
Adeptus Custodeus(Warlock of Magnus World)

Mathew was always an obsessed Warhammer fan. He read through the lore and collected the minis. Throughout the factions of the Galaxy Mathew loved them all. However, one stood above all of them in his eyes. The Adeptus Custodes, and when he died he was given a chance to live again.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Killing a Sprite.

When it was Abyssal Bone Forest Academy's turn Dorotte led the way with Trajaan at his side. The acolytes hurriedly followed after with Leylin putting more force in his legs to keep up with his master. There was a sturdy reverberation coming from the floor beneath his master's giant mass. He wondered just how much his master weighed.

When they reached their destination Dorotte spoke to the acolytes.

"We're here! This section of the corridor, from number '13' to '32', is the area designated for our Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, you all can allocate the rooms on your own. Remember, my number is '14'. Look for me if you need something! Trajaan you may take your pick."

Trajaan looked at the room doors that would not fit him.

"Unless you expect me to smash the wall down I will stay out here."

Dorotte was flustered as Trajaan casually sat down in front of number 17.

"It matters not."

Hearting that Dorotte wanted to sigh in relief at the desire not to have lungs. he turned with his black cloak fluttering as he entered his room with the two servants. One of the Acolytes tried to get others to allow him to assign their rooms.

But Leylin simply picked room 18 and locked himself inside. The Acolyte's face turned red, and then white. He clenched his fist several times, only to put it down as he saw Trajaan looking at him through his helmet. The boy shook his head as he went on to assign the rest of the rooms.

Before he did that a voice sounded through the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the dirigible, I am your captain – Kirkwul Kroft Leebar, I wish you all a pleasant journey ahead! There are a few announcements of note. Apart from the professors, the rest are not allowed to walk on the decks unless you wish to go flying down from the skies!... The cafeteria is in Hall 1, and Hall 2 is where the washrooms are. As for Hall 3, it's a lounge; everyone is welcome to go there!"

A low-pitched male voice rang throughout the halls. Trajaan looked around and noticed the sound was coming from a yellow bronze pipe, but did not know if it was an air duct or a megaphone.

Suddenly Trajaan felt weightless for a moment, as the ship swayed. He stood up as he wanted to get to the deck where he would be better off to observe the journey. He stood up as he spread his senses finding the path to the deck.

Before he left he looked at the acolytes.

"No one bothers Leylin or they answer to me."

They did not dare do that to someone treated as superior to a Magus. Following the dirigible's ascent, Trajaan left to follow the path to the deck where he would be able to look out for danger.

With his massive gate, he manage to reach his destination rather quickly only to find the door that was not to his size, but he did not need it. He waved his hand as the material of the wall split apart to form a hole his size.

He stepped out onto the bright deck where a couple of Magi were observing things. He walked out into the middle of the deck and sat down in their view without a word. Here he could relax and meditate without being bothered.

He felt his mind Runes were working as they should and he thought it was time to at the very minimum begin on the next set. His mind runes had stabilized already which was the boon of having a stronger mind and soul than others.

It would take a great deal for him to become overwhelmed. As he began to meditate and form his next set of Runes, the Magi all simply watched.

They wanted to know who he was, but feeling the energy rolling off him was higher than theirs. They knew he was no Rank 1 Magus which had them gawking. Either way, they did not disturb him and so they ignored each other for now.


As described in his Meditation technique, in the first level it is 24 runes, in the second he needed to form 96, and for him the tier 3 Runes he would need to form 384, which he got to work forming.

But unlike his tier 1 and 2 runes, he began to form the runes with more energy. Mana and Warp Energy-infused runes began to form in his mindscape. Normally he got them done fast, but he took his time.

He spent an entire hour on each individual rune which turned into a total of 16 days to complete each rune. But when he completed his 384th rune which was far stronger than the rest, he was instantly forced out of his meditation.

His 504 Mental Runes all were in an instant smashed into each other forming not a rune, but a symbol. When Trajaan gazed at the Rune in his mind he was surprised. He had formed not just the Star of Chaos in his mind, but the Star was placed dead center of the chest of the Imperial Aquilla.


