
Abyss Wanderer

MythicaI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


A loud siren rang throughout the long metallic hall, bright red flashes accompanied them.

A squad of four armed soldiers marched through the hall at blazing speed, in their hands were strange looking guns. after running for about 10 seconds they turned right and arrived at a large metal door.

The door was slightly opened revealing both it's 10 meter thickness and the dark room behind it.

The squad of four wasted no time as they lined up and lifted their guns.

"DO NOT MOVE" one of the soldiers yelled his hands shaking from fear.

Actually all four soldiers were shaking from fear but alas they had to do their job.

10 seconds passed before an eery cackle echoed from behind the metal door.

"DO NOT EXIT THE CELL OR WE WILL FIRE!" another soldier yelled.

"Shoot? HAHAHAHA!"

Hearing the voice one of the soldiers couldn't hold on any longer as he fell unconscious from fear.

"Shit TOM! WAKE UP TOM!" the other soldiers began to panic, "WHERE THS FUCK IS BACKUP?"

"Backup? is that what's giving you courage? HAHAHAHAHAHA!" the voice laughed once more.

"y-You SHUT U-"

Just then a black projectile zoomed from the darkness and struck the soldier instantly killing him.

"no you shut up! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The sound of chains being dragged across the floor resounded from behind the door and almost instantly a figure came into view.

It had over a dozen broken chains attached to it's body and over a dozen more unbroken chains wrapped around his body. It's eery purple eyes gave a feeling of emptiness accompanied by a creepy smile on his face.

Long hair fell from his head giving him a wild/crazy man look.

The remaining two soldiers raised the guns as they began firing at the man.

A flurry of lights seemed to do nothing as the man remained untouched, instead he continued walking slowly towards the soldiers.

"I've wasted enough time in this place, I believe it is time I resurface into this world and teach it it's place."

the man said as he lunged forth piercing both soldiers through the heart with his bear hands.