
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

The Outsider pt. 2

Seven chapels formed the Church of Orsola, and inside the Church, was a single Orsola Aquinas being beaten up by over 200 different nuns.

They took their turns beating her, though they held back, the damage she suffered from 200 nuns were devastating.

The nuns were standing in a circle around her, each wielding religious tools like gears and hooks. The Amakusa members that were captured had been put in another building around the vicinity, and there were 10 nuns guarding them.

"Everyone's rather busy and we all have our own duties to settle. Why did you have to run away, Orsola Aquinas?"

The person in the middle of the circle was Agnese, as she kicked Orsola, as if she was kicking a heavy bag. A loud cry came out from Orsola.

"Humph! What's this cry about? You've clearly forgotten the proper image of a woman. Damn it, we might as well change the name of this church. We'll be a laughingstock for coming up with a derogatory name like this."

Orsola didn't want to reply. Her clothes were torn, the zippers were broken, and the cloth was flipped over, like she had been dragged on the ground.

Agnese brutally kicked Orsola's legs. That terrifying power travelled through her thick soles, pressing on Orsola's already immobile legs.

"I don't understand it. If you think about it carefully, dying here is much better for you. If you went back for trial, you'd be toyed with to death by those old geezers. They'll probably have their fun with you before killing you. Or maybe you'll be an offering to God, pleasing the many men in the Roman Catholic Church."

Orsola still didn't want to respond. She was deep in thought about how did all of that went wrong. She wondered why the boy handed her over to them.

How could he have done that?

She only wished for happiness upon the world.

"Really, the number of friends that you can rely on is few. To think you'd ask for help from the Amakusa's. Being so desperate to ask those foreign Ester's people from a small filthy country that doesn't even know how to read the Bible. What a joke!"

Agnese added more pressure to Orsola's legs as she continued.

"According to our law, once someone marries a non-Roman Catholic, they're guilty of bestiality. You should be clear about that. Don't tell me that you think everyone's like you because they're Christians? The Amakusa and Anglicans don't have the right to talk about Christ! They aren't humans, they're pigs! Gullible pigs who we can trick so easily! Just appease them, and they'll turn their prey over!"


Orsola, who was losing consciousness due to pain, woke up upon hearing that.

"You said...those people...were tricked?"

Orsola, who had cracked lips tried her best to speak.

"They...didn't help you willingly...but were tricked?"

"Isn't that unimportant? They've betrayed you by handing you over to the enemy, what a bunch of idiots! The result is still the same, you'll still die here! No one will come and save you!"

The tension of Orsola's face lessened as she realized that she had not been betrayed. Those words hadn't been a pretense and they were really concerned about her, and had done something dangerous to save her.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Really...? I'm laughing?" Orsola slowly and gently said,"I finally know...what kind of people...we Roman Catholics are..."


"Their actions...are based on trust...because they have trust in others, their ideals, their feelings... They're always willing to give their best... Compared to them... we're truly ugly. Our actions...can only be built on lies. In order to kill me, they're lying to the public by using a show trial...and they even lie to themselves, thinking that's what God wants..."


The nuns all felt spiteful towards Orsola. Their faces curled into anger.

"If I had placed my faith in the...Amakusa Church from the start...none of this...would have happened. According to your laws, I'll be sentenced for a false crime...and buried in darkness...but I don't care...I can't lie to myself any longer...I don't want to be seen...as one of you."

Agnese presses down harder on her already broken leg. Her eyes twitched with frustration.

"Since you want to die so badly, I'll grant your request. You just need to blame the fools who gave up on you, and carry that hatred and remorse all the way to your grave!"

She lifted her leg up and kicked Orsola's head back.

Orsola had blood flowing down her forehead, but even then, she mustered up all the remaining strength she had left in her body and knelt on the ground.

"Who should I...really hate?"


"They never had...much of a reason to jump in. That boy...is not part of any churches...he's a really ordinary boy. He had a reason to jump in...but his reason...was not for himself...but the people in this world. He did so much...for an acquaintance like me. Is there a greater gift than this...in this world? Can I really...hate them?"

Orsola was feeling giddy already, everything around her was shaking. Even the face of Agnese was becoming more of a blur.

But she still felt happy.

She laid her head on the ground and her eyes were slowly closing.

But before they closed, she heard a loud noise coming from outside, and then the nuns inside the wedding chapel were panicking. Even Agnese.

She wondered why they were panicking for.

But soon, she knew the reason why.