The unique Rune or Symbol once it was formed sent its power through his body. The Great Rune linked instantly with his soul. The moment the Warp and Mana-infused Symbol linked to his soul he felt the difference truly begin.

'A rank 3 Acolyte should have some power, but I think the Warp Energy I infused my runes with made them far stronger. To have such a profound effect on even my mind.'

His soul glowed a bright gold mixed in with purple which drew the attention of more Daemons. No, it did not just draw the Daemon's attention, it drew the attention of the 4 Chaos Gods as well. The 4 gods began to plan to try to bring this new champion to their side.

As Trajaan was the only being in this realm to be connected to the Warp they wanted to use him to spread their influence to the new world. Trajaan could allow them this, but he would not work for them, with them sure, but not for them.

Trajaan felt both his mind, soul, and body began to grow stronger while his resistance to the temptation of Chaos was reinforced. This made it so that Trajaan would do anything in his power to become a Magus and rise through the ranks.

But now that he was a Rank 3 Acolyte he simply spent the rest of his time to stabilize his mind. He wanted to know why he had both the Chaos Star and The Imperial Aquilla as he had no real loyalty to either.

'It does not matter, my rune must mean something.'

Trajaan seemingly turned into a statue as the month-long passage on. Days went by and he did not so much twitch which made the Magus around him take small bets about how long he would stay still. He noticed this as he trained his psyker abilities a step further.

His brain processes information better than a machine so his training was much more lucrative than without. This also meant that he was coming up with new ways to use the Warp by the day.

However just as one Magus had been paid by the rest to approach him fell backward as Trajaan rose to his feet with his axe in hand as he looked at the previously clear sky turn into a volatile storm.

In an instant they were surrounded by violent gusts of wind accompanied by the sound of the wind, there were also countless blue electric currents scattering in all directions. Looking at these, Trajaan knew they were not normal.

Plus the voice that came from the storm let him know this was not naturally caused.

"You insignificant vermins, you actually dare to trespass the domain of the mighty Pendra!"

A voice reverberated, accompanied by a violent thunderstorm. Around him the Magi cursed and argued.

"It's a matured giant storm sprite!

"Damnit! How could we meet with this kind of thing on this path, didn't we clear it before?"

"Where are the Magi of the various academies? We need their help!"

A few flustered voices sounded among them as they alone would not be enough. The oldest of them calmed them down.

"Let us first activate the large-scale defense spell formation. If not, those acolytes will surely die!"

After some incantations, all the walls on the dirigible were enveloped by a layer of milky white light. All cracks in the dirigible flashed with a green light as vines climbed up and firmly blocked any openings.

Trajaan looked at him with a question.

"Hey, are they killable?"

Hearing his question made him confused.

"Anything is if you have enough power. Why?

Trajaan walked forward with his axe in hand.

"Then, I guess I will do just that."

In the distance, a vaguely humanoid creature floated in front of the ship.

"Human beings, you must pay the price for your folly!" the giant storm sprite howled.

As the sound waves traveled through the defense spell formation, the milky white light vibrated.

"Mighty being of nature! Please appease your fury! We have a letter here!"

It was the sound of the captain speaking to the gaint.

"This is the letter of agreement that we had with His Majesty, the storm king sprite, which grants us passage through this area!"

Kirkwul said with a voice full of confidence.

"Letter of agreement?"

The giant storm sprite's voice contained suspicion, which he followed up with a furious roar,

"Pendra is free! The agreement does not bind me to it! Keep roaring! Rage on! Damikan Buthra!"

With the incantation spoken, the thunderstorm outside became ten times more violent than before. Trajaan had no reaction as he was about to slaughter this beast. He was the only one that was happy as the panicked voice of the captain resounded.

"Damn! It is actually a wanderer, I have hit the jackpot!"

Kirkwul's voice sounded once again, but it did not carry the usual confidence and was infused with exasperation instead.

