
Denali Coven(continued),Kate!

(A/N: So I have made a decision after watching the movie the other day...Irina is a no go for me... I just don't like her I guess. Something about her just irks me and I don't want to have to put her and I know some of yall are gonna have a fit but, this ain't pokemon and I don't have to catch them all so to speak.. Sorry if you were one of the ones who wanted her in the harem.)

"Would you take me?" Kate asks after gathering her courage. We all just look at her in confusion, except for Alice who has a bit of a smirk on her face. "I mean, I want to go with you. And you're suppose to have the ability to create a mate bond. I want you to take me too. Please." She says her head down probably expecting rejection.

"Kate.. I can indeed create a mate bond between us. However there is a bit of an issue other than you needing the approval of all my other mates first." I tell her and I can see a bit of hope in her eyes. "I can see that there is already a thread of a mate bond connected to you. It's very faint, barely there at all really, but if I sever that mate bond and take you into my bond, that person you were meant for will feel it, it's not fatal but he would still feel something missing until fate takes it and reestablishes the bond to someone else." I tell her and I can see her putting some thought into it.

"And what about me?!" Irina interjects.

"No." I tell her flat out. "I apologize but given your attitude since we've been here I do not feel you would be a good fit for our pack." I say without a glance her way.

"...Fine, can you at least look and see if I have a mate bond somewhere." She asks spitefully.

I look at her deeply. "You did.. It appears though that he has died. The bond is not fading like it would when people have gone too long past when they were suppose to meet. It's rotting and deteriorating signifying the person has died." I tell her and I can see her deflate. "Fate usually will step in though. What a lot of people do not realize is there isn't just one person for everyone. That would be foolish. What if that person dies before you met them? There would normally be someone else to establish with in your case Irina, you just have to wait for them." I tell her and she just huffs before leaving the room.

"You said that he wouldn't die if you severed bond and took it yourself?" Kate asked again before I nodded in reply. "Then would you consider it still?" She asked again.

"Normally to sever a bond I would need to be in physical contact with both people. Doing it without he will definitely feel it, like a severed limb, he's survive and even recover given time but you must be sure." I tell her and she nods in reply. "Also we will be here the weekend, so you should think it over more, and spend time with my mates and decide if this is something you truly want, and give them a chance to find out if they approve of you or not. Sunday if you decide you want this still and the girls approve I will take your bond. Does this sound agreeable?" I ask.

"Very! I didn't mean to put you on the spot, and I will consider it more. I would also love to get to know you and your mates better." Kate says happily.

"Very well. Carmen and I shall go ahead and see about recruiting some people." Eleazar says as he and Carmen stood up. We all stood as well to say our goodbyes. "Tanya, my dear friend, I am very happy for you to have finally found your love. We shall always be a phone call away, and you must still come visit us!" He says cheerfully while hugging the woman.

"We definitely will as often as we can. I haven't gotten to know him fully yet, but I feel like my lover is the adventurous type so we may make our way here again in the future." Tanya says hugging the man and his wife.


And so the weekend ticked away. Saturday I had to make a run into town to get some food to cook for myself and my pack. We don't necessarily need food to survive but it's something we've come to enjoy. Tanya made the decision to turn into a hybrid when we get back to Forks. She was very intrigued by the prospect of getting to eat food and sleep once again. Truthfully she probably could have handled taking the gift as well as Rosie did when I turned her but it was her own choice to wait. I've come to find that she seems to be a naturally cautious woman.

This morning before the others awoke Rosie brought me out into the woods to have a discussion away from the rest. This is where we are currently.

"The girls and I talked, we wouldn't mind bringing Kate into the bond." She says and truthfully I'm a bit shocked.

"Really?" I asked thinking back over the last 2 days. Leah and Kate bickered back and forth, yes they always made amends and even laughed about it after but I didn't expect Leah to agree. "Even Leah?" I asked

"Hehe, yes even Leah agreed. While they teased each other and argued some they were never really seriously upset with each other, Leah even admitted to me that she quite liked it since Bella is more of a teddy bear that loves and gets along with everyone in our relationship and I am more of the "mom" since I make sure we're all taken care of and no one is over looked. She says she sees Tanya being more like me so she likes having someone to tease and play with." She says with a fond smile. "Kate has also been a friend to me over the years so… I do feel like she deserves the love and affection she'll find with us." She says wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing kisses to my chest. "So if she decides this is what she wants, she has our approval!" She says with a smile.

"If you're all sure…" I say but inwardly I'm very excited, 'she's so hot'. "Glad we have such a huge bed." I tell her with a smile.

"Pft, like that matters we'll still end up in a huge pile anyways." Rosie says with a scoff at my statement. "Come on, you promised Bella and Alice pancakes, me and Leah eggs, and Jasper said something about breakfast tacos." She says taking my hand and pulling me towards the house again.