The twin oak doors of the cathedral's main entrance flung open. Two people were standing at the door. A boy with white hair that partially covered his eyes, that reached down below his ear level, wearing a horizontally grey and white striped shirt with long jeans, standing next to a nun in her black habit.

All the nuns looked at him.

But he didn't bother looking around. Instead, his gaze was only fixed on the girl lying down in the middle of the chapel. The girl who was almost beaten to death.

He just stared at her as her eyes slowly closed and a faint smile appeared on her mouth. Suddenly, a small laughter could be heard in front of him, and he looked beside the passed out woman.

It was Agnese Sanctis.

She was mocking him for his stupidity. Him, a lone man, against 200 nuns. What could he do? Then, she spoke.

"I've been finding this weird. How can an amateur who's not even a magician be recruited for help? Seems like you have the power to reflect attacks, but you can't do much after that, can you?"


"Hey, what's wrong? Did you forget something? Or are you looking for payment? Or...are you looking for some fun with that woman on the ground?"

Agnese kicks Orsola once as she continues talking,"Tsk tsk tsk...I knew you were a pervert. Touching girls left and right. *sigh* Fine then. You may have your fun...but we'll be watching."

She glares at him, with a sly grin on her face. He says nothing.

"Oh, realizing the situation you're in already? Well, if you want to run, now's your chance. The Anglican Church was smart enough to run away. What's wrong with you? Hmph, even so...what can one person do?"

She confidently walks towards the #1 in Academy City with her almost-flat chest sticking out. Then, she stops right in front of him.

"This is your last chance. You should know what to do."

Accelerator glares at her straight into her soul, a wicked grin appeared on his face. She was shaken up a bit. It was to be expected.

The #1 was the #1 for a reason. He knows what it was like to lose one's self-control. Lose one's humanity.

He could even be considered a monster to many.

"...Ah...you're right."

Sister Lucia turns her head to look at his still-smiling face. She grew suspicious. Even though the #1 said that Agnese was right, why was he still smiling?

He was calm.

He lifted his cane in his left hand, and slammed it on the ground, grabbing everyone's attention.

In the next second, a small groan was heard.


The #1 walked forward.

"You're right, I'm here to collect my payment..."

He whispers his warm breath into her ears. It was barely audible. Only Lucia and a few other nuns could hear him in that echoey chapel. That wicked, crazy grin on his face, it was still there.

"...in full interest."

That was when the room was filled with small gasps all around, and everyone was in disbelief.

Accelerator had stuck his sword through Agnese's stomach. His grip tight on the handle. He looked down to her, his eyes wide open, and his teeth showing through his grin.


Agnese vomited blood all over Accelerator's shirt, and his expression changed. Now he was more annoyed.

"I know I stabbed you somewhere painful. With that clothing, I can't see your vitals properly, but judging from your body size... I'd say that I got your stomach?"

He twists the handle of the sword left and right as if he was meshing gears together.

"Sister Agnese!!"

Sister Lucia shouted ferociously at Accelerator, the other Sisters also rushed in with their items pointed at him. But they didn't attack.

No, it's not that they didn't want to attack, but it's because they couldn't.

Accelerator was using her back as a meat shield. He backed away with the sword still stuck in her body, as he dragged her back.

"Now all of you listen to me. If you want your dear leader to survive, you hand over that girl to me."

He sounded calm. However, he was sweating. The #1 knew how much danger he was getting himself into. Though he was a 'monster', behind that persona was still a normal boy who had unfortunate circumstances growing up.

He knew his limits now. He knew how vulnerable he was in that state. He couldn't redirect everything thrown at him, and he couldn't redirect anything in that state.

However, with his actions, he managed to jumble their heads up. The nuns were also panicking.

Their leader was in the hands of the enemy. It was like having their leader at gunpoint. Needless to say, they followed his commands and picked up Orsola.

However, Agnese was leaning against Accelerator's body, and she could feel the smallest of shivers coming from him, and she spoke up with all her strength.

"...Attack him!!"

She shouted that command out loud, and they all looked confused. Accelerator however, wasn't interested in playing games with them, so he shoved the sword further in.

His cane; consists of a shield that barely wraps around the area below his elbow, above the stick. He used his cane as a protection.

Now it looked like his sword had Agnese as his cross-guard.

Agnese vomited even more blood at Accelerator. They didn't know what to do. They needed her. They were called the Agnese forces for a reason.

"Oi Oi Oi! Don't get distracted, bring her here!"

Accelerator shouted as he looks at them. Then, something happened.

It was unexpected.

It was a big shocker to the #1.

He didn't see it coming.

He was tackled to the ground. Arms wrapped around his waist, a heavy pressure applied to his hips.


