selene's gentle smile held a mix of tenderness and gravity as she took a deep breath, preparing to share the pivotal news. "You see, Sona, our family has been engaged in discussions with the House of Agares for quite some time now. Yesterday, those discussions reached a significant turning point."

Savion, Sona's father, interjected with a calm yet solemn tone, adding, "And the outcome of those discussions, my dear, is that you have been betrothed to Novachrono Agares, the heir of the House of Agares."

Shock rippled through Sona's entire being, and her body instinctively jolted upright in her seat. Her voice trembled with disbelief as she exclaimed, "What?" The world around her seemed to fade into a blur as the weight of the revelation settled upon her, leaving her lost in a sea of swirling emotions and unanswered questions.

Nova and Sona found themselves seated across a square table, engrossed in a game of chess. The atmosphere is filled with an unspoken tension, as the news of their sudden engagement hangs heavy between them. Neither of them has uttered a word since the game began, as the weight of the situation makes conversation difficult.

Time passes in silence until Nova finally decides to break the awkwardness, "Are you against these arrangements, Sona?"

Sona shook her head, her expression conflicted. "I wouldn't exactly say that I am against these arrangements," she began, her voice tinged with frustration. "As a High-Ranking Devil, it is my duty to marry another pure-blood devil when I grow up, so I don't mind these arrangements. It's just that... it all feels so sudden. There was no prior hint or indication. My parents didn't discuss their talks with the Agares family with me. So, it's a little frustrating to have had no say in the matter."

Understanding her sentiment, Nova nods in empathy. "I completely understand how you feel," he admits. "This news came as a shock to me as well. My parents kept me in the dark, and suddenly, they informed me that I have been betrothed... It's been quite overwhelming. However, I find solace in the fact that they chose someone I already know and have a good friendship with."

Sona contemplates Nova's words and agrees, a faint smile gracing her lips. "You're right. I should be grateful that my situation isn't as challenging as Rias'," she muses.

The mention of their friend Rias' misery sparked a burst of laughter between Nova and Sona, momentarily easing the tension that had enveloped the room.

Unbeknownst to them, Rias herself, engrossed in watching an episode of Dragon Ball, suddenly sneezes, causing Akeno to turn her attention to Rias with concern.

"Are you feeling alright, Rias?" Akeno asked, worry lacing her voice.

Rias shook her head, reassuring her friend and [Queen]. "I'm fine, Akeno. Just a random sneeze," she said, dismissing any worries. She returned her focus to the final episode of the 'Fortune Teller Baba Saga', eager to witness Son Goku's next adventure.

As the saga reached its conclusion with Son Goku embarking on a new journey of his own, an unexpected desire for adventure welled up within Rias. She turned to Akeno with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "You know what, Akeno? I suddenly feel like going on a trip too," Rias declared.

Akeno's eyes light up at the idea, her own enthusiasm matching Rias's. "That sounds fantastic! Where should we go?" she asked, ready for an impromptu adventure.

The two friends devised a game to determine their destination, opting for a dart game. With a flick of their wrists, the dart found its mark on the map. Italy emerged as the chosen destination, eliciting gleeful smiles from both Rias and Akeno.

Excitement brimming in her heart, Rias could hardly contain herself as she approached her parents, Zeoticus and Venelana, to share her desire for a trip to Italy.

Taking a deep breath, Rias began, "Father, Mother, I have a proposition. I suddenly feel the urge to go on a trip, and I was thinking... what if we went to Italy together?"

Her father, Zeoticus, smiles warmly at his daughter's enthusiasm, "A family trip to Italy? That sounds like a splendid idea."

Venelana, Rias's mother, joins the conversation with a twinkle in her eyes. "I couldn't agree more, dear. Exploring a new country, experiencing its culture, and enjoying quality time as a family... it sounds like a delightful plan."

Rias turned to her sister-in-law Acier, hoping for her participation. However, Acier's smile held a hint of regret as she gently shook her head. "I'm afraid I won't be able to join you, Rias. Sirzechs is currently occupied with his duties, and I need to support him. But fear not, our son Millicas will be more than happy to accompany you on this incredible journey."

Rias felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly understood Acier's situation. "I understand, Acier. Brother has important responsibilities, and we can't always have everyone present. Nonetheless, I'm glad Millicas will be there to share the experience."

