
Chapter one

  Sarah walked down the halls of the school with her books in hand. "Well good morning Sarah," Jess smiled at the female student. "G-Good morning, Miss Jess," Sarah waved, still holding her books in her arm. "Ready for math? I hope you studied" She joked as Sarah had always been the perfect student in the little school of shiedown town. "I-I always do hehe" The small student said with her normal shy stutter towards the teacher, she had normally had a stutter around grown ups . She had always been a sweet child as she's been the favorite of many kids and teachers within the school. Her parents were models so they couldn't always take her with as a child. She settled in a small town called shieldown with her aunt venissa or ven for short. She sat down in her chair. while the sun shined through the window on her long beautiful silver hair, she had been born with vitamin B12 deficiency in her body. Sarah didn't mind it at all people had seemed to fall in love with her hair and sweet personality at first sight. "Okay children, take out your notebooks and we will begin with chapter 5 of our math books & notes'' Jess said while writing today's assignment on the board in the dusty white chalk. "Oh and Sarah I hope you don't mind if you have a new partner today" Sarah looked over to her side seeing a small child about her height who wore a dark hoodie that could be seen as a very dark blue or purple. The hoodie covered her head and arms, her face was hidden by the shadows of it. "Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm almost 10 in a few months!" Sarah giggled happily fixing her round owl-like glasses that st on the brims of her small nose. The child turned her head slightly, mumbling something under her breath. "Huh? What was that??" Sarah asked with a small smile, just happy to have a partner today. "H...Hi.." Her voice was raspy as if it had been strained and abused. "Are you okay?" Sarah asked with worry. The small girl nodded, keeping her head down. "Well okay then..say would you like to get started? We're working on equations today Hehe" Sarah smiled brightly, opening the notebook along with the math book as she started to write the questions down along. "Okay question one. What's 7 multiplied by.. Oh! Got it!" She giggled writing it down, looking at the next one. "If this is there then.." She watched the girl grabbed the pencil from her, writting 452 underneath it. "Oh right 452 thanks! Your good!" The clock ticked and tocked, the time in class passed by, P.E, science, reading, showing that soon the bell had rung releasing the children to their other class. Sarah gathered her books up in hand while everyone in the class split up to go to their lockers before lunch. She of course kept her books with her at all times mostly in her binder. She strided on over to the cafeteria, setting her books down on a round table and getting in line for her food. She chatted a small bit with a few of the other children while grabbing a nice warm slice of cheese pizza thanks to the fact that today was pizza day at school. She set her dish of food down on the table with a small click of the tray, perching herself down next to her tray, she hoisted up one of her favorite books to her chest. WINGS OF ASHES had been her favorite series to read, of course she still had trouble reading which is why her aunt had helped get her glasses instead of contacts like her parents wanted to. Her eyes glowed happily as she started to read her book.