
Chapter 4 : The Awakening of the Alchemist's Relic

Jin's eyes flickered open, and he found himself lying in his bed with bandages wrapped around his torso. He winced as he tried to sit up, but the pain made him lie back down. He couldn't remember how he got back home. The last thing he remembered was the hilichurl attacking him in the forest.

As he lay there, he heard a mechanical voice coming from beside him. He turned his head to see a small, cube-like object sitting on his bedside table. The cube emitted a dim blue light, and its surface was covered in intricate designs and symbols that he couldn't understand.

"Welcome, user. Activating cube access."

Confused, Jin looked around his small room and saw a small cube-like object on his bedside table. It was emitting a soft blue light, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

"Cube access granted," the voice continued. "Initializing basic functions."

Jin reached out tentatively and touched the cube, and suddenly images and information flooded his mind. The cube was an ancient Khaenri'ah technology created by an alchemist named Rhinedottir, a genius inventor and scholar who was said to have unlocked the secrets of life and death.

The cube had been designed to interface with its user's mind and body, granting them access to its many functions and abilities. However, this particular cube seemed to be damaged, with only a fraction of its original functions still operational.

Jin tried to ask the cube more questions, but it remained unresponsive, only giving him access to a few basic features. He decided to experiment with the device and explore its functions.

He found that it could analyze and scan objects, had a basic mapping system, and could store small amounts of data. But every time he tried to access more advanced features, he hit a wall. It was clear that the cube was only allowing him access to a bare minimum of its capabilities.

As he experimented with the cube, Jin couldn't help but wonder how he had obtained it. Had his father left it for him before disappearing into the void? Or had it been left behind by his mother or grandmother?

"User, based on your injuries, I advise that you rest and allow your body time to heal."

Jin nodded, agreeing with the cube's assessment. He set the cube down on his bedside table and tried to relax, but his mind was racing with questions about the device and its mysterious origins.

After a few moments of quiet contemplation, the cube spoke up again. "User, would you like to learn a meditation technique used by the ancient civilization of Khaenri'ah?"

Intrigued, Jin nodded his assent, and the cube began to project a holographic image of a serene landscape. "Close your eyes and focus on your breath," the cube instructed. "Imagine yourself in this peaceful environment, and let your thoughts drift away."

Jin followed the cube's instructions, and soon found himself sinking into a deep state of relaxation. For the first time since his encounter with the hilichurls in the forest, he felt truly at peace.

After a few minutes of meditation, Jin opened his eyes and felt a sense of clarity he hadn't felt in a long time. He looked down at the cube, grateful for the respite it had provided him.

"Thank you," he whispered to the device. "You have no idea how much I needed that."

The cube remained silent, but Jin had the sense that it was pleased with his progress. He couldn't wait to unlock more of its abilities and uncover the secrets of its creation. But for now, he would rest and allow his body time to heal, guided by the soothing voice of the alchemist's cube.

Regardless of how he had acquired it, he was determined to unlock its full potential and uncover its mysteries. With the help of the cube, he would become stronger and unravel the secrets of his past.

As he drifted off to sleep, he realized that the cube needed a name. After some thought, he decided to call it "Rhine," in honor of its creator, Rhinedottir. It seemed fitting for such a mysterious and powerful device, and Jin couldn't wait to see what other secrets it held.