
To Change the Course of History

Maxwell's father laughed cheerfully when he heard Maxwell. Although it may have seemed rude, it didn't look like his father was mocking him. After a short while his father continued.

"My firstborn aims to be a well-respected socialite among the aristocracy, my second born plans to amass treasure and fortunes through investing in trade and now... my third son wants to become a renown commander of the battlefield... the variety is not too bad if I do say so myself."

In response, Maxwell returned the laughter.

"I'm not sure wether to take what you said seriously or not."

His father continued to smile when responding.

"What about a bit of both?"

Maxwell chuckled when he heard his father's answer.

"Now that's somewhat discouraging."

"No, no I'm not discouraging you. As long as you do not bring shame to the family name, I do not mind what you strive to be..."

Maxwell slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Is that so?.."

"Yes it is."

Maxwell turned his gaze back to his father before he continued.

"You're not going to try to dissuade me or anything?"

"There's no point trying. I can see the fire in your eyes. "

His father put on a faint smile as he talked.

"But I am curious, how did you come up with such an ambitious dream and how do you plan to achieve it?"

Maxwell shrugged when responding. He returned to his bed to picked up the book he was reading before he presenting it to his father.


His father seemed confused by Maxwell's actions.

"A history book?"

"Not just this history book, but all history books detailing wars in the last 200 years. More specifically what's contained inside those books. The exact details of how wars and battles were fought."

"You just can't go straight into battle just by rea-"

"The tactics in these books... and the tactics used today are all obsolete"

Maxwell saw his father's eyes widen when Maxwell interrupted him.

"What do you mean?"

"The formations, training, logistics are still reminiscent of medieval forms of warfare... this continent hasn't fully embraced the new age of the gun yet."

"And you know how to embrace this so called new age?"

"It's based on my intuition when I looked into the practicality of firearms and how they were used in the past."

Maxwell's father's eyebrows raised when Maxwell responded. It seemed that he was once again impressed with Maxwell.

However, Maxwell was only making it seem like he drew this knowledge based on intuition and information he read from history. In truth, some could say that he cheated. In his past life, Maxwell was a historian, specifically a historian who focused on the late medieval era to the end of the Napoleonic era.

He was armed with knowledge that no one in this world has even conceived yet. Based on the history he read and the state of the red army outside, it would seem that this world has yet to develop the tactics that defined warfare in the early modern era.

Depending on what he has at his disposal he can 'introduce' these brand new tactics to an unaware and unprepared continent. The powers of the old world who are unable to keep up with Maxwell's 'revolution' will be swept away by the tide and those that can revolutionise in time would become a worthy adversary.

No matter how this plays out in the end, Maxwell will be forever remembered in history.

In this life Maxwell will not just research history.

He'll earn his own place in history as well.

The lives his bloody campaign would take could not compare to the legacy he would leave behind.


However, his thoughts were soon interrupted by his father.

"Oh uh sorry Father. I seems that I got lost in thought ."

His father once again chuckled before he announced his leave.

"Ahahaha! I'll leave it to you then. You don't look like you need anything else from me."

His father left Maxwell's side and approached the door, ready to leave. However, before he could lay his hand on the doorknob, he was stopped by Maxwell's voice.

"Wait Father!"

After turning back to face his son, his father asked Maxwell a question.

"What is it?"

"Do my siblings have any free time soon?"

"Why, I believe that they should be free this afternoon. Do you need them?"

"Can you please call all of them? Tell them I'll be waiting in the garden... it's regarding my... well... you know..."

"Yes I know. Rest assured, this old timer can at least do that."

After his father left his room, Maxwell turned his attention back to the marching army outside. Soon minutes, perhaps even hours passed as Maxwell pondered on his rampant thoughts. If Maxwell's hunch was correct then the Drussians and the Paniards still use outdated medieval tactics. If that was true then even if Maxwell's army was outnumbered 5:1-

"The enemy will be crushed as if they were nothing more than mere bugs..."

After muttering to himself, Maxwell was surprised by a sudden sound.

It was the sound of giggling that soon turned into laughter.

It was the sort of devious, malicious laughter.

It was the sort of laughter the devil himself would make.

After quickly surveying the room, he came to a stunning realisation.

