

"During a fierce battle during the Second Ninja War, a young man with red eyes fought bravely against a group of Sand Village ninjas on his own. Exhaustion had taken its toll, and as enemy attacks closed in from all sides, he seemed on the brink of losing consciousness. Suddenly, just as he was about to fall, his eyes glowed with an unusual light, though he didn't notice it. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange world, now in the body of a small child. He quickly discovered that he had been transported to the world of 'Doulu,' a place filled with secrets and challenges that required him to adapt to his new situation. In the meantime, he's also trying to figure out why he's moved to another world.

Starless00 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Eye Healing

From Ning Rongrong's Perspective

Today, I sat down for training again. I started to feel bored with the routine, but I persisted and continued. Previously, I thought that the highest level I could reach was 79, just like my father. However, with the evolution of my spirit power, I can become a Douluo. I thought this was just a distant dream, so I didn't focus much on training. But thanks to Enlil, this dream has come within reach.

"Hehe, I want to see my father's expression when he sees my spirit power. I bet he'll be surprised."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around cautiously, ready to activate my spirit power, but I saw that it was Enlil walking with a sarcastic smile and saying:

"Why are you smiling like that? Can you tell me?"

"Can you greet me when you come? How did I not notice you? Are you a ghost?" I said, annoyed.

"Well, that's because you were busy with your strange fantasies, so you didn't notice me. Now, show me your developed spirit power. From your smile, it seems you've successfully improved it, right?"

When I heard his words, I felt disappointed. I wanted to hide it first and pretend to be sad before surprising him with my true strength. But since he discovered it, I decided to show him my spirit power now. It had become stronger, emanating stronger waves of spiritual energy.

"Well, it seems to have become stronger and now deserves to be the number one spirit power," he said after evaluating it.

"Do you mean it wasn't worthy before?" I looked at him angrily after hearing his words.

I saw him roll his eyes and ignore my words.

In reality, I wasn't angry; my words were just a joke. But seeing him ignore me made me feel angry. When I was about to shout, I remembered that thanks to him, my power had developed. So, I approached him and...

**From Enlil's Perspective**

While I was talking to Ning Rongrong, she suddenly came up to me and hugged me.

I looked at her in surprise and heard her whisper, "Thank you. You don't know how much this has been bothering me."

I returned the hug and told her it was no problem. After a while, she pulled away.

"Alright, let's leave that topic. Now that you've reached level 30, you need a spirit ring. I'll go hunt some beasts for you. Stay here and absorb the spirit bone until I return. I got this bone recently, and I don't know what to do with it. You can absorb it."

"But, brother, why don't you absorb it? It's a left arm bone and should be beneficial to you. It seems very old."

"Well, actually, I already have a spirit bone in my left arm. As for the age of the spirit bone, of course, it's very old. I killed a 50,000-year-old spirit beast that was bothering me and got the spirit bone from it."

"How can you give away a 50,000-year-old spirit bone so easily?" I was shocked. I didn't expect the spirit beast to be that old.

Enlil: "Of course, I wouldn't give it to anyone, but you're my sister."

Ning Rongrong fell silent suddenly and didn't know what to say. When she saw him leave to hunt the spirit beast, she stayed quiet and then sat down to meditate and absorb the spirit bone.

A few hours later, Enlil Uchiha returned and saw Rongrong sitting and resting after absorbing the spirit bone.


**From Ning Rongrong's Perspective**

I was sitting and relaxing after getting the spirit bone, which gave me an offensive skill that would help me a lot in battles and cover some of my weaknesses, even if just a little.

Suddenly, I saw my brother had returned, and behind him was a spirit beast I recognized. It seemed to be 10,000 years old. Strangely, the beast was following my brother like a servant, and its eyes looked dazed. After some thought, I remembered that my brother had a skill that controlled people, but why did he bring a 10,000-year-old beast? I can't absorb such a ring.

I suddenly asked, "Brother, why did you bring this beast? I can't absorb a 10,000-year-old spirit ring. The maximum I can handle is 3,000 years."

"Well, what you say is true, but that's in normal cases."

"What's different? Tell me quickly, and enough with the mystery."

"Well, I'll tell you. I can make the beasts sacrifice themselves."

"Are you sure? This is the first time I've heard of this. Usually, only beasts that are 100,000 years old can sacrifice themselves."

"That's because beasts that are 100,000 years old have developed mentally and can sacrifice themselves, unlike other beasts that are driven by instinct. That's one reason. The other reason is that beasts younger than 100,000 years don't interact with humans and have no reason to sacrifice themselves."

"Hmm, you might be right, but have you tried it?"

"Actually, no, because I didn't need to, except for that time with Xiao Wu, but I couldn't control her to sacrifice herself. However, I can easily control this beast, and even if something goes wrong, I can stop the process and you won't be harmed."

"Alright, I trust you." I told him and then approached the beast and asked my brother to start the process.


