
Accost Splendora

Accost Splendora _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin starts high school after recovering from her family's tragedy and sad past events. While excited and ready to leave everything in the past, she arrives at her new famous high school only to find her sad past catching up to her. But is it really that bad?. After taking one look at the class assignment board, the ideal everyday high school life she pictured herself in disappears. Her day to day life is changed drastically following the new happenings of her encounters. She stars in the experiences of romance and lots of interesting discoveries during a hyper time for her family. And Royalty clashes in with her new famous classmates. But little is known she is getting involved with the imperial family of Japan, One not so good at upholding quite the reputation. The plot is dynamic and developing, with a lot of characters involved. Read the first romantic yet dramatic english novel of Ryan T.S: Accost Splendora Complete Edition Genres include: Teen Romance, drama, comedy, slice of life, High School

Nana_Suou · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Accost Splendora C-7_69 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 7

Page 69- _Reunited Bonds_

Kagami.... _If you're looking for my brother he's in his room. Now then, onto the important matter at hand. Hey Kei, is what i heard from Takami true?. Did you really leave because of dad's so mentioned secret on the letter you picked up in your room years ago?_

At first Senami looked to the side, eyes wavering with hesitation. He didn't want his sister to think of her dad "the emperor" as a bad person. But upon meeting Ayami's reassuring "tell her" look, he peered directly into her eyes and confidently said, "yes". The princess's mouth simply widened as she downed a pool of tears from her already watery eyes. "I'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry, if only i'd known. I didn't mean to be rude to you, i thought you had abandoned us after promising we'd always be together", her voice was barely audible stuck up while burying herself onto Keisuke's laps. Left in surprise all he could do was wrap his arms around her and say, "don't worry, it's okay. I'm not mad 'cause it wasn't your fault."

_Little miss genius_ felt an instant spasm born of envy almost about to snatch Mii away from Kei until the princess pulled back. Kagami sat back straight, wiped off her tears and murmured under her breath," i won't forgive that old geezer!". You'd think believing was doomed to the negative side, but the acceptance came quicker than expected. Not only did she believe but her rude air seemed to have disappeared, well towards her siblings at least. One minute she was crying, the next she started firing a mean question while looking at Rin with a green eye.

Kagami.... _Hey Ayami, i also happened to hear that my brother got this info from eavesdropping. Supposedly you were discussing our family's history with that ugly verminous commoner Rintaru or something._

Rintarõ.... _(she definitely said that on purpose. And who's she calling verminous?. Just as i thought, her cuteness disappears when she's acting aloof. Argh!!!, How i really wish i could give her a taste of my medicine!)_

While busy conducting a frustrating meeting in her mind, the salvation army came to her rescue.

Ayami.... _Lady Kagami, i believe we had established a naming bases hadn't we?. Perhaps hunger is playing amnesia tricks on your memory, shall i add some more onijiki? It's a balanced and nutritious meal which cures everything._

Evading Ayami's gaze she quickly apologized to Haruno, even though it sounded like pouting. "Eh is that all?," a question popped out of Kisami's sighing mouth. Rin thought of it as a chance to finally ask about the troubling looks the boys had before the ice queen poured out crocodile tears.

Rintarõ.... _Pardon prince Kisami, but what do you mean?_

She made sure not to make it sound as if her aim was his latent strangeness.

Kisami.... _Err.... i was just thinking how kind Mii is._

Rintarõ.... _Huh? (Is he still confused from his piano breakdown? i definitely don't feel any kindness or generosity coming from this insensitive little devil)_

Kisami.... _Well i meant more than her brother at least. After gathering u...._ *cut off*

Keisuke.... _Sorry to disturb you big brother, but could you refrain from talking about that. I'll tell her when there's lesser people, you wouldn't want to go through the same feeling as earlier again would you?_

Kisami.... _A-Ahh i guess so._

It sounded as if Kei was giving his brother a scary warning etched to an enigmatic smile.

If there was anything going to make him get time alone with Rin, he'd take it right away.

A while passed in silence each waiting for someone to broach a topic. Left without ideas, Haruno decided to go and take a bath. "Oh God! i reek of a bad odor, she whispered to herself unaware of the real culprit causing the smell. Somehow after getting cold the maiden lady's food picked up an atrocious smell. Almost about to leave, a sudden realization came to mind.

Rintarõ..... _(Thinking back, Ayami said no one's supposed to know the imperial childrens' identities. But Kei and Hiro already revealed themselves to that doctor at the general hospital?)_

Thoughts overflowed in her mind. Struck by fear her eyes glistened a pale gold as she turned towards Senami.

When everyone noticed her sudden scared face, they all tensed up hesitating to ask the so obviously bad news.

To be continued.......