"Everyone attack together!"

The Magi around Trajaan blasted it with fireballs, acid, frost, and the like. Trajaan roared as he ran off the deck with Warp Fire wings appearing on his back. He blasted toward the Giant Storm Sprite as he gripped his spear's handle.

The Flames blasted him toward the sprite and in one giant cleave, he removed its arm. This caused the sprite to roar in pain, but Trajaan was not done. Flames billowing from his back he lept onto its back as he ran up it. He leaped into the sky as he aimed the barrel of his spear at the humanoid head of the sprite.

He pulled the trigger built into the handle and fired three Auremite-tipped Bolter rounds into its head. Once they pierced into its head they detonated blowing the thing face apart. To make sure it was dead, he cleaved its head from its shoulders.

But the instant he killed the Sprite, he felt it's entire life flash before him in a single instant. His Brain which ran faster than a Space Marine's Super Computer-like brain instantly learned much.

With telekinesis, he dragged the giant's body onto the deck which caused it to tilt slightly. The Magi who gathered to fight it all looked at him with awe. Not just anyone could take the arm of one with just a single swing.

They looked at the body on the deck with awe. One spoke to clear up the air.

"Is it dead?"

"It is only a giant storm sprite losing its head will kill it obviously."

Trajaan collected the arm and head before they fell into the sea and placed them on the deck. He looked at one of the Magi as if he had something he needed to be done.

"So, is there anything useful from this?"

The Magus nodded.

"Its blood is obviously a valuable material that can be used in Magi-level potions. Its bones can be used for artifacts, while its organs can also be used for potions. Its skin is used to make lightning-resistant cloaks and artifacts."

"Alright then, start taking it apart."

He sat down beside the corpse as he ordered them to do his work for him. They rushed to do as he said as he did what 9 of them could not do. One magus activated an incantation to draw out its blue blood which solidified into blue blood crystals.

The others worked together to skin it and take it apart with carefully used incantations. They stored the different materials harvested away for later use as all of it was his. This whole body might go for 100,000 magic crystals so he had acquired massive wealth for later.

They had no greed for it as Trajaan could just as easily take their heads as he had the giant. He removed the magazine of his spear as he looked at it. The Watchers Axe used a spatial distortion field to hold far more bolts than its small size shown, but they were not unlimited.

He did not know how many he had, but each one was a trump card to be saved for big threats. He shook his head as he looked at the working magi.

"I will keep the hide and blood crystals. You can buy the rest."

Hearing that made them filled with greed. They began to yell different offers and the like which netted him a total of 85,000 crystals a big sum for something so soon. He stored this in a storage treasure gifted to him by one of the magi as a gift.

Having money was better than being without it no matter the world.

'I love this world already.'


The time slowly passed, and the dirigible finally reached another continent.

In addition to the incident with the giant storm sprite, the dirigible had several encounters with other flying creatures. Trajaan had no need to step in sadly as Kirkwul's letter of agreement was still rather effective in front of the various large creatures and no conflicts were started.

This annoyed Trajaan who thought he could make more money. He did begin to speak to the Magi and exchange some knowledge for knowledge of their own. This had been rather lucrative, but during this whole time, he had not seen Leylin.

During this period, the dirigible landed several times and sent several Professors and acolytes off. The dirigible slowly became more vacant. Another dozen days passed unknowingly as Trajaan merely sat around doing nothing.

* Bang! * The dirigible landed and the whole interior shuddered.

"We have arrived at the Abyssal Bone Moor."

One of the Magi he had spoken with during the trip informed him.


He got up and lept off the deck to land on the ground. As he arrived through the fastest method he was the first one out. A dozen or so people walked out of the dirigible which included Leylin who ran up to Trajaan like a lost puppy seeing his master.

"Sir, I heard what you did?"

"You heard right. I killed the sprite and netted myself a small fortune for my use."

Leylin shamelessly held his hand out.

"Can I ask for some money? It will cost Magic Crystals to pick a good professor."

