

what is success ? I think it is different for different people may it means living luxury life of one or may be becoming famous for the other. It depends on the basic need of the person and his way of looking the world , the situation and also depends upon how they react toward situations .It is well said by the person that it is 10% the situation and 90% how we react to the situation . circumstances are created by god to modify one's personality ,to provide him the opportunity to glow in the dark . Only who is deserving will get the / the person having the ability to earn will undoubtably going to achive everything in his life .A person is said to be successful only when his success is mean to someone/someone is getting benefits through his success other than him /his family. So now we can understand that a single word ''success" mean different to different people now if want to be successful or satisfied first understand the meaning of success in your life .It is necessary to identify that at which level you will get the desired satisfaction from your life , because full satisfaction will give the desired result and desired result will give the desired satisfaction. So one should understand the proper mean of success in one's life.