It was Sister Lucia, as she pushed him to the ground. He lost his grip on Agnese, his sword and his cane.

He had lost everything.


He landed hard on the ground, and he laid there with Sister Lucia looking down at him. She was flustered, and panting hard.

He tried to struggle free, but she grips his neck tight. He felt something warm and wet hitting his jeans. As if there were air pockets appearing on his pants. However, he soon realized it was getting damp.

"You...you dirtied me...you filth!" Sister Lucia shouted at him as a single sweat dripped down from her forehead.

"Are you seriously still on about that 'God' bullshit?"

Then, he received a punch to the face.

"Don't you dare talk about the Lord like that!"

She went ape-berserk. She finally unleashed her sheathing rage on him. She unloaded two shots of her fists to his face before a large crashing sound appeared.

"You got balls, kiddo. I'll give you that. But doing this alone is crazy."

That rough male voice made all the nuns turn their heads. The side wall had been blown up, forming a large hole. A tall man wielding a large sword stood there.

It was Tatemiya Saiji, and behind him stood 50 members from the Amakusa Church.

"I don't have to tell you why I'm doing this, right?"

"Tch. About time."

"You're an even bigger idiot than I thought. However, I don't hate such an interesting idiot like you."

They all charged in. The Roman Catholic Church members were stunned as they stared in disbelief. They weren't prepared. They had their weapons faced down as the Amakusa members fought them off. They delivered kicks and blows with the back of their hilt.

Sister Lucia saw what was happening and grabbed Accelerator by the collar, and wanted to run off with him, but a spear had stopped her. A girl with a black, bob haircut with short fringes. She was wearing a pink tank top with a single flower across her well-endowed chest, and a pair of white shorts with a white belt tightening it around her waist.

"I am Itsuwa of the Amakusa Church. Put that boy down."

Itsuwa stopped Sister Lucia in her tracks and she clicked her tongue. She reached down for the sword on the ground; previously used by Accelerator, and points it at Accelerator.

"Come closer and I'll stab him! As long as this sinner is alive, I'll never stop thinking about killing him! His filthy hands touched my...my...AHHHHH!!"

She shouted out, as if it was her battle cry. She was frustrated. Frustrated that he was alive.


The whole place was in chaos. Screaming could be heard at every corner, shouting and metal clashing with each other. No one could be blamed if they thought there was a party going on. No deaths have happened yet. Either they were unconscious, or were barely maintaining their focus.

It was a mayhem.

Earlier, the Amakusa had the jump on the Roman Catholic Church. However, the tides were slowly turning. The nuns slowly regained their composure and pushed the Amakusa members into a corner.

With their ambush, they only managed to beat down 20-40 people unconscious. They were still outnumbered. That means that 1 Amakusa member had to deal with 4-5 nuns from the Roman Catholic Church.

However, one person managed to get the longer end of the stick.


She was given the task of retrieving the white-haired boy from the lunatic in front of her, but how was she going to do it?

It was simple.

The answer was decided from the very start—No...before the battle even began.

A single sentence was all it took.

"You're not going to kill him."

Sister Lucia's heart dropped upon hearing that.

"W-What are you talking about?! Can't you see I have my sword held to him?!"

Itsuwa smiled and set her spear down. How did she know Sister Lucia wasn't going to kill him? Was it because of love? Was it because of such a simple reason?


It can't be.

"It's simple. According to the rules of Roman Catholicism, killing is a sin, and you're not going to sin, are you?"

Sister Lucia gritted her teeth as she looks away from Itsuwa.

"...But...But this boy is also a sinner! Sinners don't deserve to live!"

She pushed the tip of the sword further.

"That's not for you to decide, is it? The priest is the only one who can decide whether the sin he commits is a cardinal sin or not."

The tip of her sword stopped at his neck. Itsuwa was victorious. Sister Lucia dropped the sword as she realized that she could not kill him. Then, Itsuwa continued to say,"And you can't lie to yourself either. God is always watching, isn't he? So, give up."

Sister Lucia drops to her knees, releasing Accelerator from her grasp. Itsuwa then walks up to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Anyway...things are looking bad."

Accelerator turns his neck around, his eyes staring back at the battlefield. The battlefield which the Amakusa's were losing. There were approximately about 20-30 Amakusa members left.

"Tatemiya told me to pass the message on to you that you should run away with Orsola. The Amakusa's will buy you time."

"...And how do you expect me to lift her up?"

Accelerator asked, and Itsuwa looked at him with a confused expression. Then, she glanced at his arms and realized how skinny he was.