He realised that the one laughing was none other than himself.


Sicilia Gella Dunnwal did not expect to be called to the garden. Especially by her younger brother. Despite his noble status, Maxwell was a shut-in who would rather immerse himself in history books that he took from the family archives.

Other than sharing the same desire for good food, Sicilia didn't have much in common with Maxwell nor did she think much of him. The most she could say was that she was 'indifferent' to him. He was content to ignore and be ignored but now out of the blue, he has called not only Sicilia but also her older brothers to a secret meeting at the Dunnwal gardens.

"You wondering why lil' bro has called us suddenly to a meeting too huh?"

To her surprise Sicilia found Cromwell was walking right beside her. He was a taller than average man, who was 21 years old and towered over Sicilia. However, they shared the family Dunnwal trait of purple eyes and silver hair which he kept relatively long but well groomed.

The time Cromwell caught up with her or how long he has been walking with her, she did not know. She could only answer his question.

"Of course I am... For fucks sake, this is Maxwell we're talking about. Maxwell plus outside plus socialising don't tend to mix very well. He's pessimistic like that. So this whole meeting is abnormal to say the least."

Cromwell nodded when responding.

"Abnormal in an un-Maxwell-ish way you mean? Apart from Father and Mother, Maxwell doesn't really interact too well with anybody... us included."


Sicilia and Cromwell were so intrigued by their conversation that they didn't even realise that they arrived at the gardens. It was the voice of the second oldest brother that brought them to their senses.

"So you two are finally here! I was beginning to think that I wasted some good tea!"

When Sicilia and Cromwell turned they saw their remaining two siblings sitting around the tea table in the middle of the garden centre.

When she looked at her remaining two brothers she first glanced at Keizwell who had well-groomed silver hair like Cromwell but it was much shorter in comparison. On the other hand, Maxwell looked like he literally just woke up from bed.

Sicilia ignored Maxwell's appearance and instead responded to Keizwell.

"Quite typical of you to arrive here first. Do you have another 'business' trip coming up soon?"

Keizwell made an exaggerated shrug as he smiled.

"Who knows these days. Market is quite volatile nowadays. Did you know tha-"

"Whatever you're about to say is irrelevant? Yes we do know that."

After hearing Maxwell interrupt Keizwell, Sicilia can confirm that this is still her younger brother. There are not a lot of people who can put words together like he does. After everyone took a seat, Maxwell was the first to speak.

His face was calm and collected and his words were straight to the point.

"What are your thoughts on our war with the Panish?"

[That's it? That's why he called us here?] Sicilia was sure that this couldn't be the only reason that Maxwell called them over. Otherwise they would have discussed it during a random banquet or party. Not some secret meeting in the garden that not even their own servants could witness.

When she glanced around, she saw that her older brothers were having similar thoughts as well.

Maxwell however, continued on without them.

"I guess I'll start then. In my opinion, this is a losing war. Against a nation with greater economic and military might, the Drussian Union stands no chance. The most we can do is prolong the inevitable..."

No one responded to what Maxwell said. They knew that everything he said was true. They just didn't want to admit it. Knowing this, Sicilia waited in anticipation of what Maxwell was going to say next.

"But I came up with a solution."


Keizwell almost spat out his tea when he heard Maxwell. Sicilia was glad that she didn't choose to drink yet, otherwise she would have been in a similar situation to Keizwell.

"Before you say anything, know that I got approval from father."

Maxwell kept his calm demeanour as he continued.

"The strength of the Panish forces lay in their superior numbers and technology... apart from their stretched supply lines there is also another fatal flaw."

"What's that?"

That's what everyone wanted to say, but they instead chose to stay silent.

"They rely on an outdated doctrine."

"Outdated... doctrine..?"

Sicilia was not able to keep her thoughts from leaking out of her mouth.

"Yes, outdated doctrine. If my assumption that both of our nations armies share a similar doctrine is correct then us Drussians and the Paniards should use an outdated military doctrine."

This time Cromwell was the one to speak.

"And I assume you came up with some revolutionary updated doctrine?"

"That is correct... there's just one minor problem."

"Just a minor problem?"

This time, Keizwell spoke up as well. In response, Maxwell grinned slyly.

"Yes but... that's why you three are here."