I pull her back to me and give her a passionate kiss. "They can wait a moment.. I have you all alone for a moment so I believe I will make out with my 'wifey'" I tell her before kissing her again and letting my hands roam up and down her back giving her firm ass a squeeze. From her moans in my mouth I can tell she is loving the attention.

"I believe, Rosie said something about tacos.." Jasper said dropping out of the tree behind me.

I pull away from my rosy cheeked Rosie and glare at him. "Just because you can move silently and be all sneaky doesn't mean you should." I tell him and he chuckles. "Damn I think I'm forgetting how to cook suddenly Rosie, must be my old age." I say and I see the color drain from his face.

"Come now Adrian I do apologize for my less than gentlemanly behavior, no need to do anything rash now." He says trying to patch up the damage.

"That's what I thought.." I tell him with a smirk and we both laugh as the three of us head back to the house.


A few hours later:

The girls are getting their things together while I sit in a chair in the living room looking at Kate. Irina apparently ran off with Eleazar and Carmen for recruiting new members for their coven, leaving Kate here to get to know us and make a decision on her fate.

"So... Have you made a choice Kate?" I asked her and she looks me in the eye.

"I have." She says resolutely. "I choose to go with you and join you if you'll have me?" She says hopefully. "I know Leah and I bickered a bit and I don't want that ruining my chance I'll apologize and try hard not to argue with her if that's what you want... Just please.. I want what they have.. I want the happiness I've seen them have with you and each other." She says in almost a panic.

"Uh, you wont be apologizing to me for our little spats!" Leah says as the girls come out of Tanya's bedroom, since we've been using it while we've been here. "I like your feisty attitude. I've had fun and I look forward to continuing our little love spats." She says coming over and hugging the girl.

"Does.. does that mean..." She begins.

"It means that we all approved!" Bella says coming to her other side hugging her too. I can see a tear welling up in the corner of her eye at finally having the opportunity to love and be loved. "But... Will it really hurt the other person that I'm suppose to be fated for?" she asks.

"Depends.... I wont lie to you. If the person is a human they will probably die from me taking away the the bond. They'll have a broken heart and not even understand why and it'll be so devastating they could die." I tell her and I see her head hang a bit. "If they are a vampire or a supernatural of any kind, it could be as bad as losing a finger, or it could be as minor as stubbing a toe." I tell her and I can see her thinking about her options again. "The choice is yours Kate." I tell her.

She sits there for a bit while my mates gather around her and hold her hands or rub her back trying to comfort her in her decision. "I still choose you. I pray that other person will be okay, but I have no guarantee to find that person. You and your lovers are here now and they have made me feel comfortable and loved and I just want to dive deeper into this with you all." She says making up her mind and finding her resolve once again.

"Very well." I tell her and hold a hand out for her to take. She looks at my mates and they nod her forward to encourage her. Rosalie, Leah, Bella, and Tanya all come over and place their hands on my shoulders or in Rosie's case she takes my other hand. Tanya was the last to place her hand on me forgetting for a moment that I shared the bond with them all through contact and I could see the excited smile when she raced over with the rest of the girls. Kate places her delicate cold hand in mine. I look her in the eyes before closing mine and finding the bond thread that leads from her to Garret, I pluck it and attach it to me then create new bonds from her to all the other girls. I open my eyes and look into hers and I feel the world shift the way it did with all my other mates when the bond was created. She looks into my eyes first then the rest of the girls solidifying the bond with all of us and I can feel our new bond strengthen and glow brightly.


3rd person POV:

In a run down bar in Massachusetts. Garrett is just finishing draining a lowlife of his blood when a sudden sharp pain hits him in the chest. Before he was turned he was shot with a musket rifle. This pain was very similar but was still bearable.

"The fuck was that?" He asked looking at the dead body on the floor like it was his fault that he was struck with the pain after draining his blood. "Maybe I should lay off these English fuckers. Starting to give me heartburn." He says still rubbing the burning sharp pain in his chest.



"Well ladies help Kate get packed and get all the bags into the den so I can store them before we leave." I tell them and they all rush off to do the task I assigned them. Except Bella. She just sat herself into my lap and laid her head on my chest.

"I already got my bag packed it's over there in the corner. I'll go help Kate in a moment... I just wanted a bit of attention if that's okay?" She says drawing circles on my biceps.

"I'd never tell any of you ladies no to giving you attention you know that." I tell her as I start running my fingers through her hair and kissing the top of her head.

After a few moments she pushed away and kissed me before rushing off to help the others.

'I'm going to have to designate more time for each of them so they know they're special to me. I love this life!' I muse before getting up and putting the few bags in the corner away into my subspace.

(A/N: I just wanted to give a heads up, I am currently struggling creatively! IT FUCKING SUCKS!! I had such big plans... Well I am not dropping this! I love writing this story! So I am going to take some time off again rewatch the movies and the tv show maybe read some manga and other books! I just need to reboot! SO I apologize for the next update being slow but I WILL BE BACK!!)