
Adopted By The Evil Duke

Leon Viosta the Grand Duke of the Ruby Kingdom is known for his unique looks. His red hair and red eyes are said to be a symbol of blood and death. Thousands of years ago the Viosta bloodline earned the blessing of the god of war, bestowing to them a power so immeasureable that they can wipe an entire kingdom by themselves. Generation after Generation the Viosta only produces an heir with red hair and red eyes thus this features became a symbol to them. A symbol of having a power of a god. Because of this many became jealous of the Viosta blood. Many Nobles wanted the blessings of the god of war for themselves and others feel threaten by the Viostas, having too much power install fear in them, so while many wanted the Viosta blood in their family many also wanted to illiminate them. Leon Viosta lived his life being the well known 'Beast' of the kingdom, his dark power, manacing aura and murderous stares is enough to make people bow down at his feet. As the only living Viosta decendants, Leon Viosta have no intention of getting married more less having a child. He was dead set on being the last Viosta on history..... Well thats what he thought..... Until he heard a news from the Emperor about a child having the same red hair and red eyes as him living in an orphanage. Leon didnt believe the Emperor at first, he knew for a fact that he doesnt have a secret child or a secret lover. He's been celibate his whole life so its impossible to have a child with the same red hair and eyes as him. But when he saw the child he was dumfounded at how she resembles him so much but.......... in girl form. The first time he saw the girl he was intrigued, her animalistic instinct and braveness to stare at him straight in the eyes caught his attention. So he decided to adopt the girl, and name her Leonna Viosta. Now another Viosta has been born, will the other nobles stay quiet knowing that another generation of Viosta will dominate the world? Who is Leonna Viosta? How and why does she has red hair and red eyes? Is she even a true Viosta or is she fake? Who is her mother? What's her identity and what does the Emperor has to do with her? The more Leon investigate Leonna's past to uncover her identity the more questions appear rather than answers. Join this father-daughter duo in uncovering the secrets that the kingdom is hiding from them and their journey to conquering the world! - Author's Note. Photo not mine, credits goes to the owner (Saw it on pinterest. Willing to take it down if said) Thank you! mwah.

MissCringeyAuthor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"Its an event held every seven years to commemorate the seven kingdom's peaceful friendship." Kaleb stated.

"Every seven years a hunting competition is held where all seven kingdoms can participate and compete with each other." He continued.

That Peek Leonna's interest. She didn't even notice that she was listening eagerly to Kaleb.

"Can you tell me more about the hunting tournament." Leonna asked Kaleb.

Kaleb smiled at her before continuing his explanation.

"Well, the hunting tournament is held for seven days straight at one of the kingdom's forest, The first three days are for gathering points and the next four days is for the hunting competition."

"Points? Why do you need points for?" Leonna asked in confusion.

"To win. The more points you acquire the more chance you could win."

"How do you acquire points?"

"By winning different tournaments leading up to the main event. As I said the first three days are for individual games like archery, horse racing, sword fighting etc. While the last four days are for the main event which is the hunting tournament."

Leonna nodded in response, little by little she was starting to understand the hunting tournament.

"How about the hunting itself? How does that works?" Leonna asked once again.

" The stronger the animal the higher the points. Pretty simple isn't it?" Kaleb stated smiling from ear to ear.

"What's the strongest animal?" Leonna asked.

"That would be a lion, then a bear, then wolves then a boar and the rest is history." Kaleb answered.

Leonna smiled excitedly, "are you going to participate?" Leonna asked.

"Of course!" Kaleb answered excitedly.

Leonna then had a crazy thought in her mind.

[I want to participate too...] She thought but she didn't say it outloud in fear that Kaleb might laugh at her.

"Come on, I'll show you something really cool." Kaleb stated, guiding Leonna to the dagger throwing range.

"What are they doing?" Leonna asked curiously, it was her first time seeing someone throwing a dagger so aggressively.

"Dagger throwing, the first one to cut the thick wood in half by throwing dagger wins." Kaleb said.

Leonna was in complete amazement at what she's seeing.

"Do you wan't to try it?" Kaleb asked wearily.

He didn't knew if its an appropriate thing to ask a lady, but he also know that Leonna is not like the other ladies who like to just have tea and dresses.

That's why it didn't surprised Prince Kaleb when Leonna looked at him with excitement.

"Yes!" Leonna answered with her lips curve into the sweetest smile.

Leonna's smile took Prince Kaleb breath away, he could feel his heart skip a beat.

Kaleb immediately brushed it off, and led Leonna to the dagger range.

When the other knights saw Kaleb they gave their respect to him.

"glory to the star of the Musgravite kingdom!" The knights chanted as they bow at Kaleb.

"At ease." Kaleb stated. The knights smiled and was about to head back to their designated arena when a little girl with red hsir and red eyes, half the height of Prince Kaleb suddenly came out from the back of the Prince.

Everyone on the training ground gasp audibly in shock at what they're seeing.

Their eyes widen and jaws almost dropping to the ground, they couldn't believe what they're seeing.

"My Prince, is she--"

"Yes, she is. She's the Famous Lady of the Viosta dukedom, the one with crystal powers and blood blessed with the god of war." Kaleb said finishing one of the knight's sentence.

