
Abyssus - Stories from the Dreamers Realm

Inside a mysterious universe, cluttered with worlds, the light of the stars seems to seep and illuminate the looming ending. But every ending is also a new beginning. As Michael and his team of fellow aether researchers bend reality to their will, the consequences of their plans is reflected in countless worlds. One of the most heavily affected figures, Sion, is caught in an endless fight for survival, with the goal, to find the truth behind the grand change, the new beginning.

Lori_Traumerei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Abyssus - The Beginning: Aether

"Magic or science?

Which should aether be classified as?

This question has plagued our society for decades. Understanding the phenomena around us is no easy task, and it only becomes more difficult when those phenomena occur in dimensions other than the ones we are used to.

For a long time, aether was as much magic as the ideas in fantasy novels.

However, with a staggering number of scientists across the worlds trying to discover the inner workings of our reality, we have put together a leading theory to answer all our questions.

Aethernium, the holy trinity of Aether, combines the segments of Aether Mind, Aether Spirit and Aether Wisdom into a single model that can accurately predict how Aether works.

And only 12 years after we discovered a way to control Aether, the language Laevhatin, we managed to write new laws into the foundation of our reality."

As he drank his coffee, Michael walked past the screen showing a recording of him giving an interview. A thick frown hid behind his medium-length, dishwater-blonde hair, as beard stubbles framed his sharp jawline. His skin and long white coat showed few signs of wear, as if to show the toll that work had taken on him in recent weeks.

Just then his phone started to ring. He looked at the screen hesitantly.

[Incoming call from Nathalie - Accept/Decline]

"What a stressful day," he murmured, his lips barely moving as his frown lightened slightly.

As he put the phone to his ear, a voice came from the speaker: "Michael, the reporters are already here, we need you back in the facility as soon as possible. Oh, and don't forget to go in through the garage, there's a crowd blocking the main entrance."

"I hope this situation will end soon. Being bombarded with so many questions about our newly completed project is really annoying. I can't concentrate on my work with all the noise."

"Don't worry, our publicity team will take care of the situation starting tomorrow, just hang in there a little longer". Nathalie replied.

Arriving at his place of work, Michael stared at the hundred metre high block of glass and steel. Although the building looked a little wider than a typical skyscraper, it was anything but. This aether-focused research facility was the centre of the massive changes that Michael and his team's discovery would bring into their world.

"So," Michael paused before continuing, "how's the implementation of the new system going?"

"We've finished adding the last few runes to the primary runestone, run the tests and initiated the cooling system for the server," one of the staff answered.

"Alright, we'll start initiating the last step of our project in two and a half hours. Make sure you finish the system checks on the mainframe by then."

"Got it."

"Well then, Michael... you should be getting ready for the opening ceremony, shouldn't you?" Nathalie said with a slightly annoyed look. Michael could see his reflection staring back at him from behind Nathalie's huge round glasses, which stood out from the blazing red hair that ran down to the middle of her back.

"Yeah, yeah. But before that, any news on the invader?" Michael replied.

Taking another look at his assistant and dear friend, Nathalie, her glasses and hair gave him the impression of two white moons shining through the unfamiliar red sky as the end of the world invaded their reality.

"Nothing yet, still creeping towards the inner perimeter of our defence zone at the same speed."

"Then we better hurry." Michael said, whispering to himself.

A short time later, the implementation of the new system was finally announced. This system was designed to give the power of Aether not only to the few who could speak Laevhatin, but to their entire society, while changing everyday life by replacing many necessities. The whole system was quite game-like. Among many other features, it included an inventory and a status page with level and skills. Most importantly however, it could ward off the invader.

As the excited crowd of reporters rushed into the main hall, they couldn't help but be amazed by the interior. Light seemed to shine from nowhere, reflecting off the glass walls and illuminating the huge floating stone in the centre. The stone was surrounded by a complex and chaotic arrangement of cables connecting smaller stones.

"Thank you all for coming." Michael's voice echoed through the room, "As announced, we will begin to alter reality by implementing the system we have described in our publications. We've decided to call this system Unus. It will revolutionise life as we know it while defending us against the invader.

Please pay attention to the beginning of our new reality".

I'd like to thank you for giving my novel a try, even though it might not be up to standard in terms of both quality and quantity.

This is my first novel and I more or less make things up as I go along.

So... if you have any suggestions or questions, i'd be happy if you could leave them in the comments for me to see.

Lori_Traumereicreators' thoughts