"Ah...that's...a bit worrisome..."

"I'll fight, anyway..."

Then he turns to the battlefield with his back facing her.

"I still have some problems with that damn nun. It annoys me that she got the better of me."

Then, he heard something below him. Like metal hitting against something, and he looked down.

Sister Lucia grabbed the sword in her hands and was about to pierce Accelerator right at the centre of his chest, just when Itsuwa intercepted her with her spear.

"Hey, what's the meaning of this? I thought you couldn't kill?"

Itsuwa asked as her spear was at a crossroads with Sister Lucia's sword.

"I...I've made my resolve...God is..."

Then she lowered her voice, and her eyes glared at the two of them. What she said next surprised Itsuwa and even the monster.

"...fake. God is fake! Now that I've convinced myself that much, I have sinned already! I don't care if I go to hell, as long as that boy is still alive..."

Then she knocks Itsuwa's spear away, to the point it looked like Itsuwa was handling a gun and was having trouble trying to control the recoil.

"...I can never rest!"

She charged forward with the sword facing directly at him.

The monster only smirked.

Then a loud metallic sound rang through the entire place.



Accelerator pulled his cane up from his left hand and used it as a shield.

"That's good. That's amazing!"

He threw his cane vertically up and grabbed the cane like a bat and swung it at her head.


The side of her head splits open and she was bleeding. At the same time, Accelerator fell down on his ass. It was evident that his legs couldn't support him that well now. He was putting too much pressure on his legs.

He clicked his tongue and stares at the fallen Sister Lucia. He pulls himself back up and walks forward. But Sister Lucia held his leg back.

"I...I'm not done yet..."

"...Tch, you're persistent!"

He slams his cane on her shoulder blade, making her release his leg.

"Just lie down and watch. God can't protect all of them now."

Sister Lucia finally sets her head down. She couldn't hear what he said, all she could hear was static as she fell unconscious.


Accelerator looked at Itsuwa and she jumped.


"Bring the rest of the members around Orsola. Form a circle around her."

"Huh? Why?"

"I can turn this around. Grab that Sister."

He continues walking forward, and Itsuwa projects her voice throughout the whole chapel.

"Everyone, gather to the centre!"

Everyone was startled by her sudden command, even Tatemiya shouted on his side, while fighting off 5 nuns.

"What?! That's not the plan! Don't randomly issue out orders, get Orsola out of here!"

"Trust me, please!"

"Tch, don't be stupid. Everyone run, now!"

Then, another voice was heard.

"If you want her to live, listen to me. This is my plan!"

It was Accelerator.

With a nun in his grasp, he reached his fingers down below her skirt with a grin on his face.

Everyone was disgusted by what he was doing. They could guess what he was doing under her black skirt. Even Itsuwa was disgusted as she cringed.

However, that didn't mean that the nuns were going to let one of their Sisters fall victim to a 'rapist'.

The Sister in his hand was Sister Lucia, and his hand was moving back and forth under her skirt. The nuns charged at him, but they were pushed back by the Amakusa members. The Amakusa members circled around Accelerator, Orsola, and Sister Lucia as they fought back the Roman Catholic Church.

Even Tatemiya was around the circle now and he was infuriated. Seriously pissed. His face was red, as anger brimmed within him.

"What the hell are you planning?!"

"...Just keep fighting and you'll see."

"How is this supposed to help us huh?!"

"Tch, just shut up and keep fighting."

The Amakusa fought back the Roman Catholic Church and they were slowly beating them one by one. A miracle it was. From the corner of his eyes, he could see some nuns hesitating to fire their spells at him.

He knew it. He had predicted this outcome. Tatemiya was impressive. His fighting skills are good, and he was going to make use of that. He managed to hold his ground against 5 nuns. That alone was an amazing feat, and everyone else who held their ground against 4 nuns as well.

That alone was evident to him that they could win.

Moreover, the nuns wouldn't dare to sacrifice one of their own. As proven when they didn't dare to attack him when he had Agnese in his hands. With his provoking, they would be forced to attack and act irrationally.

He continued 'fingering' her with his arms around her waist as he looked around to view the situation around them. Many of their forces were unconscious, and they were almost winning. Just around 150 more.

But then, just when they had the advantage, one of the Amakusa members were knocked back with their face looking up to the sky.

Everyone turned their heads to that one opening, and saw Agnese Sanctis at the end.

"Leave Sister Lucia alone!"

In her right hand was a staff with an angel at the tip, and 6 opened leaves, that made it look like a lotus.

"Move in closer!"

