

Hao Mei was kneeling on the ground, and Shi Lang acknowledged her disciple status. He waved his hand, and the girl was picked up from the ground. The terran asked, "Xiao Mei, you will be my second disciple. I have another disciple, her name is Yu Xiedi. She has not yet started cultivation, so you must look after her. You can decide who will be the senior or the junior among each other." 

Hao Mei nodded, and Shi Lang said, "Do you have any business you wish to sort here, or shall we go." 

Hao Mei thought for a bit and said, "Master, the reason we all stayed in the town was to protect it from the evasion of the beasts. If we go, what will the people here do?" 

Shi Lang smiled and said, "I can set up a barrier array. This will allow only humans to go in and out of the array. The beasts will not have a chance to invade." 

Hao Mei thought and bowed, "Thank you for your grace, Master."