
Abysmal System

What if you couldn't die? What if you had a system that could exponentially increase your power and decide your fate? That's what our MC has received after his endless journey in the void, follow him as he progresses and conquers the peerless void!

TheMizMind · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


I truly have zero idea where I'm at, most likely dead. It's like I'm stuck in an endless void, I have none of my senses here; and sadly no light at any tunnel I'm looking for.

I can only hear my own heart beat making its rhythmic sound, and with every passing beat... it slowly feels as if I am fading away into the cosmos.

I feel voided of myself, I don't remember how I got here, and I don't know how to get out. I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs, but I couldn't as if I had a sock down my throat; that's when I realized I couldn't even breathe.

Then suddenly, as if I just got yanked by Hercules himself, I found myself on a bed.

There where people all around me of which I don't recognized, crying as if I was somebody they knew that died. I suddenly sat up and looked around, there was a slight pause of silence before screams of absolute terror.

They where shouting something at the top of their lungs of which I didn't understand, however I knew it was very hostile.

Next, I found a sword plunged into my heart and I started bleeding profusely; I guess that wasn't supposed to happen. Next they started shouting, crying, and started to care for me as I wriggled in agony.

Soon after I was in the Void again, it appears this void has something to do with death as for now my heart was properly beating. The pain I was in subsided.

However there was one thing different now, wherever I look there was 'Points: 0' in the corner of my vision.

Don't know what to do about it, and before long I got yanked again.

This time I woke up in a barracks and leather armor, and the sounds of metal clashing outside. I tried standing up and immediately fell face forward, it was really hard for the first few minutes when I firstly tried to make any movement; I probably looked like a newborn wriggling on the ground.

"DUZA MI TU FULP!!!" Some dude seemly yelled at me in my most venerable moments of life. He proceeded to kick me and then lift me up with a sword being smacked into my hands. Great, I can barely move better than a newborn baby and I'm going into battle. Mom would be proud.

I fumbled my way out the tent and immediately took an arrow to my knee, it appears my adventuring days are already over. Sword in hand, and a little push from I'm assuming my boss; I was ready for battle!

I ran... constantly tripping over myself at a high speed, towards battle! I don't know why I'm actually heading to battle, I was just in the moment.

Once I got there I started swinging frantically, I was doing a fantastic job. Some dude dropped in front of me, so I swung my sword down towards his neck.

DING [+1 Point][Level Up]

A notification sounded in my head, not too loud but enough to startle me. While I was in mid daze, I realized I was flying! No wait, I see a headless body with a brute in front of it wielding a battle axe. It didn't take long for me to realize that was me, and gasping for air for what felt like an eternity; my conciseness slowly faded away.

I was back to the hell forsaken void again; however, there was something entirely new. There was two screens in front of me.

[Level Up Available, Please select a new Skill]

I was a little overwhelmed, but I was pretty sure I knew what this was basically. It was most likely some sort of 'System' you would find in those online novels or manga; which I happened to like reading. So I spared no time in doing what I was prompted, I was prompted with a few skills but the one I decided to go with is [Refined Motor Control Lv.1 (Passive)] with also adds +1 to 'Dexterity'; now I wont need to succumb to the embarrassing movements I make.

There was also [Auto Language Translation Lv.1 (Passive)]; however, I thought movement was more important, I'll defiantly get it if I get the chance.

I put my point that I gained also towards my 'Stats', I placed it in Dexterity, I would like to walk normally.

My stats currently look like...


Name: -Unknown-

Class: Jobless

Title: N/A

Level: 1


STR: 3


CON: 3

PER: 3

CHA: 0 [Can't Communicate Yet, -3 Points]

INT: 3


The events that have conspired in the past few hours was more than enough to say I had my fair share of suffering....

I kind of dislike dying.

I hope you guys enjoy my novel 'Abysmal System'!

TheMizMindcreators' thoughts