Zeoticus chimed in reassuringly, "Indeed, Rias. Millicas will bring his own brand of energy and joy to the trip."

Venelana interjected with a playful glimmer in her eyes, her voice filled with anticipation. "And who knows? This trip might become something even better, my dear. We might stumble upon unexpected treasures."

Intrigued by Venelana's cryptic remark. Rias leaned in; her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Mother? Are you suggesting that there might be something special awaiting us in Italy?"

"Who knows." Muttered Venelana with a mysterious smile.

Returning to Nova and Sona, the two reached an agreement. Nova nodded affirmatively, his eyes meeting Sona's. "Well, since you don't have any objections, we can take things slowly," he suggested. "We've been friends until now, so maintaining that bond shouldn't be a problem. Let's not let this arrangement affect our friendship and allow our relationship to develop naturally, with time and effort."

Sona nods in agreement, her smile genuine. "Yes, I would prefer that too."

With their understanding established, the initial awkwardness dissipated. They resume their game of chess, and the atmosphere gradually becomes more comfortable. Occasional giggles and Laughter filled the air as they thoroughly stared to enjoy their time together.

Watching from a distance, Lavinia, Artoria, and Tsubaki let out a collective sigh of relief. "They have accepted each other," they remarked, their hearts put at ease.

As the evening drew near, it was time for Nova to depart. Although their game remained unfinished, Nova and Sona decide to pause for now, knowing they have plenty of time ahead of them to continue. Nova rose from his seat, preparing to leave as he is set to depart for Italy that night.

While Lavinia prepared the magic circle for their departure, Nova approached Sona. In a moment of boldness, he surprised her with a gentle kiss on the cheek, causing Sona to blush in embarrassment. Tsubaki, Lavinia, and Artoria chuckle at the sight, their amusement evident. Though taken aback, Sona's embarrassment is tinged with a newfound sweetness and butterflies in her stomach—a feeling she has never experienced before.

With the magic circle prepared, Nova bid farewell to Sona and her [Queen]. Sona and Tsubaki offered their well wishes to Nova and his peerage, and as the teleportation magical circle activated, Nova and his companions vanished from sight.

Belial Castle, Belial Domain, Underworld

With a hesitant expression, Cleria knocked on the door of Diehauser's study. The sound of her knuckles meeting the wood echoed through the room. "Knock, knock," she announced softly.

"Come in," came Diehauser's voice from the other side. Cleria took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and pushed open the door, stepping inside. Her eyes fell upon her cousin, who was engrossed in reading some documents.

Seeing his dearest cousin walk in, Diehauser closed the book before him and greeted her with a warm smile. "It's rare for you to come and see me in my study. Is there something on your mind that you'd like to talk about?"

Cleria shook her head lightly, contemplating how to approach the matter she had heard about the other night. She couldn't reveal that she had overheard a conversation between two mysterious individuals. Not only would it raise questions about her presence in that situation, but it could potentially force her to confess her relationship with Masaomi, something she wasn't ready to reveal just yet.

After a moment to recollect her thoughts, Cleria replied with a slight pout, "Oh, nothing, brother. I was just about to return to my territory in the Human World. I bid farewell to everyone, but it seems you were so engrossed in your book that you didn't even come downstairs to see of your sister. Brother, I am dissatisfied. Firstly, you care more about rating games than me, and now that you're at home, you're reading something instead of doting on me..."

Diehauser chuckled helplessly, understanding his cousin's playful teasing. "It's not like that at all, Cleria. I just found something interesting to read. But rest assured, no matter how intriguing it may be, it can never compare to the importance of my dear sister."

Sighing theatrically, Cleria responded, "Oh, really?"

Diehauser nodded earnestly, his smile unwavering. "Of course. Do you doubt your brother's words?"

Cleria playfully pondered for a moment, her gaze fixed on Diehauser. "Fine, I'll believe you for now. After all, you only have one sister who cares for you... no girlfriend, no lover. I wonder what would happen to you if I were gone."

Diehauser joined in the playful banter, chuckling as he replied, "Yes, yes. I would surely die of loneliness without you."

"Exactly!" Cleria nodded, folding her arms. "That's why you must cherish me."

"Sure, sure," Diehauser agreed with a smile, appreciating their lighthearted exchange.