Accelerator shouted as he too wanted the opponent to move in closer.

"You idiot! You've trapped us all here. Now what are we going to do?!"

Tatemiya retaliated while still fighting back the nuns. Then, Agnese gave a simple command.

"Face your weapons towards them, but don't advance further!"

They all looked confused as they lowered their weapons, but Accelerator too issued his commands.

"Push them back now!"

The Amakusa members charged forward, beating the nuns to the ground again.

At that moment, Agnese panicked as she thinks of her next actions.

"(Do I target him? No, I can't target him because he has Sister Lucia. I have to make him submit, but we can't beat the Amakusa at this rate...No...I can...)"

Those thoughts ran through her mind, and Accelerator could see how much she was panicking. Accelerator didn't have any fighting techniques, he wasn't good in complicated thinking, but his processing skills are second to none. He had processed everything in his mind and came up with every type of conclusion possible. The conclusion that he would beat her.

He didn't think that she would attack her own comrades, and from what Itsuwa said, they couldn't kill. The formation he told the Amakusa to put up, was to make up for their small numbers. Truly, with such limited members, what could they do in a 1v5 situation? So, by telling them to form a tight circle, they could have each other's backs.

Adding on to the fact that they can hold their own ground against multiple opponents, the winner of this altercation was settled already.

And so, the Amakusa members broke formation and went all out against the Roman Catholic Church. Soon, their numbers dwindled down from 150, to 120.

Everyone was fighting with their all, sweat ran down their foreheads.


They were breathing heavily.


Their swords were getting heavier.


They all fell to their knees.

Accelerator pulled his hand out, and wiped the sweat on the ground. He was alone. He overestimated the Amakusa members. He had forgotten how human they were.

They were fatigued from the relentless fighting. It was not like there was some flaming beast nearby to assist them. They were ultimately beaten by their own fatigue.

He was alone again, and a laughter rang out through the whole chapel. It was Agnese Sanctis.

"You thought you were so smart. But you only restricted the Amakusa's movements. You didn't make it any easier for them. By forcing them to fight without any rest, did you think you had any chance of winning?"

Accelerator laid Sister Lucia's body on the ground, next to Orsola, and he stood there with his cane in his left hand.

How was he going to fight them?

1 against 50 or more people. Could he really win?

Agnese took off her thick soles from her feet, which now made her look like she was wearing slippers. Then, in an instant, she tapped the ground with her staff three times, as if she was stabbing someone with it, and Accelerator felt three hard hitting attacks to his stomach, back and left arm.

He dropped his cane and he laid on the ground as if he was posing for a photo shoot.

"How unfortunate. I can't kill you, but I can make you suffer. Then, I'll bring you to the Roman Catholic Church, where you'll confess your sins to God, and be punished."

A sinister smile appeared on her face as she walked up to Accelerator. The nuns surrounded him, pointing their weapons at him.

"Hold him up."

Two nuns grabbed his arms on each side, and he tried to struggle free but he was too weak. Agnese walked up to his face proudly, and mocked him.

"Did you really think you could have made a difference? Don't play with me. You're nothing but a worthless piece of garbage that can be found on the side of the streets. A hero that protects people? How laughable."

"...I never thought that I could protect anyone. No...I don't think I can protect anyone. I've never once seen myself as a hero. The only option for me is a villain. A villain uses people for his own gains."


Agnese kept silent.

"God is real? Heh, I'd love to meet him, and tell him that he's being worshipped by a bunch of blind people that sees themselves as pure hearted."

Agnese slammed the staff on the ground again, he felt a heavy pressure on his stomach, and he curled his stomach.

"Shut up! We are the true believers of God! The rest of the Churches are fake! Russian Orthodox Church? Anglican Church? They're all nothing but a bunch of fakes! Only we are worthy enough of praising the lord's name!"

She slammed the staff once more, and he was hit again. Accelerator hung his head low. He was exhausted. He couldn't get any sleep, his plan shattered already. He had tired his fingers out. He was moving too much, his brain was stimulated. It could happen anytime.

Then, he felt something hard touching his crotch. It was Agnese's staff molesting him, and Agnese was gleefully smiling away.

"Ara...I didn't think you'd get so aroused from being beaten up. It's so long. No one could be blamed if they thought you had a baguette in your pants. But it's...it's soft...?"

Agnese was confused. Something that was long but not hard? It was too long for her to comprehend.

"Are...Are you kidding me...?"

At that moment, Accelerator mustered up whatever strength he had left and swung his right leg up into her nether regions. She groaned in pain as she held her lower regions with both of her hands.

