

Another day

After Adi confided for a while to Om Bejo and got good results then he found that it seemed that time had passed too long so he said goodbye to Om Bejo to go back to his room and rest, on the other hand, Om Bejo also understood Adi's current condition

So that he did not forbid and instead gave advice back to Adi, to be more patient and also better understand what was happening, so that he was not rash in making a decision that would cause regret in the future.

Moreover, from what he discussed with Uncle Bejo, there were many points that he did not find before and then after he confided with Uncle Bejo, the answers that he would later appear as if to tell him that it was there.

It's just that he hasn't seen it yet or it can be said that he forgot to talk and panicked in accepting the reality and responding to the actions that should have been taken, so in this case, Adi has got what he wanted, although it can't be said that it is perfect but it is better than

Before he confided and asked Om Bejo for advice, said goodbye to Om Bejo in an instant he returned to his room, more precisely on the bed where he lay down, arranged hours later he realized that the dimensions between the Jamrud room and the room were different.

But the difference is not that much because it is only about 2 to 3 times the time between the two, even so, when he has already returned to the room, Adi ends the day which is considered a tough day because he has to face the future and the past.

So then he rested and closed his eyes, hoping that tomorrow would be much better than today and he would not be indecisive when faced with sudden decisions, let alone those who came with a feeling.


The alarm continues to sound in Adi's room trying to wake Adi who is still asleep by his sleep seeing the time at 5 am it is clear this is an early time for most people but not for Adi and his family, especially for the father who has to

Going to the market to buy materials for his merchandise, sometimes the younger brother helps the father to shop at the market in the early hours of the morning, it's between 4:30 and 05:00, of course, hours like that are already said to be morning for most people

But someone knows that at this hour the market where the father is shopping is already very crowded with traders and buyers, after a while being woken up by the alarm clock beside him, Adi immediately rushed to the bathroom.

Not to clean himself but rather to collapse to refresh himself in this case completing his hygiene regarding his reproductive organs, Adi has a habit because his family wakes up early he has a schedule for exercising, so when he washes his face and also cleans himself sufficiently

Changing his clothes into sports clothes earlier, he also left the house to run around his environment, this he had been doing for years to maintain his physique. morning

With a circle of about 1 to 2 km, the neighborhood where he lives has neat and good roads for Adi to run so that according to the existing schedule he does a 4 to 5 km running exercise after finishing it all back to his house and rest for a while in the yard

Adi stretches with some gymnastic movements that he knows, along with that time continues to roll until finally 06.00 time arrives at which time the arrival of the Father from shopping for his wares at the market will arrive so then Adi rushes into the house to take a shower and freshen himself up and ready to help the father

When the father arrived without waiting for orders and on cues as it had become a habit, Adi began to help the father prepare his merchandise, with the help from earlier, the father became much more comfortable in doing his job, namely making meatballs and chicken noodles, until finally when the time became It's getting late, which is 7 o'clock state time, Adi has finished his assistance to the Father

Leaving only the core work of making meatballs which were handed over to the father, in this case, someone who has finished helping his father prepare his merchandise is now resting for a while in his room while looking at the schedule he realizes that today it seems he has a morning schedule for

Looking at the schedule, it shows at 9 am again, Adi doesn't feel rushed but then talks and contacts each other with him, until half an hour later when Adi has finished his morning pass with his lover he comes to the kitchen to eat breakfast with his family

In a friendly and kind atmosphere, Adi and his family ate their breakfast enthusiastically, this they did because they were aware of a new day that was approaching, so then Anne-Marie, who had finished her breakfast, was asked by her sister to take her to school.

Without much delay, Adi agreed and prepared to take his younger brother to school, because the distance is quite close by riding a motorbike only takes 5 to 7 minutes, and along the way Adi and I chatted about some trivial things while the younger brother then told his sister that he plans to buy a new motorbike, hearing Adi's words, we are happy to reply that he agrees with Hadi's idea because he also realizes that when outside of college

And this time his father is busy trading in their restaurant, so the need for vehicle mobility and this increases, and 1 motorbike is not enough, so the younger brother loudly agrees with what was proposed by his sister, only him, you are the one who ordered not to buy a motorbike that is too big. wow

Because we know that even though his brother earns a lot of money, being extravagant is not a good thing for their family, let alone the education that their parents have instilled in them to teach them to live frugally and moderately and not to waste and waste what they have.

So both Adi and ita can be said to have good character, in this case, case,y don't waste what they have and don't waste everything that they can fulfill, so after receiving advice from Adi's younger brother, he decided to buy a new motorbike.