
Advance Civilization System

In the far-reaching of space, there was an advance alien civilization that similar to human, living relatively peaceful after a war of unification of their planet that they were living on called “Terra”. One day suddenly appeared out of nowhere, there were alien warships hovering above the planet and the warships start to detach a lot of fighter spacecrafts to claim the planet for themselves. Overwhelmed by the staggering numbers and firepower of the enemy fighter spacecrafts, the planet defense was rendering useless. Terra general saw this and doesn’t want the enemy to have the Codex that store every knowledge of the planet to fall to the enemy hand. He ordered his aid to prepare a space shuttle to send the Codex out off reach of the enemy. The space shuttle, traveling through space who know how long that it has been drifted in space until it landed on a blue planet. When it entered the earth atmosphere and fall into someone backyard. =================================== - Read to know more of what going to happen next? This book has system, OP MC, Military and space. Angkour69: First novel, never wrote a book in my life, trying to test if I can write or not.

Auguz · Ficção Científica
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The Beginning

1990 Essen, Germany

In the labour room, there were nurses running everywhere trying to deliver a child that had stuck in labour for almost four hours. The nurses were trying everything they can to help deliver the baby.

One of the nurse said, "ma'am one more time push, push" after what seem like an eternity the room suddenly heard a noise of a crying baby everybody in the delivery room smile after the baby was delivered successfully.

The tiny and fragile body of the baby is being tenderly wiped down and wrapped in a soft, clean cloth. The baby attempts to move were feeble, and he struggles to open his eyes against the brightness of the room, feeling unfamiliar, so he started to cry like there is no tomorrow. Everybody in the delivery room laugh when they heard the baby cry.

Outside the delivery room, there was a man that had sharp feature and piercing brown eyes, and blond hair walking back and forth feeling anxious, fear and excited at the same time. The labour has gone for quite some time and still doesn't see the nurse coming out yet, while he was thinking there was suddenly a loud cry coming out of the delivery room and then the nurse come out. The nurse asked, "Are you Mister Hoffmann?" when the man heard the question, he rush to the nurse and said, "Yes, I am." the nurse replied, "Your wife has successfully delivered, both the mother and the baby are healthy. You can go see your family inside."

The moment he heard that, he rush to the delivery room to look for the mother and the child. Then he saw his exhaust wife on the hospital bed holding the child and look at the baby with warm and maternal love, and her delicate finger brushed gently again his skin. When she lifted her head up and saw her husband come running to see her and the child, she excitingly called to him, "Thomas". When he heard his wife called to him, he goes to the side of the bed and look at the mother and child before worryingly replied "Are you Alright, dear?".

His wife replied, "Yes, my love. He is quite a cheerful boy."

"Let me see him," he said, his voice softens slightly. Then he gazed down at his son with a mixture of curiosity and affection.

"He looks healthy," the man remarked, his eyes lingering on his son face. "And handsome too, he got your blue eyes and my blond hair. When he grew up he's going to break many women heart" he added with a laugh and smile.

"Geez, you're so silly dear, but I agree with you on that one" Kathrin responded, giggle softly.

Suddenly, the baby cry to Kathrin, who then shifted him into her arms. "Are you hungry, little one?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing. She then left up her cloth, and began to breastfeed the baby.

Kathrin then asked Thomas to name the baby, as they agree upon long before, since she was pregnant. Philipp Von Hoffmann.


Seven years have already passed. As Philipp grew up, his parent took a notice to him. As Philipp was not like other kids, he was more clam and quiet and his ability to think was mature way beyond his age. His parents was worried about him because he not act like how kids supposed to do, like playing outside the house. He love books. Everyday he would sit under a tree in his backyard or his room quietly reading his books.

One day, when he was reading in his bedroom, he suddenly heard a loud *thud* in his backyard, so he went to investigate. Upon arrived at the scene, what he saw left him awe struck. A small crater of about 1 meter wide and 30 centimeters deep crater, First he thought that an asteroid has crash in his backyard and went to see, then when he saw what was inside the crater he smiled as what he has thought was true, it was an asteroid. But what he found weird was that this asteroid has a smooth surface, almost like a shiny metal ball. Doesn't know what to do in this situation, he picked up the asteroid and put it in his room before continuing his reading.

The first time that I wrote a book. Never Done it before don't expect a good novel. I just write something that come to my mind.

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