
Chapter 1 - Away from the Kingdom

"Milady, please you can't leave the kingdom! The King and Queen would be worried sick about you." One of my maidservant said while I'm here packing all my clothes and other stuffs for my travel.

"They don't care about me. They can do whatever they want without me. Why don't my mom just marry that Paxley."I rolled my eyes and laugh at the thought. It sounded a little rude but they were also rude to me!

"That's not a very nice thing to say... But are you really certain you're gonna leave?"

I wore the backpack and before I could even say my final words to my maidservant, I heard my father's shoes that sounds rather angry by the way he walks.

I bit my lower lip and opened the castle window. My maidservant was so eager to pull me out of the window but I quickly jumped off before my father could even see me.

"Super Magic!" with that blast of spell, I hover over the ground and started to walk away. Wearing the hood to keep my identity hidden from thieves.

"GWEN!" Those were the last words I heard from my father. He called me by my nickname. And once I heard that, I wouldn't wanna take a step in the castle for a really... REALLY long time.

Dashing down the long brick road that the Baroque castle has, I tried to avoid the sight of each and every castle guards positioned in their places. I even tried climbing the 20 ft walls of the castle surrounding it so I could peacefully walk away. Sadly, I injured myself.

"Goodness! I finally see the exit!"Running towards it, I heard the castle guards' heavy armors bouncing back and forth on the bricks. My father who was riding a horse was right in front of them.

A whole battalion of soldiers just to chase after their rebel daughter? Oh please! Why didn't they do that to Lancelot?

"Think you can catch me?" With the burst of my Super Magic, the castle guards topple over, unable to move. I can't just hurt my father!

"Guinevere you can't leave! And once I catch up to you, I am certain you are getting married to the Paxley whether you like it or not!"

"No!" I retaliated, seeing Lightning, my favorite horse from just an arm away. "Outplayed...!"

I quickly jumped over Lightning and grinned at my furious father. "So long!"

Lightning followed my command and quickly galloped away from the castle grounds. As his name suggested, it was as fast as lightning!

"Good boy! Now take me as far as you can go! Even the Land of Dawn!" With that being said, Lightning dashes as far as he could, until I could only see the peak of the castle.

"Let's see..."I unfolded the map I picked up from our library and looked over. Since we are in the kingdom of Baroque, the Kingdom of that 'Paxley' family is just a neighbor. Following that would be my brother's fiancé's kingdom. Regina. "Perhaps these are the territories... Mmm... Do you know where the Vance family is located? I heard they're also a great magician. Oh and there's also a sniper girl who protects their child."

Lightning who I supposed could not speak just neighed and dashes even faster. I could guess he knew the location."Is it far?"

Lightning then stops at the middle of running that caused me to fall over,"Oww! What was that for!"

Lightning just gave me a 1000 yard stare and frowned. "I'm sure you just realized it was far wasn't it?... Okaaayyyy. Hahaha then we'll go to the Paxleys Kingdom then? Hopefully I won't see that Paxley guy I would get to marry."

Lightning then neighed once again as a sign of disagreement. "What? You don't wanna go? Why? Is it because it's too dangerous for me? I could handle things ya know! I could even break the skulls of those Paxley if I wanted to. Now come on and giddy up to the Bitc— Paxleys!"

Lightning and I finally came into agreement and continued on our way to the Paxley Kingdom.