

Shi Lang stopped talking and the ship left the gravitational range of Carta-shyn. Lullaby's voice sounded through the speakers, "Space Jump sequence initiated." 

The squeezing feeling took over the crew as they traveled through the sea of stars. A few seconds later the feeling washed away. Shi Lang said, "This feeling may be a bit hard to get used to, but it feels like a massage after a few times." 

Hunk chuckled and said, "I remember someone who thought just like you." 

Shi Lang asked, "Who is it?" 

Hunk shook his head and said, "An old friend." 

That said the conversation came to an end. Shi Lang did not dwell on it further and began to meditate as he sat in his chair. After twenty minutes, Lullaby notified them again and the space jump was initiated one more time. The next stop was The Federation. After the ship entered the atmosphere, Lullaby took them directly to the spaceport near Metropia.