"You...You disgusting...fwiend...bwahhah..."

She couldn't even say 'fiend' properly.

"It seems like you're the one who felt good from the pain."

Accelerator mockingly says, but he was put down and beaten up by the nuns.

As he was being kicked and punched by several nuns, he wondered,"(How stupid...yea...being a hero is too much...)"

He was in pain, but it didn't matter.

He deserved to die.

He wanted to die.

He wanted to pay for his sins.

He wanted revenge against himself.

Sure, having an overpowered ability is great. But, it was too much for him.

He resents himself.

He can't turn back time and undo all his cruel acts towards the clones.

He could only bear the burden of it all.

Even so...

"I don't want to...run away...from my problems..."

He slowly got up, even as he was kicked down, slammed by a wheel to his back, he got on one knee.

He was being pushed around.

"...Fuck this..."

He activated the switch to his choker and pushed all the nuns back with a single stomp as he stood back up, and he shouted,"...I'll protect her! I'll fucking make her see the light again! I'll fucking drag her out of this hellhole! I'll show you, I'll fucking show it to all of you! Oraaaaaaaaa—Guhh?!"

Just as Accelerator was about to form a hurricane around him, he had ran out of time.

It was like he was choking.

He tried to grab his neck.

The winds became still.

A splat sound could be heard, his head wound had opened up again.

He dropped down.

That...was the end of the #1.

Agnese got up from the ground, still clutching on to her womanhood.

"Ha! Is that all? Pffftt...Hahahahahaha! How pathetic. After all that proud talking, you still couldn't defeat us? What were you expecting? A miracle? Don't be ridiculous. Sinners don't get miracles, only those who worship God gets them!"

She starts beating him down with her staff, and then she heard shuffling noises behind her. Her eyes widened as she turned back.

It was the Amakusa's getting back up on their feet.

"Geez, why are you the one who's getting all the glory?"

Tatemiya swung his head around as he placed his hand on his neck.

"She requested US for help, not you."

With his sword in hand, he stared down Agnese. A confident smile appeared on his face.

"But I have to say, you were very inspiring. Mm."

Then he turns to the rest of the Amakusa's, and this time, it was him who issued the commands.

"The ones who are standing, fight with your all! Those who are lying down, good job to you. You've done your best! Now then, the rest of us will take care of this. We will...no, that's not right."

He faces Agnese, and the remaining members of her force before continuing,"We are going to win! Amakusa, onwards!"

And so, round two began.

The Amakusa's charged forward with the soul in their hearts burning with the words of Accelerator. The fuel was his words, and the fire was their actions. They charged through every attack, knocking away the sharp swords and spears pointed at them, and the spell casters did not want to fire any spells in fear that they might hit their allies, so they watched. Especially the short nun.

At that point, it was like a football stadium with all the fans roaring. It was loud.

"Sister Angelene, what are you doing?! Aim for the enemy!"

Agnese shouted at the short, long blonde-haired nun who was idling around, watching the battle unfold.

"I-I don't want to hurt my allies..."

"Just shut up and do it!"


She held her four pouches in her hands, but a spear had hooked her dress and pulled her forward, and she fell down. The four pouches in her arms fell out, scattering across the floor. When she looked up, it was Itsuwa holding her at spear point.

"It's over."

They continued fighting, and pushing forward, kicking and knocking the side of their heads with the hilt.

And finally, the nuns all laid down on the ground, they too were tired from the fighting earlier. Both sides have fought with their all. It was nearing the end.

Several members stood in front of Agnese, and she grits her teeth in frustration, and then grinds them against each other.

"Why! Why are you all lying on the ground?! Agnese screamed at them as she stomps on the ground with her feet.

"Get up, come on! Continue fighting! We have God by our side! We can't lose! Risk your lives for God!"

"Oh, just shut up already."

Tatemiya interrupted her with his rough voice. He slowly walks up to her while he comments,"They're already tired. Forcing them to fight is useless. We had plenty of rest while you were beating the poor kid up."

Then, he uses the back of his hilt to slam it into the side of her head.

"Give up. It's over already."

However, she slowly rose up from the ground, as she recalls a certain memory.

"No...no...not again...I'm not going back to that place again!"

She grips onto her staff tightly and faces them with her newfound resolve.

"I won't go back!"

She pulls out a knife and started to cut her staff viciously, as if she was trying to break her knife by cutting it on an object far more harder than itself. When the Amakusa witnessed her actions, they were confused to say the least, but their confusion soon faded away when they realized their members were getting cut on the back.


