
Accidentally Pregnant By Boss

An young sectreary in her busy day to day life accidentally discovered that she is carrying her boss's baby. Will he accept her or will she find solace in the arms of one of her handsome colleagues? What will happen when all the three handsome men fight to win over her heart and the fatherhood of her upcoming baby?

DaoistM0kcv3 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Raymond's Marriage Proposal

That day at office was nothing unsual. Her boss David as usual tried to seduce her. She did not see Raymond the entire day. She did not even expect to meet him. Raymond was a notorious playboy and casanova who never wanted to be indulged with any girl either with big bossom or not. How could he want to marry any girl just because she got pregnant with his baby accidentally just by spending one lustful night together??!!!

She sat on the easy chair in her small garden at balchony with a steamed hot chocolate cup at her hands. She clutched the cup too tightly in her hands. Her morning sickness made her more vulnerable nowadays. It even became worser these days. Her baby was growing in her womb rapidly. Within these three months her belly became rounder and slightly fuller than before. She put down her cup and in her loving hands caressed her womb. She loved her experience of motherhood now onwards.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

Her door bell rang all of a sudden. She rushed to the door and peeked into the keyhole of her door.

Uncle Richard!!! She gulped and gasped in utter shock. What the hell??!!! Why he was here now??!!!

With a heavy and sunken heart, she opened the door. Uncle Richard burged in and showed excitement to see his niece. "How are you dear? We met after so long times."

He hugged her tightly and in excited voice told her - "See who came to meet you?"

With a shock she lifted her eyes to the door and discovered her ex was standing there with a toothy big grin.

She put an scolding look to her uncle who as usual diregard it and called him inside. "Come dear boy come. See she was so happy to meet you that her words were strucked into her mouth."

Her ex Raj bolted to her and clutched her too tightly in his chest by kissing her lips with his own. He even tried to put his filthy smelly tongue inside her mouth but she did not open it at all in any provocation.

She tried to push him hard but he was not budging. He hugged her too tightly and tried to put his hands on her b***s forcefully. She slapped him hard on the face and with a gawk sound he freed her from his tight embrace.

"He.. He.." Her uncle Richard let out a toothy grin too.

"Baby, Sonu" by uttering this nouns, her ex was preparaing himself to jump over her bones when a loud angry voice stopped him on his track.

"Leave My Woman At Once."

Raymond was standing on her open door with an angry face. His red burning eyes were burning her ex alive.

Sonia tried to run to him when her ex tightly clutched her hands by saying - "She is mine."

"Is she?!!! Ask her by ourself??!!" Raymond answered in cold voice.

"Leave her to mine." Raj told him.

"That's exactly my line." Raymond looked at him in disdain.

Sonia suddenly with a jolt freed her hands from her ex's clucth and run to Raymond. He put a protective hand to her waist and with another pointed the exist to both of them -

"Get out as we have some private talk."

"Talk before us." - Her ex demanded that with arrogance.

"Okay, then stay here." Then turning to her tugged her chin and asked gently "Baby, will you marry me??"

Sonia's eyes got instantly moisted and she violently shook her head in agreement -

"I definitely will."

Both her uncle and her ex looked surprised by this sudden twist in plots. Their plans of absconding her money had been smashed by this stange man standing tall hugging her infront of them.

Raymond smirked at them and told them -

"Give us best wishes and get lost."

Her ex stormed out of the room by stomping his feet angrily while her uncle went after him in toothy grin once more. His smile was not so lively anymore.


That Night Before Marriage

"Umm.. I cant take it anymore. Stop this kind of torture on me and embrace me." Sonia told Raymond who was loving kissing her growing belly.

She run her hands though his head and sighed hard in extreme happiness. She was going to married to him in the next morning secretly at the church. He did not want his father to imterfer and broke them apart, so he took this path of utmost secrecy. But tonight they would f**k each other till their last strength.

With a shuddering force he came inside her and she let out a scream on the top of her lungs.



Aaaaaaahhhhhhh..... Ouchhhhhhh

Myyyyy Godddddd f*****lyyyy hottttt

I ammmm dyyyyiiinnnngggg Babyyyyyy

By hearing her screams he grinned from tooth to tooth and whispered softly by biting her earlobe "Baby you aroused my apetite." He imcreased his intensity and within few more minutes she was bursting open with desire.

"I can't take more. Please reach to your climax now." She told him in choked voice.

He looked at her with hot burning desires in his eyes. "Uhhu, I have much stamina left".

By claiming this he increased the intensity of his thrusting inside. Her pregnant body made her more desirable to him and now he lost complete control. He wanted to f**k her like this every second and make her pregnant every passing years. He wanted to marry her just to scream to the world that - "Hey don't touch her body. She is mine. My own pet."

But she did not understand his male pyschology at all. She was just happy that she escaped the evil clutches of her ex. She did not know her would be husband was much more evil than him.
