
Adrian's Envy

Ares_Hide · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3

The moment that major celestial event Occured, the world as we knew it changed.

Death became everyone's companion, always around.

The fall and destruction of civilizations, cities ravaged by monster raids.

Change in climate and geography of earth.

Natural disasters hitting when you least expect it.

Famine and Violence. Slavery and tyranny.

Humanity's only hope were the awakened and the divinities supporting a selected few known as the "Crest Bearer".

Spread belief, join a divine crest and you'll be promised protection and salvation.

I myself have the Crest of the Divine Queen on me. The Peacock feather crest that is keeping me alive and giving me power in exchange for eternal servitude.

Thanks to the immense effort put in the cause, a fraction of humanity was restored to what it used to be...at least inside the fortified city walls.

Gone the amazing vacations spots. Gone the undying lights of cities that never sleep...

Outside the Fortified walls, it's chaos in it's raw form! Monsters! Cannibalisme ! All sort of violence and disregard of human virtues!

Rare are those who know what's happening outside except for those who came running from that hell or those who fought desperately to fix it.

I saw it all through mirrors. A desolate land infested with all sort of pests! Figuratively and in the proper sense.

Some people are still living behind the walls, either dying miserably or doing all sort of depraved acts to survive.

To shift people's attention from the current state of this apocalyptic world, what could be better than divertissement ?

Entertainment was and will always be a key factor to influence the masses. Imagine living surrounded by all that ugliness? All this negative energy cumulating is bound to become the spark of more destruction.

So to avoid people fighting in a war what could be better than making them fight for entertainment?!

"Pandemonium" The annual competition between awakeners! A tournament in an old fashioned way, fight until your oponnent is incapacitated!

<Perfect timing for publicity> I scrolled on the pandemonium announcement post <A fish pond full of targets to recruit!>

The plan was clear, all I have to do is participate in the event and make use of the gathering of great number and media to attract new recruits into the order.

<Very well, this is going to be a busy time> I muttered as I conjured a multitude of mirrors.

For me to hit the buzz and attract people's attention into joining the order, I'll have to win.

But Pandemonium is an event where more experienced and definitely stronger awakened participate in...

If I want to get a good rank, I'll have to grow in power.

<Doppelganger> I called as they mayerialised and took shape Infront of me <Find me the list of the participants. Watch them for me.>

<Yes master> They responded before vanishing in a multitude of streams of sparkles.

I opened the System interface and looked into my divine quests until I found the one I have been looking for.


[Spread the Divine Queen name Across the World and recruit Believers]

- Objectif {Recruit 10.000 Additional Folowers in a Hundred Day}

- Reward {Divine Gift}

- Fail Penalty {Divine Punishment}


<I guess I go outside the Fortified walls and have a stroll huh?>