
Achieve: The Game

"Hi. I'm JJ. You're probably wondering why I'm talking to you, readers, instead of someone in the story. It's because I am already died in the story."

"Hmm? You're wondering how I died...?" "Well, if you really must know I will tell you..."

It all started 15 or so years ago. At that time I was still living in my parents house. Pretty ridiculous looking back on it now. Anyway, I was living the life of a complete shut-in, NEET, No-lifer, and whatever other internet term you want to call a slacker who is dejected from society. I had just graduated from college and was fresh out looking for jobs here, there, and practically everywhere. No legit company would look at my resume and hire me. For a college graduate, being hit by society just kind of ruined my self esteem. I wished, hoped, and prayed for a job--any job--to just fall down and be given to me without any work to show for it. I was very foolish. Eventually, I gave up and decided that I wouldn't care for anything other than my own enjoyment. This lead me to gaming, something I was really good at in my younger years. If anything, it was my only redeemable feature. So when I heard about this supposedly unbeatable game--Achieve is what they called it--I became engulfed with a false sense of duty. This false sense gave me a reason to live. From money to time, I poured my everything into this game. Later on, it became clear to the majority of the player base that this game was never meant to be beaten. No matter how fun a game is, if you can't beat it, the game eventually becomes boring, frustrating, and seemingly pointless. To me, this was the only game that I could play for eternity and never get bored precisely because I couldn't beat it. I was so determined to beat this game that when I did wind up beating it, there was almost no one left playing. I thought to myself over and over again, "What am I going to do now?" Then a notification popped up from the game...

To be continued...

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