Everyone from the Amakusa Church groaned in pain as they fell to the floor. Relentless amounts of cutting from Agnese had put them in a bad situation. They were losing a lot of blood.

Blood splattered all over the floor around them, some even spread onto the nuns, Orsola, and even Accelerator.

"Ha! How do you like that! The Roman Catholic Church will reign supreme! You will never beat us! Ahahahahahaha!"

Agnese stopped cutting as she laughed at her opposition.

Then, a hand was placed on her face.


Her blood ran cold.

"N-No way...Get off of me!"

That cold hand that was touching her face...was from the devil incarnate.


His soul-piercing red pupils looked straight into her. She cuts her staff again, and cuts appeared on his back, but he didn't care.

A smile was carved out on his face. A smile that only a sadist could pull off. Was it because of the damage to his frontal lobe that caused him to act this way? No, if that's the case, he should not have been able to move. He should be paralyzed, but he wasn't.

He rubbed her face, that was the only thing he could do. She continued to cut her staff, and more blood poured out from his already opened wounds.

"Get your filthy hands off me!"

He couldn't interpret her words. However, there was something he could do. He lightly dragged his hand to a position where his thumb was facing her left eye, and he lightly pressed down.

Agnese did not expect it. It was such a slow movement, but she watched as he slowly poked her eyeball.

It went red.

"Ahhhhh!! You...you...animal!"

She faced the angel's head to his stomach, and drove it in, and he was knocked down to his knees. He looked so pathetic. He grabbed on to her legs, not for dear life though. But for desperation.

Desperation to beat the enemy in front of him.

However, he couldn't support himself anymore, and he went down. But not before pulling her skirt down as well, to reveal her white lacy panties.

"Gyaaahh!! You pervert, molester!"

She pulls her leg back and kicks his face in multiple times.

Blood escaped his mouth, and he finally went to sleep.

"It's all your fault! It's all your damn fault! If you weren't here, things would've went smoothly. We would've been able to bring back Orsola without any troubles! Tch, you fool!"

She furiously stomps on him as she berates him. Her stomps were rather weak as there were no sounds coming from her stomping. Just silence.

"What's wrong with being a 'fool'?"

That voice came from the entrance of the chapel. There, stood a woman of 170 centimeters. She was taller than Accelerator, and she held her sword beside her thigh in a sheath. The lower half of her body was exposed, due to the way she tied her shirt up, revealing her belly button. Her jeans had one pant leg cut off, revealing one whole leg. Her black, long hair was tied up in a ponytail, even then, the ponytail still reached to the level of her hip.

The glowing from the moon and her purplish-pink eyes peered at Agnese.

"And? Who are you supposed to be?" Agnese asks as she raises one eyebrow.


The woman looked at all the Amakusa members on the floor, and she smiled as she whispers something under her breath. Then, she looked at Agnese and announced that she was...

"Former leader...No."

She shakes her head as she corrects herself.

"Leader of the Amakusa Church, Salvare 000, and a Saint..."

"A-A S-Saint?! W-What business does a Saint have in helping such low lives?!"

"...I am Kanzaki Kaori, and they are not low lives. They are brave warriors who are ready to help those in need."


Agnese slowly backed away as she puts her hands in front as a protection. She looked at her staff, and thought.

"(I...I can use this...Yes! I-I think I can beat a Saint!)"

However, she was wrong. In an instant, Kanzaki appeared in front of Agnese and took her staff away.

"I can't kill you. But...I can at least knock you out."


Agnese shrieked as her head was met with the hilt of a blade. Her body fell flat, and the whole place went silent.

Kanzaki looked at Accelerator as her lips twirled around, out of how she feels about him. What does he deserve?

Ultimately, she made her indecisive decision.

—9th September 1:59p.m.—

In A Certain Hospital, ward 203, a certain boy with white hair was lying on his bed, wearing a green hospital gown. He had two rows of bandages wrapped around his head, his whole body felt cold. Could it be from the air-conditioning in the room? Or could it be from the fact that he was skinny? Whatever the case is, that cold woke him up.

"(Ughhh...not again...)"

Accelerator recognized the smell of the hospital, it was like the smell of lavender, and he even recognized the sunlight that was shining through the windows.

That was how familiar he was with the hospital.

He sat back up, and in front of him was a nurse reading one of the books which he was previously reading. She had a plate of apples on her lap, with a knife right beside those apples.

Was it supposed to be used as a weapon to defend herself from Accelerator, who assaulted a nurse before escaping previously?

"(Since the battery is plugged in, I can assume that it was fully charged beforehand.)"

