
Abyssal Lord of the Magi World

I, Zatiel, Abyssal Lord, Ruler of Death and Destruction, Nightmare of Dys, have AWOKEN!!!!!. His life contains events that can shake the universe: -Fighting against Tiamat, Creator of Evil Dragonkind, in the first circle of hell, while billions of demons and devils butcher each other beneath them -Start a World War against the Heavenly Race, and transform himself into a Golden Sun while he slaughters their greatest warriors, the Archangel. -Enter the Final Gate and fight against the Outer Gods. -Tearing the nine levels of Baator during his battles against the Prince of Evil, Asmodeus. With his memories as a ruler of the Abyss and a Universal Existence, Zatiel will rise again. English is not my first language. Critics are well received. I don't own the cover image. If the author wants me to remove it, contact me. Discord link: https://discord.gg/DEscDar

Redsunworld · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1062 Chs

Path Technique

It was on the dawn of the fifth day when Rax, along with some other kobolds, began to approach where Zatiel was resting, bearing with them crudely crafted boxes laden with diverse minerals and gems.

When they were about 20 meters from Zatiel, they set the boxes on the ground and all the kobolds retreated back to the mountain, leaving Rax alone.

Rax didn't show surprise at their actions; after all, he was the one who had ordered them to leave immediately after setting down the boxes. This was a precaution, in case the figure before them became displeased and sought to inflict harm; they would scatter in different directions to maximize the probability of some surviving.

As for Rax, he was prepared to give his life to buy them time. Though the idea of self-sacrifice was scoffed at in the Magi World, these kobolds, having never encountered others of their kind, viewed their tribe as their entire species. Extreme actions were often taken when the fate of one's kind hung in the balance.

Zatiel observed them the entire time and quickly discerned their intentions. However, instead of inciting his anger, the kobolds' actions increased his regard for them. 'Not bad, they could be of use.'

"Mighty being, we have gathered all the minerals and jewels we could mine and brought them to you," Rax kneeled before Zatiel, anxiety painted on his face, uncertain of Zatiel's forthcoming judgment.

Zatiel rose and inspected the boxes and their contents.

"Ease your mind; you've done reasonably well. While most of the minerals here hold little value, some will aid my experiments," Zatiel expressed, content with the mining outcome, his expectations having been moderate.

Rax's tension visibly lifted, relief washing over him.

"What you've brought suffices to spare your tribe, but it doesn't warrant an exchange for strength," Zatiel reminded, knowing the kobolds served out of compulsion, not willingness.

He was aware that, if given the opportunity, these creatures would have turned on him. Therefore, he felt no obligation for the offerings they brought.

Rax met Zatiel's gaze briefly before speaking.

"Please wait here for a moment; I will return shortly," After bowing to Zatiel, he retreated to the mountains.

"Will you truly aid them in gaining strength?" Sophia, having observed the exchange without intervening, questioned Zatiel.

"If they present something of value, why not?" Zatiel valued equitable exchange and had no qualms about assisting those who offered substantial recompense.

"But associating with non-human entities is deemed demeaning by most Magi," Sophia voiced her concerns over potential future repercussions for Zatiel.

"Humph, such proclamations are the fabrications of hypocrites. Magi are pragmatic, often dealing with various entities. Many have so altered themselves that deeming them human is questionable," Zatiel dismissed the prevalent notions, willing to associate with any who proved worthwhile.

Sophia, realizing the extent of her conditioned thinking, felt a sense of shame.

"Apologies," she lowered her head, regretful of her naïveté.

"Fear not, with strength comes clarity. Remember, prevalent beliefs are not absolute truths but constructs permitted by the powerful," Zatiel enlightened, willing to guide her.

They paused as Rax hurried back towards them, a cloth-covered object in his grasp.

"Mighty one, I present to you this rock I discovered during my explorations. Although its use is unknown to me, I believe it holds great value," Rax conveyed respectfully, offering the rock to Zatiel.

Zatiel received the rock and unwrapped it. Encased within was a stunning gem, pulsating with energy in sync with a heartbeat and perpetually altering its color.

"Is this object of significant value?" Sophia inquired, captivated by the gem's beauty.

Rax kept his gaze intently on Zatiel ever since he handed over the rock, and Sophia's question sharpened his focus further, clinging to the hope that the gem might be of immense worth. However, Zatiel's next words dashed his hopes.

"No, it isn't. This gem, known as Rainbow Flash, has the ability to absorb and subsequently release energy at a frequency capable of impacting some magical equipment. Its color-changing aspect is merely an optical property of the mineral," Zatiel explained truthfully, the gem indeed possessed the properties he described.

Rax sighed, comprehending the truth in Zatiel's words; if deception were intended, Zatiel could easily have taken the gem by force.

"However, you're in luck. While not highly valuable, this gem is precisely what I currently require," Zatiel, not giving Rax a moment to react, placed his hand on Rax's head and activated the chip.

"A.I. Chip, transmit the first level of Burning Blood and insert a backdoor in the technique."

Zatiel was willing to aid in strengthening them, contingent on them not posing a threat, hence the slight modification to the technique was reasoned.

Upon completion of the transfer, Rax, delving into the technique's details, grew increasingly astonished.

"Is this technique indeed so extraordinary?" Rax's gaze shifted from fear to profound reverence.

"Yes. However, this is merely the first level, aiding in reaching the peak of rank 0. I suggest sharing this technique only with those you fully trust, lest your tribe faces extermination if this information leaks."

While useful, the technique was not exceedingly valuable to Zatiel, but if learned by other races in the Wasteland, it could lead to the tribe's downfall.

"I will heed your advice, Mighty One. Regarding the subsequent levels..." Rax asked hesitantly, fearful yet tempted by the technique's potential.

"When I return, should you possess valuable items for trade, I may share the next level. Strengthen yourselves first, then seek valuables, enhancing your survival and yield."

Zatiel's strategy was to empower the kobolds to accumulate wealth for him, with a backdoor in place to prevent betrayal.

"We shall follow the Mighty One's guidance," Rax bowed respectfully before departing, a gesture now more of esteem than fear.

"What did you bestow upon him?" Once Rax had left, Sophia hastily approached Zatiel with her query. From their discourse, she had inferred the essence but found it too improbable to accept.

"I simply bestowed upon him a Path Technique," Zatiel, seeing no need for deception, candidly responded.