Everyone held their breath as they look at the famous child all over the seven kingdom.

"Greetings to the Lady of the Viosta Dukedom!" One of the knight said and bow in respect.

The other knights followed by bowing their head but some didn't, they looked at Leonna with disgust and detest in their eyes.

Leonna felt their intense anger towards her for a reason she doesn't know.

So she does what she does best, looked at them with emotionless firm face.

"Hello, My name is Leonna Viosta. Its a pleasure to meet you all." Leonna said with pride and confidence at her shoulder. She didn't bow nor did she waver in her tone.

She showed dominance and power in front of them. It was not her intention to do so, but she was raise in an environment where you show dominance in front of everyone for them to show their respect.

[I can't bite them but I can show them where they stand.....that's what they taught me in the forest.] Leonna thought.

"That's enough. Everyone go back to training." Kaleb said, the knights nodded and went back to training.

When it was only the two of them Kaleb and Leonna, Leonna looked at Kaleb and said "that was a warm welcome." Leonna said in a sarcastic tone.

Kaleb just chuckled at Leonna's response, "Ignore them, they're just feeling a little threaten."

"Threaten? By me?" Leonna ask in confusion.

Kaleb scratch the back of his neck and answered wearily.

"Well....honestly who wouldn't feel threaten by you? A blood blessed by god and a power unknown to mankind." Kaleb said.

"How about you? Do see me as a threat?" Leonna asked as she stared at Kaleb intensely.

Kaleb smiled at her "No.....not yet."

Leonna was confused at Kaleb's answer but before she could even ask what he means, Kaleb suddenly walked towards the dagger range.

Leonna followed him. On the dagger range, Leonna was in full awe and admiration looking at the different daggers.

"Wow. They all look very sharp." Leonna stated as she gently pass her fingers through the different daggers.

"Yes they are. They maybe small in size but once you master how to use them they could be as fatal as a normal sword." Kaleb said.

He then grab the smallest dagger and with quickness and force he threw it across the block of wood, cutting it in half.

Leonna was impressed but she didn't show it. She was amaze at how swiftly Kaleb uses the dagger like its a part of his body.

"Here, you try." Kaleb said and handed Leonna the exact same dagger he threw.

Leonna anxiously took the dagger from Kaleb. "The key in throwing a dagger is to be fast and swift." Kaleb stated.

Leonna nodded and with the simple instruction Kaleb gave her, she gave it her best shot.

She took a deep breath from focused her attention to the single block of wood in front of her.

She swung her arms at the right angle and with all her force she threw the dagger to the thick block of wood.

The dagger didn't cut the wood but Leonna's throw was strong enough for the dagger to get stuck to the wood.

Everyone who was watching Leonna threw the dagger chuckled at her. Kaleb gave them a menacing stare before smiling to Leonna.

"Don't feel down, for it to be your first time you did an amazing job." Kaleb said cheering Leonna up.

"Thanks." Leonna said half heartedly, she too was disappointed at herself. She felt as though she has more to give.

"My lady!!!"

Both Leonna and Kaleb turned to see who it was who was calling Leonna.

"Sebastian?" Leonna was confuse at Sebastian's sudden appearance, he was running towards their direction out of breath.

"Do you know him?" Kaleb ask.

"Yes, he's our family doctor."

Kaleb nodded in response.

"My lady its time to go home." Sebastian said while looking at Kaleb.

"Oh. Already?" Leonna said in a sad tone, she then turned to Kaleb and bow in respect.

"Thank you for your hospitality Prince Kaleb, it looks like its time for us to depart." Leonna stated.

Kaleb smiled at Leonna before patting her head with his hand.

"We'll see each other again. I promise." Kaleb said smilingly.

"Next time we meet, I'll be better than you at daggers." Leonna said with a smirk.

Kaleb just laugh at her before extending his hands. "That will never happen." Kaleb replied cockily.

Leonna accepted Kaleb's handshake.

"Tsk. My lady, its time to go." Sebastian interject, eager to take Leonna away from the Prince.

Leonna bid Kaleb one last goodbye before walking out of the training range.

On their way to the palace's gate she saw her father still talking to the Emperor and Vincent talking to someone inside their carriage.

Leonna couldn't quite see who Vincent was talking to since the person is inside the carriage and Vincent is standing at the carriage door.

"Dad!" Leonna yelled, and immediately Leon's expression change from serious to happy in a blink of an eye.

"Little cub!" Leon said as he welcome Leonna with a warm hug.

"Are we going home?"

"Yes we are. Just wait inside the carriage for a while."

Leonna nodded her head in response to her dad and followed his instruction. She walked towards their carriage and when she got close enough to see who was inside the carriage.

Her eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"Yo!" The person said as he wave his cuff hand in the air.

"What is he doing here?!" Leonna asked Vincent in pure terror. She still remember how much of a psycho this guy is.

"Forgive me my lady, but he's coming home with us." Vincent said, he didn't like the idea of this psycho coming with them to the dukedom but what can he really do? Leon's decision is final.

"Happy to see you alive brat! HAHAHAHA!"

Riri said in a psychotic tone.


[End of Chapter]

Team Prince Kaleb or Team Prince Jaljiz? Comment down below!! Hahahah.