**From Enlil's Perspective**

Now I'm sitting and waiting for her to finish absorbing the spirit ring, and I don't know what to do. As for sitting and meditating, there's no benefit because I have a lot of spiritual power and I'm afraid something bad might happen if I continue absorbing more energy.

I finally decided to sleep.

And after some time...

"Hey... wake up."

I woke up and saw Ning Rongrong waking me up.

I woke up to find that night had fallen. It seemed I had slept for a long time.

"Finally awake. You finished absorbing the spirit ring hours ago. I saw you sleeping, so I sat down to practice. Dinner time has arrived and I've finished preparing it, so I woke you up."

I turned and saw the food with a delicious smell reaching my nose. When I saw that, I thought it was good that I taught her how to cook.

Previously, she wasn't good at preparing anything, so I thought of teaching her grilling, which is one of the few things I can cook well. I learned that from my companion, who used to prepare meals for the team on every mission.

I sat down to eat with her.

"What do you think?" she asked me.

"It's very delicious; I think it's better than my cooking."

"Of course, I've spent these months practicing it."

Well, it seems I forgot to pay attention to this. The poor thing must have been eating grilled food for several months.

"Brother, how is your eye now? Isn't it healing a bit?" Rongrong asked me.

I put my hand on my covered eye and told her, "Actually, it's still the same."

"All because of that bastard Tang Hao. By the way, tell me what happened to him."

"Well, they went as agreed and surrounded him. In the end, he escaped, but not before losing one of his hands and sustaining many injuries."

"Impossible, how did he escape? It was 3 against 1."

"Well, he detonated his last spirit ring and launched a counterattack that injured only two of them. The snake spear didn't get hurt, but he decided to leave Tang Hao because their injuries were severe and needed treatment. As for Tang Hao, he left Tang San in the partner academy after making a promise not to harm him and threatened him."

"That's impossible, how did they agree to that?"

"Because Tang Hao finally ignited his life essence, so if they continued fighting, nothing good would come of it. As for Tang Hao, according to spies, he fled to the City of Slaughter, but don't worry, with these injuries, it's impossible for him to become stronger. It would be a miracle if he maintains his Douluo level."

"He deserves it, but it still seems a bit. He took your eye. What do you think about killing his son, Tang San? We didn't promise him anything." She said, thinking about revenge for my injury.

"I wouldn't recommend that. Who knows what Tang Hao might do if he finds out? He might kill ordinary people and the branches of the Spirit Hall or even the elite forces of the Spirit Hall and your sect."

"Hmm, you're right. I didn't think of that."

In fact, I don't care about it, but I'm afraid of the gods intervening, and even if I killed him, they might resurrect him or make someone else from Tang's sect his successor. Then we would return to square one, but unlike Tang San, I don't know anything about the new successor, so I prefer to leave Tang San until I become a god.

"Brother, there's a question on my mind."

"Ask," I told her.

"There are many herbs here, even the herb that developed my spirit power. Is it possible that there isn't an herb that helps heal your eye? How about trying them all? Maybe one of them will help heal your eye."

"First, my body will explode if I try all of them. Second, there's no herb related to..."

I suddenly stopped and remembered a mythical herb I had forgotten and left in the garden.

Under Ning Rongrong's puzzled gaze, I began searching for the herb mentioned in the story with renewed hope. Finally, I found it: the Moonlit Autumn Dew. I saw the droplets sparkling at the top of the leaf and began applying all the droplets to my left eye as described in the novel.

Ning Rongrong, observing me silently, guessed that I had found an herb that could heal my eye.

I sat down and absorbed the herb, then removed the eye patch. Suddenly, I felt my vision slowly returning to my eye, and when I was done, I noticed that my eye was returning to its normal state.

I was very pleased and activated the Sharingan, but felt a slight pain in my left eye. Afterwards, I looked up techniques for my left eye and discovered it manipulated time. The pain suddenly increased, so I closed my eye.

"Congratulations, brother, your eye has returned to its normal state, but why do you seem to be in pain?" she asked with joy and confusion.

"Well, it's a minor pain because it hasn't been long since it healed."

"Well, that's good."

I wasn't lying. In reality, it takes some time for it to fully return to its normal state. When I absorbed the mythical herb, my eye began to function again, but it wasn't fully healed. My eye started to heal on its own, unlike before when it felt lifeless.

I might try absorbing a time-related Spirit Ring to help accelerate the healing process. If the current rate continues, it will take me three years.

I noticed a resonance between the abilities of my left and right eyes, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. Perhaps I will understand it better once my eye is fully healed.

The problem is that acquiring a time-related Spirit Ring is difficult, probably only obtainable from a Dark God Tiger, but that's for later.

"Come on, let's go. Your brother will help you absorb another Spirit Ring."

"Really, thank you."

After some searching, we found a suitable beast. I began absorbing the 10,000-year-old Spirit Ring and successfully reached level 40.

I wasn't surprised by this progress, as my Spirit Power was 28 before coming to the Spirit Garden. After a few months of training and consuming the mythical herb, this improvement was expected.