
Absorbing Her Darkness

Love is "Growing Together". Love is "Realizing that a flaw makes each other perfect." Love has countless definitions. Reveal the defi…. PROLOGUE The story takes place in the beautiful Indian cEKANSHity of Dehradun. It is the twisted romance of BHAIRAVI (aka AARNA). The novel explores college life! Here, Bhairavi changed her name to hide her identity. Her code name is Aarna. Why? Let's take a look together. The story will be told from the point of view of both main actors. Sometimes also the author's point of view. You will be informed about the POV at the beginning of each chapter. As I am busy with my college and studies, parts will be published every alternate day including Sunday. [The characters and plot are only the author's imagination. No one is harmed in the real world.] PROLOGUE: (flash of what happens later in the story, it changes fate all) Author's POV: She walked quietly through the dark corridor of the college. She didn't want to leave. She loved the city. She loved the people who live here. She loved the air and everything! Since the electricity had been cut off, it was completely dark. It also thundered. She could hear her ankles jingling as she moved. She wore a floral print skirt and a flat crop top, leaving her dark brown hair down to her upper waist. She was forcefully heading to the administrative office to collect her TC. A tear welled up in her eye because no she wanted to go back to her past life. She hated it. And after coming to this city, she hated it even more. She walked slowly and wiped her tears with her left hand. “BHAIRAVI!!”, someone called from behind. She stood motionless as thoughts clouded her mind. No. No one can know who I am. I don't want them to know my real name. That will make it harder for me.. She turned with an absent mind. Like her she answered the name, the person in front of her having just been confirmed in her true identity. Her eyes were full of tears, so she couldn't see the person clearly. She focused the torchlight on him. Ekansh. who else would it be? He stared at her. He had no idea of ​​her pain. She had always been a mystery to him. And he loved mysteries. So he wanted to solve it. He never gives up until he finds his roots. And he managed to find the roots of this mystery. “Bhairavi,” he said calmly, this time slowly pacing back and forth towards her. "How do you know my real name?" she asked as her heart rate rose. He was standing very close to her. His face tilted parallel to hers. The gap was less than a few centimeters. She shivered as her eyes caught his. He grabbed her waist with his left hand to erase the remaining gap. She was breathing hard because she was tired from crying. And now his actions made her knees buckle. “I love you Bhairavi,” he said, stroking her cheek with his right thumb. She didn't know how to answer. She didn't want one more thing to be added to the list she had to leave behind. When she didn't answer, he realized she was in pain. Now he could only see her tears flowing faster. He lowered his face slightly to capture her lips. Sometimes falling in love is the easiest thing. How far would you go to save it?

Sudha_Rana_6772 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Chapter 2

Ekansha's POV:

I have been on this campus for the past two years! AND

I will fly back to Mumbai in two years.

Basically I am from Mumbai who is forced to do this

board here. I am labeled as a celebrity child

Bombay. To be honest, I don't like fake fame.

I feel that life is a challenge. Every day is an opportunity

win it.

I was very careless and jovial. Cooling my life, in a

good way.

My mom wanted me to stay away from them

spotlight and she was afraid I would spoil myself because of the high profile!

My dad wants me to learn to be independent and serious. And that's how I got up here.

It's really hard to believe that this place is so magical. In the two years I've spent here, I feel more mature and responsible. My mom is on cloud nine noticing my good behavior change.

The best thing you can do in life is make your parents proud. That luck will hit you differently!

As I remembered my happy life, I could hear my ankles tinkling.

I was very attracted to that sound.

I walked through the corridor of the hostel and

he noticed a girl climbing the stairs. She seemed to be new to the place. Of course it's new. She is

carrying a cart.

Wait, what is he doing here?

"Hey!" I called her.

She slowly turned to me.

Her amber colored balls immediately stared deep into mine.

Her eyebrows formed a perfect arch.

She wore a yellow palazzo and a white top accessorized with black metallic jewelry.

Hell. She looked so beautiful.

I didn't take much time to observe her. One small glance is enough for me to explore.

Unlike me, she slowly looked me up and down.

And I let her do it. I like it when people examine me. It gives me a different kind of happiness.

Well, she wasn't done with her staring. Now it was minutes.

I paused, "Thank you for examining me. How do I look?" I teased her with my sarcastic smile.

She immediately tore her eyes from me and went up the stairs.

"Where are you headed?" I asked, blinking my eyes.

She is ignorant.

I ran and held her wrist to stop her. She was amazed by my actions.

"Stop it." she said.

My eyes captivated me again as I stood closer to her.

They were hiding some pain. I see. Wait, why do I care?

I felt pain in my hand when I asked. She twisted my wrist tightly.

"Ow.", I recoiled in shock.

"How dare you touch me?!" she accused me.

"Fine! Go. This is the boys' dorm. Turn their hands too.", I yelled and ran down the stairs.

I got angry. My hand hurt like

someone separated my wrist from my hand. It was unbearable.


I had to go back to the dorm to apply some salve or spray.

I came back and immediately turned left without seeing.

I bumped into her.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked and shivered.

"1- I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hit you.", she tried to control her smile.

I rolled my eyes.

"Um. Could you point me in the direction of the girls' hostel? Please.", she requested.

I looked at her.

"You twisted my arm.

"Sorry about that." she replied.

There was a kind of eerie silence between us.

"I don't want to be a gentleman to you. I'll help you anyway."

"Thanks." she finally smiled.

Her smile was breathtaking and rare. I forgot about the pain in my hand for a few seconds before it started to hurt again.

We left the boys' dormitory. We walked down the road.

To dispel the pain, beside it.

What's wrong with answering who are you! All girls

dying to share his name and phone number with me. Well, I don't want another fake fan.

The weather here did not allow me to forget the pain.

I shook my hand and held it.

"Give me your hand." she said and stopped walking.

"Sorry, what?"

She took my hand.

"How dare you touch me?!" I teased her on the back.

She twisted my arm again.

"Oh! You crazy woman!" he cried at that moment.

I shrunk my face in pain.

"You bloody monster-"

"Stop cursing me. The pain is gone.", she said without any expression and continued walking.

I looked at my hand. Yes. Shes right. It doesn't hurt anymore.

I ran after her, "You must be karate kid 2.0."

Looking at me, she gave a small laugh. I took her wheelchair from her hand.

She didn't mind and continued walking.

"I'm sorry for twisting your arm. I hate when."

strangers touch me without my permission. They taught me to wring my hands when someone is squeezing me uncomfortably. It is one part of the defense

learning." she shrugged.

"Have you been training?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's mandatory. On our side," she said, smiling at me.

"Which side? Where are you from?" I asked suspiciously.

"Looks like we accomplished my goal. She never answered my question.

This makes me angry!

And then I looked ahead. Girls' dormitory.

"Thanks," she said, taking her troll from my hand. When her fingers brushed against mine, she felt something and lowered the cart onto my leg.

I closed my eyes for a second to stop myself from moaning.

She bit her lip guiltily.

"It seems you were born to hurt me!" I said rolling my eyes.

She laughed, "I'm sorry. Again. It was unintentional."

Her smile disappeared in a second. She looked at me with confused eyes.

Her hands rested on my chest. This time she didn't expect my movement. I smirked.

I leaned closer to her right ear and whispered, "I

I want to know you. i will know you I won't stop until then."

She shivered as she listened to my voice.

We both stared at each other for a moment. Her chest heaved up and down with heavy breathing.

I dropped my hands and put my hood back on

on my head and walked away from her.

He has no idea that I love mysteries.

I smirked again and left without turning around

rear. What's your name, mysterious newbie? lets go

start the game!