

Mark Loonus lives in a small town known as Luvaria, on the outskirts of the capital, Lembargio. When one becomes 18 they are mandated to report to the adventurers guild to receive the abilities that they'll have for the rest of their lives.

Zoe_Ritza · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


"The day has finally arrived!" Mark thought as he awoke. "today's the day I finally get an ability." The smell of coffee was drifting up to his second-floor room from the bakery below, where he resided since he was 5. Mark's parents passed when he was very young due to an illness spreading in the village due to the poor quality of life that people living outside the capital generally had to endure. Unless of course they were nobility, or wealthy. Mark never despised anyone from a higher standing in society but instead looked at it as a sense of encouragement for a better future. The one caring for him since his parents passed was his aunt, Mila, who only ever asked for his help around the bakery for taking care of him. Of course, it was never too much for Mark, he adored his aunt and was very grateful for everything she has done for him, so the least he could do was help out a bit.

Mark threw on some clothes and ran downstairs as fast as he could. Mila had already laid out breakfast and some coffee for him in the main area in which patrons of her shop normally ate. Mark smiled and exclaimed "auntie Mila... today's the day. Thank you so much for caring for me for the last 14 years but it's time for me to grow up." Mila looked at him with tears in her eyes "you're right about that my beloved nephew."

Even though mark has always been grateful to his aunt for the care in which she provided, he decided at a young age that the day in which his awakening came to fruition that he'd go out and explore the world. In that way, he wouldn't feel like such a burden and could provide for himself, though his aunt never felt like he was. It was something that he always felt. His aunt's ability was only a minor one that had to do with alteration, she could make anything taste good no matter where it came from, but only to a certain degree. Since it was deemed unuseful, she decided at the young age of 19 to open a bakery, in which she's resided ever since. So of course she couldn't go out to explore the world.

The bare minimum that the capital of Lembargio would do for small villages and towns was set up an adventures guild to protect the citizens from monsters. Of course, that wasn't the only reason, because as everyone knew, the magic crystal that would awaken abilities was also held in said adventures guild. Anyone coming of age was mandated to attend a ceremony in which they touched the crystal to receive their abilities. Generally, the smaller the town, the smaller the guild, because the capital only cared about how much profit they received from each village and town. So the bigger ones generally received more protection. Mark was banking his entire future on a good ability.