He realized that someone was beside him. A girl with golden hair, wearing one of the white nurse's uniform, with a black cloak on her back. It was Ester.

Accelerator looks around the room, and wondered about what happened last night.

And where was Orsola?

Did he fail? Or specifically, did the Amakusa's fail? No that can't be. Or it could be.

He clicks his tongue as he fidgets around in his own bed, but then he felt the devastating glare of the nurse in front of him.

"Ah ah ah...No leaving this time, sir." The nurse says as she wagged her finger at him.

Accelerator clicked his tongue, and not long after, Ester woke up, and her jaws widened at the awakening of Accelerator.

"Master! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you still hurt? You were very injured last night? Do you remember what happened? Do you remember me?!"

Ester shot her concerns out like a machine gun, not even giving him a second to respond, and he clicks his tongue.

"...You're too loud."

"O-Oh...sorry...B-But I'm just really worried...You came back in a very injured state."

She was worried as she rubbed her hands together below the bed.

"Tch, I'm fine. Anyway, what happened last night?"

Ester's head tilted upwards to face him, and she answers,"Last night, a tall woman came over and brought you to the doctor."

"A tall woman?"

"Yeah, I think she's an acquaintance of yours."

"With descriptions like that, I can't think of anyone."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

She hunched her in sadness as she tells him,"Another girl was also taken in last night. From what I've heard from Yomikawa, it seems like she's from Judgement."


"Hm? Do you know her by any chance?"

"No, it might just be my imagination."


Then, she moved her face closer to him. Her expression becoming more serious.

"Master. You lied to me about the ambulance thing, didn't you?"

"Ah, so you've figured it out."

Accelerator says ignorantly, as he looks up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. No guilt or shame was visible.

"Am I really that untrustworthy to you?"

"...Hmmm, I guess you could say that."

"Seriously?!" Ester shouts as she slams her hands on his bed.

"Tch, keep it—"

He was then interrupted.

"I know that I can't be trusted because I'm weak, I know that you've given me plenty of chances to prove myself, and I've failed multiple times, but I've been trying my hardest, why can't you understand that?"


"Even when I failed, I still wanted to try again. You told me that my caring heart was the only thing that I ever needed, well I've been using my kindness to help people! Why can't you understand and see that?! I want to help you too, I really do want to help you. Why can't you put your faith in me? Why must you ask another woman for help?"

Accelerator could only look at her, speechless, yet his face was still. This woman who he had known for only less than a week cares so much about him. He was quite unfamiliar with it. A stranger that cares so much about him. How funny. Despite her appearances, she was not even a nurse.

Speaking of nurses, the nurse in his ward kept silent as she watched the whole drama unfold. Though she was quite terrified of the atmosphere in the room.

Tears started to form on Ester's face, as her cheeks flushed red, she bit down on the bottom of her lips and gulped down her feelings. Her lips were getting dry, and he opened his mouth.



The door to his ward slid open, and everyone turned to the direction of the door.

"I...I'll be taking my leave first."

Ester says while facing the nurse. The nurse nodded her head, and Ester walks out. When she turned the corner to the hallway that would lead her out of the ward, a little girl's voice could be heard.

"Ah Ester, where're you going? Asks Misaka as Misaka realizes how red your face is getting."

"I-It's nothing..."


Then, as if on cue, Last Order appeared out of the corner.

"Oh, what lovely apples!"

Last Order says as she looks at the plate of apples on the nurse's lap. The nurse smiled as she hands her a knife and one of the apples.

"Here, have one!"

A/N again(Yeaaa...sorry about this. It's just the 500 character bullshit):

Yoookay...Yeah another chapter, I hope you all enjoyed reading the end of the Orsola Rescue Arc, yea kinda boring, but let's get back on track to Himegi's arc!! Yeah! Let's not forget about that! And I know it's kinda disappointing that Accelerator wasn't the one who had to end it, but I'm not ready. Not yet.

Oh yeah, about the baguette thing, it's just a joke. It will be a running joke throughout the whole book. So don't take it seriously, okay? I've seen many fanfics you know...stating the thickness and length like it's 10 inches thick, and fucking 20 inches in length, like god damn man, I know she's suppose to be feelin' good and all, but that's too long for the size of a girl's womb! Irregardless of their height, man!

So, you know, you can guess the size if you want. 1 inch? 2 inches? 10 inches? By the way, Accelerator is not a hentai protagonist, okay? I'm not gonna make him finger every girl he sees.

Why does Webnovel keep the Author’s thoughts to 500 characters?? Bruhhh.

dontouchmecreators' thoughts