

Synopsis: you’ve probably read or watched a typical isekai (other world story). Where the protagonist enters another world usually through means like a portal, getting trapped into a game, reincarnation , or accidently being killed by a deity. The protagonist is usually overpowered from the start or ostracized for being weak then they become overpowered. • This story however has two protagonists (Charles and Timmy) who are “accidently” killed by a god twice. He gives them some wishes as an apology. They get the power to copy any ability and get any power by thinking about it. One day they decide to fight to find out whose stronger and lose control of their powers except telepathy and invisibility. They get trapped in a world of superheroes where most people have super powers. Can our protagonists survive in this world until they get their full powers back?

JOSEPH12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


World: earth

Time: 13:02 pm

(In a certain school two guys are seen walking together in a corridor both are wearing school uniforms)

Timmy:so Charles, how was the data processing exam?

Charles:it was okay. What about you? I'm sure you aced it.

Timmy:I'm not sure about that but at least we're done with the final exams.

Charles: yeah after today it's goodbye highschool.

(A huge explosion is heard from a building nearby)

Timmy: what was that?

Charles: I don't know but it sounds like it came from the library. Lets go check it out.

Timmy: aren't we supposed to run away from the sound of an explosion?

Charles: there could be people In danger there. We have to help them.

Timmy:fine, your right. Let's go

(Charles and Timmy run towards the library then enter through the door to find it empty)

Charles:there's nothing here

Timmy:then what made that sound?

(A portal opens up above them then a boy around 16 years old with silver hair flies through it dragging a huge floating bag at least twice his height).

Boy: okay here should be alright the boy doesn't notice Charles and Timmy behind him then drops the bag spilling the contents to the floor. A small box slides towards Timmy and Charles). I sure hope they like my gifts. I haven't seen them in a while. (The boys floats towards the ground and lands)

(Timmy and Charles pick up the box and walk towards the boy)

Charles:hey! Excuse me

Timmy:I think you dropped this.

(The boy turns around then stares at Charles and Timmy in shock then accidently drops what appears to be a golden golf ball on the floor)

Boy: oops! not again.

(As soon as the golden golf ball touches the floor it explodes and disintegrates everything within a hundred meter radius).

(Some hours later in a white empty void)

Boy: yes! finally! I knew I could do it. It's not easy to reconstruct a soul from almost nothing.

(In front of the boy are two glowing white orbs the size of a tennis ball)

Boy: now let's wake them up.

(The boy stretches his hand towards the two orbs and a rainbow light comes out of his hand and enters the two orbs. The two orbs start to glow brighter then slowly lose brightness as they reveal two boys in school uniforms made up of a yellow shirt, blue shirt and pants and a blue tie. These two boys are none other than Charles and Timmy.)

Boy: uhm. Hello what's up?

(The boy asks enthusiastically. The two boys look around then stare at each other for three seconds and notice that they are both transparent and finally stare at the boy infront of them)

Charles: Hi

Timmy: hello

Boy: wow! you guys are calmer than I expected. Usually when people get here they're like 'who are you?, Where are we? Or how did we get here?'

Charles: well we're kinda still waiting for you to introduce yourself.

Boy: Right! I almost forgot. My name is e#u&vd35hdgey#&$-3.

(Charles and Timmy look at the boy with confused looks)

Boy: sorry. You probably didn't understand what I just said. So just call me Andrew. I'm a deity or what you can call a ROB and this is my personal dimension.

(Andrew tells them with a smile on his face)

Charles : okay

Andrew: that didn't surprise you either?

Timmy: we saw you flying at our school. So it makes sense.

Andrew: okay. I know something that will definitely surprise you. Something that will blow your minds. The two of you are dead.

Timmy: okay

Charles:we were expecting that

Andrew: what how?

Charles:well, the last thing we saw on earth was a blinding light.

Timmy:and it hurt a lot I felt my soul get ripped to pieces. I knew we couldn't survive that.

Charles:then when I regained consciousness, I found my self in a large dark void. Without any of my five senses working for an unknown amount of time.

Timmy: actually it was for one million, two hundred and thirty five thousand, four hundred and eighty two years.

Andrew:hold on back up. None of what you're saying makes sense. Firstly no mortal should be able to stay conscious while undergoing soul repair in the void.

Charles: I felt like if I fell asleep then I'm not sure I would be able to wake up. So I started watching my entire life like a flashback. My memory was surprisingly good. But after doing that a few thousand times I started rewatching some animes, movies, and TV shows from my life then I saw bright light and I ended up here.

Andrew: okay second question (Andrew turns to face Timmy). How did you know how long you spent in that void?

Timmy: oh that's easy. For a while I was bored out of my mind. So bored I thought I would go insane. So I started counting the seconds to keep my mind busy.

Andrew: sorry to burst your bubble but your calculations are a bit off. You didn't account for the time before you started counting and the randomness of the void.

Timmy: what do you mean. It can't be that big a difference can it?

Andrew: you know how on earth if your waiting for something time seems to go slower? Well in the void it's the opposite time speeds up.

Timmy: so how long did were we there ?

Andrew : just multiply your answer by a thousand.

Charles: wait hold on. You mean we spent over a billion years there.

Timmy: cool that means we're old and wise now.

Charles: well that's a positive way of putting it.

Andrew: worry not for I Andrew god of entertainment have decided to re

Timmy: sorry but no thanks. You were probably going to say reincarnated us into another world right?

Charles:that sounds nice and all but we would really like it if you could send us home to our world. Our parents are probably worried.

Timmy: we've been missing for a billion years we're going to be so grounded. And I haven't seen the ending of one piece yet.

Andrew: hahahaha

Charles: what's so funny?

Andrew: it's just that you guys are exactly how I remember you. Nothing fazes you. You do the most unpredictable things and you still reject my offer a second time. Well that's my little brothers for ya.

Charles: brothers what do you mean?

Timmy: you act like you've met us before

Andrew: I have actually. In your previous lives.

Charles: if that's true how come we don't remember?

Andrew: I can't have you keep your memories if you're just going to reincarnate on earth. You know what I'll just give them back. (Andrew places his hands on both of the heads)

Timmy: I remember now.

Andrew:yep you two knew each other in your past lives as well. You were both orphans though. And just like now I accidentally ended your lives and you both refused to be reincarnated. You asked for a family instead. So I became your big brother. But you said you would prefer a 'less dangerous and less likely to accidently kill you' human family. So that's what you got.

Charles: I remember all that but what I don't get is how you managed to kill two particular people in all of the multiverse at the same time not once but twice accidently.

Timmy: what Charles is trying to say is that we both just want to go home.

Andrew: I'm sorry but I can't do that.