For a brief moment, a comfortable silence enveloped the room. Then, Cleria's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but ask, "Say, brother, I heard a rumour recently."

"A rumour?" Diehauser raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What is it about?"

Cleria leaned in, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "I heard that some of the top-ranking players in the Rating Games were weak when they were young. But suddenly, they became incredibly strong and became legends in the Rating Games. Do you know anything about it?"

Diehauser's surprise was evident in his expression as he mulled over the question. "Hmm, I thought you had something more interesting to share. Well, those are just rumours, Cleria. You shouldn't put too much stock in them."

Cleria remained intrigued, undeterred by Diehauser's dismissal. "I find it interesting, nonetheless. So, have you heard anything about it?"

Diehauser nodded, acknowledging her curiosity. "Well, I have heard some whispers, but they are nothing more than unsubstantiated claims. Legends tend to be surrounded by stories and speculations."

"I see," Cleria murmured, her mind processing the information. After a moment of contemplation, she posed a thought-provoking question, "Brother, hypothetically speaking, if there were a way to significantly increase one's strength without relying on talent or training, would you consider using it?"

Perplexed, Diehauser furrowed his brow. "You're asking some strange questions today. What's the matter, Cleria?"

With a determined look, Cleria explained, "I want to become as strong as you, so I was just wondering if such a method exists."

Diehauser chuckled, his laughter filled with humility. "As strong as me? I'm not really all that strong, you know." He pondered for a moment before continuing, "While the allure of gaining immense strength without much effort may exist, I believe in the value of hard work and the satisfaction that comes from pushing one's limits. It's not just about personal satisfaction either; fairness is essential, especially in the Rating Games. Using an unfair advantage would tarnish the spirit of competition."

Cleria nodded, understanding her brother's perspective. "I see. It was just a hypothetical question, after all," she replied, masking her true intentions. Deep within her, a silent resolve formed as she decided not to divulge the details of "that thing" she had overheard to Diehauser yet. Instead, she would silently undertake the task of uncovering its meaning.

Agares Castle, Agares Domain, Underworld

In her serene personal garden, surrounded by the vibrant colours of her cherished plants, Libra attentively tended to their needs. The soft rustle of leaves filled the air as she carefully pruned and nurtured each delicate specimen. Lost in the soothing rhythm of her gardening, Libra's concentration was broken when Omega, her most trusted servant appeared.

Setting aside her gardening tools, Libra turned towards Omega, her expression a mix of curiosity and expectation. "Omega, have you taken care of everything?" she inquired, her voice filled with a blend of concern and authority.

Omega nodded with confidence, her piercing red eyes meeting Libra's gentle green gaze through the mask that concealed her face, "Yes, everything has been handled as per your instructions," she affirmed, their voice steady and assured.

A gentle smile graced Libra's lips, her gaze revealing a profound trust in Omega's abilities. "Very well," she acknowledged, acknowledging their efficiency. However, her countenance quickly shifted, and a more serious tone accompanied her next words. "Remember, Omega, it is crucial that you allow Nova to act freely. Do not unnecessarily restrict him. Your presence should not hinder his plans."

Understanding the weight of Libra's instructions, Omega nodded in agreement. "I understand, my Lady,"

Libra's expression softened, a touch of maternal concern shining through. "Lastly, please take care of Nova," she requested, her voice carrying a blend of authority and genuine care. "As his mother, I ask that you protect him. I know there is no need to remind you of this, but it brings me comfort to hear it."

Omega's response was immediate, her tone filled with utmost dedication. "No need to worry, my Lady. Nothing will happen to Lord Nova under my watch," she reassured, her words resonating with absolute confidence and unwavering loyalty.




Author's Note:

I am sorry for the dissatisfaction of many. Regarding Nova's fiance, although the idea of making Latia the fiance seemed attractive, it didn't click all that well with me, moreover, I couldn't come up with the plot as well and I am damn sure I would have dropped the story midway, to make sure that I don't do that, I went with Sona. I am really sorry.

Anyway, that aside, in this chapter, Nova and Sona reached an agreement to slowly cultivate their relationship before Nova went to Italy, and coincidentally Rias is also going to Italy with her family.

Also, Cleria is returning to Kuoh Town, and her little adventure will also start.

Let's see... in the next chapter, we will be in Italy. Hopefully.

See you guys in the next chapter, until then happy reading.