Trajaan handed him 20 which would be useful. He still had to decide what to do with Leylin and how to get the A.I chip.

"Don't spend it all in one place."

It was mere chump change that he gave Leylin. This caused some acolytes to look at Leylin with envy as just 10 was more than some had. Dorotte walked up to them as he noticed that.

"Be thankful you have been taken in by someone of Trajaan's caliber. Pick a good tutor with your resources."


Trajaan looked at the surroundings, and it seemed rather desolate. There were a few small trails with obvious traces of others using it before. There was a wooden sign in the middle of a crossroad, riddled with several holes. There were directions written in black, showing the various locations.

"The land of shadows and death – Bone Abyssal Moor!"

The words twisted, either on purpose or not did matter.

"Hehe... Follow me!"

Dorotte stretched his body leisurely, and his white bones creaked and crunched as if they were going to fall apart at any moment.

"Pay heed! Although our academy's acolytes do a scheduled cleansing, there are still some living creatures, and polluted and evil beings roaming in this area. So if you were to stray off, I think we would be able to pay respects to your deceased body soon afterward!"

Dorotte snickered, and the acolytes' faces all changed. They followed behind Dorotte closely, for fear of losing him. Trajaan walked at his side as they both spoke to one another.

Leylin stuck to Trajaan's leg as close as he could as that was where he felt most safe. None of the other acolytes dared do this as they did not know Trajaan well enough. The group gradually traversed across the Abyssal Bone Moor.

"What is that?"

Leylin walked closer to his master as suddenly something black flashed in front of him. It seemed to be a blue creature with a horn. Leylin hurriedly squeezed forward. In this land where danger lurked, it seemed like the black-robed skeleton, Professor Dorotte, and giant Trajaan were his only safety.

"It seems like our little acolytes have finally understood the dangers!"

The green flames in Dorotte's sockets flickered as he said indifferently. Trajaan looked at Leylin confused.


Leylin wanted to refute it, but it was true. The group proceeded forward, and very soon the barren earth lessened and more forestry could be seen around them. Very soon, they entered a black-colored forest.

It was like the sun in the sky had dimmed after entering the forest, and there was a layer of white mist in the surroundings giving off a chilly feeling. Trajaan grabbed his axe before it appeared as he felt the malice.


A black raven with red eyes swooped down and passed by as Trajaan cleaved it in half. Just as expected killing the bird and reading its life allowed Trajaan to get a bird's eye view map with just one kill. Dorotte thought out loud as he saw that.

"It seems like these red-eyed ravens increased in numbers yet again. I think I will need to distribute more missions after we return, and let the acolytes cleanse this area. What do you think?"

Trajaan shrugged.

"I have no idea. You would know this more than I would."

"That is true."

After another hour of journey, the group arrived in the center of the Abyssal Bone Forest. What was projected before their eyes was a large graveyard. In the hearths of the Abyssal Bone Forest, a large graveyard sat there unknowingly.

This graveyard was extremely huge and was marbled in black and white, seeming luxurious. Only, it seemed to have been forsaken for some time. Many of the graves had weeds growing on them, and some even had vines. Occasionally, the ravens caw on top of them, giving off a terrifying vibe.

"Welcome to your home of shadow and death – Abyssal Bone Forest!"

Trajaan titled his head as he removed his helmet.

"Looks like a dump."

That would have gotten any acolyte killed, but he had the power to say it. Dorotte sighed.

"It is a little drab, but how can you say that."

"Because it is true. Wouldn't you say so Leylin?"

Dorotte's green eyes bore into Leylin who shook his head.

"No, it is just to the taste of the beholder.

The Lich laughed.

"Exactly. Your student knows better."

Trajaan scoffed.

"Brown noser."

Trajaan looked at his future home base. Over the course of years, he planned to learn all he could in this isolated Pocket of this world. Once he got all it's benefits he would go on to other places in this world to gain all the benefits he could get.

Not to mention the many worlds that existed in this universe. A trully fun world for those who had the power like he did.