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The Universe is ever changing, ever expanding and full of mysteries. How about a walk through it.

StellaVati · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Awake again

Back to current time..................….

'For a kid, he feels so heavy' two men dragged a body bag towards the garbage disposal system. 'Well that is why it is called deadweight let's just get it to the chute' the other answered.

'Well, that is a burst I heard the upper management is in a frenzy. This has been the hardest they have been hit in years. I heard almost all the carriers were killed and some of the drop-off points raided'. It seems like the Crows got us good this time and we might be looking at another major gang war in a few months.

'Well, we better lay low to avoid any problem. Throw the kid's body in let's get the hell out of here. The men chucked Theo's cold body into the chute and as they clicked the expel button. Often no matter where in the universe humans kept their habits and waste was often shot into space towards a certain planet in the system or in the case of a few planets recycled and used for other materials.

Langen 6 was once a very hospitable mining planet due to its abundance of minerals and metals found in its crust. But after years and years of very unethical mining, the planet was almost desolate and barren with equipment littering the wasteland. Some stations to cut corners and not recycle began sending their waste to certain areas of the planet, where Theo's shuttle was heading.

'Something smells horrible like a pile of rotten eggs' is dad using raw manure again to fertilize the crops. Theo opened his eyes, 'am I in a garbage heap' looking around, he saw the tall towers of garbage and trash all around him.

He tried to get up from the ground as a sharp pain shot right up his waist. The shot had gone through and miraculously missed his organs. Looking down he saw the reason why he hadn't bled. Underneath him were several broken packs of expired drugs that stained his clothes with their greenish paste and the ground, not like the ground could be stained any more than it was. The drugs had saved Theo's life even if they hadn't completely healed the wound but at least he was alive.

Theo stood up with much difficulty and laboured breaths. He could barely take a few steps without wincing from the pain but he had to move, he had to find a way out of there and tend to his wounds.

Not more than a few painful laborious steps Theo heard a loud sound of something moving in the rubble around him. Looking at the direction in which the sound came from he saw a creature which was alien to him. It was a vermin of some kind with huge claws for digging through the rubble. The creature had a big snout and with a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, it had 4 eyes, unlike the vermin he was used to seeing back on his home planet. The major feature was that this creature was the size of a great dane dog. Theo held his breath in fear, at least the creature hadn't seen him yet at least.

He waited for what felt like an hour as he waited for the creature to move from his front. The creature didn't seem so keen to do so.'I can't wait for Ratatouille over here to move, I just have to find a way around him. Theo picked up an empty cartridge near him and aimed at an area opposite and far from him. There was a loud thunk and the creature's ears perked up and moved towards the sound angrily. Theo burst into a sprint well as much as a sprint the hole in his waist could allow him to, till he was sure he was clear from the creature. After making sure nothing had followed him he breathed a sigh of relief but quickly grimaced at the pain. Moving his body had taken almost everything out of him as his body was in constant pain and was weak from the lack of energy.

He began his slow, painful and now with his understanding of the creatures around him stealthy journey through the garbage landscape. Pausing to see and make sure none of the vermin had noticed him and rerouting when he noticed the creatures in his path. His only saving grace was that the environment was noisy due to the beasts tearing through the rubble around him.

At this point he had gotten used to the pain and felt something in his pockets taking it out he noticed he still had the gun he took from the thug back on the station. Looking at the pistol was sleek black, its muzzle was cuboid and looked reminiscent of a colt 45 pistol but more compact and wide, it spotted rugged edges and blue lights which traced around the dark exterior of the pistol. It had holographic sights that made aiming easier for the less experienced. It was no rifle but it was a start and as good as he would get in a while ."Well, colour me surprised that a G15 laser pistol with some power cells to boot at least something good would come out of all of this'' Theo's face got brighter in a smile at least he wasn't defenceless anymore and could now at least have a chance of survival if he could fully heal his wounds.

After a few hours of painful walking, Theo could make up in the distance where the garbage terrain seemed to end and a wasteland terrain began. Seeing his goal in reach Theo let out a sigh of relief and unconsciously let down his guard. As he took the next step he didn't notice the sleeping pup of the vermin under him. By the time he noticed it was too late as the pup let out a blood-curdling squeak.