
Accost Splendora

Accost Splendora _Synopsis Plain closed-in Rin starts high school after recovering from her family's tragedy and sad past events. While excited and ready to leave everything in the past, she arrives at her new famous high school only to find her sad past catching up to her. But is it really that bad?. After taking one look at the class assignment board, the ideal everyday high school life she pictured herself in disappears. Her day to day life is changed drastically following the new happenings of her encounters. She stars in the experiences of romance and lots of interesting discoveries during a hyper time for her family. And Royalty clashes in with her new famous classmates. But little is known she is getting involved with the imperial family of Japan, One not so good at upholding quite the reputation. The plot is dynamic and developing, with a lot of characters involved. Read the first romantic yet dramatic english novel of Ryan T.S: Accost Splendora Complete Edition Genres include: Teen Romance, drama, comedy, slice of life, High School

Nana_Suou · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Accost Splendora C-10_98 Book by Ryan T.S


Page 98- _Awaited Climax!_

Laying in her sockets, both blinked after noticing a shadowy figure from the corner of a locker. Somehow she made it out to be the leering boy from the train, but when she went to check it out, nothing else other than a trash can was present. "Maybe my mind's playing tricks on me," her whispering voice said as she slid back to patiently waiting. A while later appeared Keisuke from the main entrance accompanied by Takahiro.

After receiving the adult talk from their little brother (Takami), the two boys had become a bit closer. The teasing and name-calling still remained but they reached a stage where talking was the norm. Seeing Rintaro standing by his brother's locker, Akamaru excused himself and went straight up to class. Eyes wiggled in thought while she looked for a place to start.

Keisuke.... _Rin, what's up?_

Rintarõ.... _Oh er...umm, I'm here to finish what i started at the festival._

Her words galvanized _prince charming_ into grabbing a proper stance and eyes blinking with nervousness.

Rintarõ.... _(I never thought i'd be the one saying this, but here goes nothing) I...._ *cut off*

Keisuke.... _Please wait! Before you say anything, there's something i wanna tell you._

She was butchered by confusion yet remained quiet, ears tensing up to listen.

Keisuke.... _Rintaro Haruno, first time i met you i thought to myself, "what an unusual girl with a boy's name". You were oddly quiet but always cheerful. The moment i glared at those golden eyes of yours, call it strange but i was trapped inside a cage of indescribable feelings. When i talked to you for the first time, you acted as if we had been friends for years. "Call me by my first name Rintaro," you said. Lips moving smoothly as you made a gentle rhythm of vocals. Many things changed after i moved away, but never the feelings i had for you. In fact the longing to see you, your smile, to hear your voice, all of it grew bolder. I knew what i wanted then and even now. You were, you are and you'll still be the girl i love the most. I know i said i'd wait, but i don't think i can anymore. So i ask you once more, Rintaro Haruno, will you go out with me?_

It was a piercing pump at first but later turned into a slow paced heartbeat pattern. Of course her mind felt a bit surprised by the turn of events. Having thought she would be the one waiting for an answer, fate exchanging one big scenario left her at ease. Her eyes looked up to his smiling face.

Rintarõ.... _(I didn't expect this kind of pattern but i guess it is the usual one) The answer is yes, i'd be glad to have a handsome intelligent person like yourself as my boyfriend._

Immediately after replying yes which came as a surprise to Keisuke, arms were tightly held around her. She felt overexcited soaring onto cloud nine. "I finally did it!," her mind screamed while soaking up the prince's everyday scent. Neither of them wanted to let go, and further sighted from what was going on, each sunk into a reverie of memories. Later on the two exchanged a special moment of their soft lips tied together. Both savored each other's taste while basking under magnificent sunset rays invading from the main entrance glass doors. After a while they went back up stairs to secretly tell their trusted friends the wonderful news. Senami separated from her headed to the infirmary where Akamaru supposedly was.

Rinny on the other hand had no need to tell her friend, the smile on her face spilled out everything to ever thoughtful and well judging Merumi. She ended up getting a lot of praises than her mind could take.

Merumi.... _That's my Rinny!, i'm so proud of you._ *smiles*

"Even you too are calling me Rinny," she mumbled while moving downstairs alongside her friend.

Merumi.... _Aren't you going home with your bf?_

Rintarõ.... _Are you ever going to stop teasing me.....? First of all he has a name and second no, he said there's someone he's gotta talk to so....._

Merumi.... _Ohh, well i guess that's a given. Anyway, what say you and me stop by the Shokuji ramen store on our way home. Since it's a special day i'm gonna stay over at your place._

Happy to hear the wonderful news, Rin nodded in silence. She had grown fond of her friend's jokes and fed up of being lonely at the house. Takashi who promised to come after summer break hadn't called ever since he left. Hand in hand with her friend, the girls strolled out the campus.

To be continued......