


When the time agreed upon by the four teams arrived, immediately the four captains who were present gathered together in a special tent where the place of command was given

"Since everyone is here let's start our briefing," said the eagle to the bear, tiger, and crocodile

and then answered with a nod by the others, not long ago a data was displayed on the projection table that had been prepared in front of them.

It's a projection table, not a physical map or a basic model built on ground media, this is possible because of the special technology they have

Because efficiency and data accuracy are absolute for an operation, a tool with a very good level of accuracy is needed, the higher the accuracy the greater the results obtained.

This word is true because in determining the course of the level of special operations carried out like this by the many factors are involved

And data in this case resources in the form of information is very important, to measure the course of the operation itself, starting from time, then Medan

Obstacles, advantages, disadvantages, logistics, and others are very influential in the operations carried out, so the better the data, the better the preparation for operations that can be done

In other words, the higher the preparation made, the greater the results that can be expected, of course, the x-factor will always be calculated

And that's where again the accuracy of the data becomes a very important thing, in front of the projection table the real-time data is being played

Either geographically, in this case, the state of the area around where they are preparing or the headquarters of the black organization they are targeting

In addition, weather reports, both humidity and wind speed, are presented there, and don't forget to display various red dots representing the lives of the enemies in front of them.

Yes this red mark comes from the heat given off by their target in this case the troops guarding the headquarters of the black organization

Along with that, the green dot represents the special forces assigned to this operation, one could say the division is clear between friend and foe

Not to mention the smaller red dots that describe the animals that are around them, with this alone they can find out more about the preparation of the enemy they will face.

Of course, there are also obstacles that they found, this heat detector is only able to penetrate coatings with a thickness of 5-10 cm more than that

The satellites haven't been able to penetrate it yet, so what is shown is the condition of the guards outside, who are not well protected

Or only those who are in an open environment can be detected, while those who take refuge in shelters with a thickness of 5-10 cm

It can't be detected, even so, it's a good achievement to be able to find the position of the enemy when the enemy's position is found

Everything will be much easier, than an enemy that cannot be detected and found, even if the detected enemy has good weapons or good protection.

As long as they can be found, there will always be a way to solve them, in contrast to the unknown enemy, because there is no data and information.

So only groping can be done and this is very risky in special operations like this, either for the success of the mission or for the safety of the personnel carrying out the mission.

In addition to being able to detect those who are alive, because the data takes place in real-time, the conditions they currently see are a real display of the condition of the black organization's headquarters.

In the projected screen it is seen that there are several semi-permanent towers built on top of trees of sufficient height

For supervisors and snipers in paralyzing enemies who enter the base area, this alone has become a very important aid for the operation

On the other hand, they also satetthere'save entrance with a diameter of 5-7 M.

And there was a pass-sack guard station on either side of the base's entrance, if it weren't for this display they would be in trouble.

Because as explained earlier, this base is easy to defend this also refers to the road leading to the entrance which is covered by natural vegetation

In this case, some trees and shrubs were growing around from the entrance of the cave, and this was put to good use by them, the guards of the black organization.

To create two blockades on both sides of the entrance, to protect the base inside so that if an enemy succeeds

Through their traps and snipers, the only way into the base, they couldn't help but pass unless they managed to defeat the two huge barriers at the entrance.

In addition to all that, there is also some barbed wire that surrounds the vicinity of the base, which makes it slow and hinders the pace of intruders or attacking enemies.

Even though the device couldn't paralyze, the time delay was enough to prepare for a more lethal attack, so a combination of direct hits

And it wasn't immediately obvious here, which meant that the difficulty level of the mission was obvious to all those present and staring at the screen projected in front of them.

"Is nothing missing? asked the crocodile

"So far from the observations and also the investigations carried out by our team, nothing has been missed, unless they are hidden," replied the eagle.

"We need more checks, check better," said the tiger

"I agree with that too" the bear added

"Well then let my team and the tigers investigate and re-survey the situation around their headquarters," said the eagle replied

"Yes, we can only do that for now, because we can't make the enemy anxious and panic," said the crocodile, adding

"Okay then, can you make a report for the personnel you brought?" said the eagle commented again

"Alligator team is complete and ready"

"Tiger team is the same"

"Our bear team is also ready"

"Then let's make arrangements in advance," said the eagle again discussing the details of infiltration and attack preparations

"The crocodile team will comb through the traps and mines around the base,

then the bear team is in charge of paralyzing the opponent's eyes and the sniper

The tiger team followed, opening and disabling the two main barriers at the entrance of the base

And my team will be a protector for all moving teams, together with it looking for the rats hiding in the hole" said the eagle who gave the order.