
Abused, Bruised and Loved

Love is something I used to believe in. From the way he would touch me, kiss me, hold me and whisper my name. I knew from the depth of my heart that I love him. I would find myself for long periods of time just appreciating him. I would find myself with a silly smile on my face, all over a simple text he had sent me. I was so deeply in love, I didn't think anything on this earth could ruin it. He was absolutely perfect. A total gentle man. Patient and kind. A student, with a bright future ahead of him. To top everything off, he was absolutely handsome. He was mine. We would speak of a future together. He'd promise to love me, till death do is part and I'd do the same. The future seemed bright, a abundance amount of happiness seemed to await us. I was happy with him in my life and he was happy with me in his. We were happy together. That is until his mask fell and I saw him for who he truly is. A heartless monster, with a soul as black as his hair. No heart, no humanity. A being who is not afraid to strike me. Then cheat on me with no regret. I stopped believing in love for I felt it did not exist. Built up walls so high you could not see the to. But... He managed to break past them or maybe a window always existed, only for him.

Daoist2YdCGk · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter TWO: She changes and he's worried.

Emily loved her best friend, she truly did. She might have weird way of showing it but that's because he couldn't know. He wouldn't be quite accepting off what's currently going on in her life.

But she still loved him. She loved the way he would tease her, she loved his quiet energetic personal, she loved their playful quarrels and all their time spent together.

She didn't mean to put any distance between her and her best friend, she really didn't. She was just blinded by what, at the time, she thought was love.

Benjamin was a complete gentleman and not to mention incredibly attractive. His dark blue stare was enough to pierce through one's very soul and his soft black hair, oh don't get her started on his hair, it was enough to drive the average teenager mad with infatuation.

But for her it was never about his looks, God no she wasn't that shallow. She had been watching him for quite a while and she had to admit, she had fallen completely in love. The way he would treat the people around him was how it all started, then came the donation drive he lead with no complaint and little tidbits of his seemingly caring nature.

She had never expected him to reciprocate her feelings, sure their eyes had met a couple of times but the idea of him liking her in anyway sounded ridiculous. So imagine her surprise when he confessed his feelings for her and asked her out. It was a dream came true.

Their first date was absolutely perfect, so was the one after that, and the one after that. Before she knew it they were dating and he made quite the perfect boyfriend.

But Benjamin seemed to develop a sort of jealousy towards her best friend. His whole persona seemed to change when Asher was around. His lips would thin and smile seemed to tighten and he would initiate touch between them more often.

At some point they had argued about her relationship with Asher, him wanting her to end things between her and her best friend and her not wanting to give up her best friend because of his jealousy. It all just frustrated her so much.

She had voiced her thoughts on the matter to her best friend telling how worried she was about this affecting their relationship and he of course had tried to reassure her.


One tear escaped her eyes as she finished explaining the situation to her best friend. It slowly made it's way down her face but half way through he felt a hand wipe it away.

"Em look at me," Asher had said as he softly brought her body towards him. She did as told. Once again his hand made it's way towards her face tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Everything is going to be okay," he said tightening his embrace. "I'll make sure of it"

Asher had kept his promise, he toned down his attitude towards him, barely touching her in public. He was eternally grateful towards her best friend as things between her and her boyfriend seemed to go back to normal, but she had to admit she missed her best friend's warm embrace.


Time went on with her falling deeper in love with her boyfriend, falling to notice the small changes of his attitude towards her. Falling to notice his overprotective nature, possessiveness and need to change her.

Giving in to every hint he gave, crumbling at the weight of every insult he threw towards her. Giving in to his suggestion to move in with him, risking her relationship with her parents to be with him.

It all started with her hair.


"You have such beautiful blonde hair babe," Benjamin said twirling a small piece of hair around his finger causing Emily to turn towards him.

They were currently sitting in a vacant bench right outside the school. They had taken their free time before school to catch up. His comment had caused her to light up, blush coloring her cheeks.

"Thanks," she said beaming at the compliment.

"Though it makes you look like a bit like a guy," he says causing her smile to fall. "Sometimes I don't know if I should refer to you as Emily or Emerson," he continued with a boisterous laugh.

"Wh... What," she managed to stutter out clearly hurt by the comment.

"Relax babe it's just a joke," he had said lightly shoving her shoulder causing her heart to sink at the friendly gesture. "though it wouldn't hurt if you grew your hair out a bit.

" ok, " she whispered out as the bell rang signaling their need to get to class..


She made sure to skip her next haircut and the one after that and a few months later visited the hair salon to get a new hairstyle.

New insults were thrown towards her every other day, each one taking down the little confidence she had built over the years, one word at a time. He slowly changed her, shaping her into what he wanted her to be.

No one accept for her best friend had noticed these changes, not even her. He of course had buried his worry for his best friend deep within for change happened to everyone.

The changes had yet to be drastic enough to be seriously worried but five words would change all of that.

"Babe let's move in together,"

This caused quite a few arguments towards her life, between her and her friends, best friend and of her parents. Her relationship with her parents was now barely irreparable.

What she wasn't aware of was moving in with him was practically selling your soul to the devil himself. It gave him new power over her, over her looks and actions. He completely demolished Emily, leaving behind oly a ghost of what she used to be.

Her looks changed drastically, her personality as well. She became more reserved and quiet, she seemed to fade into the crowd of teenagers who just tried to hard. Then slowly but surely she seemed to fade into the background, trying hard to hide. The only thing she was aloud to keep was her intelligence as that didn't seem to change.

Her best friend who had been watching as she slowly faded away, decided enough was enough and finally decided to investigate the reason for his best friend sudden change. This wasn't her, he just knew it.