

30 thousand year later humanity have conquered the galaxy. Deus Rex is one of 10 billion human, due to abundant amount of star system humanity have terraformed he manage to buy for himself but soon the feeling of joy owning a star system disappear due to him suffering from the side effect of second stage development of a human, which make them stronger both physically and mentally, when a "Chaos storm" is approaching instead of setting a energy shield to protect his planet he just laugh at it and got destroyed along with his planet explore the world with him as he found himself in another world after his planet got destroyed

Griffin_Melchior · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

chapter 3

<p>Deus mind is awake yet his body isn't, he can't will his arms or legs to move. Although he can't see but through his sense of touch and hearing he manage to sort of sense the environment he is in.<br/><br/>he was being carried by Lexia, every time he used emblem his body would felt intense pain, he can't communicate.<br/><br/>he panic for bit but soon calm down when he sense energy, he approximate there's at least 20 sapient being near their location.<br/><br/>Lexia Thoughts poured into his mind and filled the missing context of who are this being are.<br/><br/>In short, they are victim of the ongoing war, they are more likely got their village destroyed and finding a new place or their village is too close to front line of the war so they decided to leave, to avoid being caught in the war.<br/><br/>He repeatedly sent words that describe his wish to help them to Lexia.<br/><br/>He was exhausted and his mind is once again being drag back to sleep.<br/><br/>Lexia observe the group of people as they gather sticks and some fruits, after making a fire they all seat near the fire they made to warm themselves. <br/><br/>Lexia continued observing them on far distant. <br/><br/>Deus woken up again, Lexia thoughts and memory once again filled the blank, the group of people Lexia is following have settled in the border between Greater desolate and Dark forest.<br/><br/>He needed devotee to repair his body but seeing there's no opportunity to convert them.<br/><br/>".. con.. ti..nue..." Deus telepathically said.<br/><br/>Lexia continued her journey without saying anything.<br/><br/>Deus noted himself to remember the location, just in case if he want locate them in future.<br/><br/>through the journey Deus reserve his energy and didn't talk much. <br/><br/>It took them 2 weeks to finally arrived. <br/><br/>Lexia is now in front of gate of a house. The house appeared to be some sort of trunk of a giant tree that was hollowed to be made as home. <br/><br/>Lexia slowly walk toward the door, along the way plenty of strange plant was planted on the side of walkway.<br/><br/>ding-dong sound could be heard as Lexia knock on the door.<br/><br/>"knocking at the door create a bell sound?" Deus thought to himself.<br/><br/>A moment later a sound of footstep could be heard and the door soon open.<br/><br/>they were greeted by a black haired woman with red eyes, she is wearing silk sleepwear that have cotton on it's edge. she rubbed her eyes as take a look at the person in front of her.<br/><br/>"oh my oh my" her right hand hovered over mouth as she uttered those words.<br/><br/>She soon placed her right hand on her cheeks and her left hand just under her bust supporting her right hand.<br/><br/>"Lexia! it's been so long!" she quickly aimed for a hug but noticed Lexia is carrying someone.<br/><br/>"and who might this" she pointed at Deus.<br/><br/>"Let me come inside for now...I'll explain"<br/><br/>inside of the house, on the left side there's a wooden bed, on the right of the bed and angled 80 degree to the left of the door a fireplace that is surrounded by bricks could be seen, on the right side is stairs that lead to second floor that have two room, 65 degree right of the door there's another door that lead to kitchen.<br/><br/>Lexia gently laid down Deus on the wooden bed and used her thigh as pillow.<br/><br/>"oh my oh my, it seem my little adventurous prince have growned"<br/><br/>"No, it's not what you think" Lexia sighed and explain what happened.<br/><br/>"Human? servant? last time I checked those guys aren't even capable of 9th tier magic, ridiculous... " She scoffed at the idea and said some insult.<br/><br/>"what does magic have to do with this?!" Lexia said in confusion with hint of anger, seeing someone insult Deus race. <br/><br/>"Sigh... Ritual have to be perform to create a servant, which mean a vampire have to use magic otherwise everytime we eat there would be new vampire running around" <br/><br/>She put her hand on her chin and contemplated something. <br/><br/>"you know what, let me check you I can't feel a hint of mana yet you report feeling of being tied down to this thing" she pointed at Deus.<br/><br/>"as long you stop belittling him" Lexia said <br/><br/>She cast , a beam of light scaned Lexia up and down, and it soon turn into paper with incomprehensible letters. <br/><br/>"Relax for a bit, I will need my tools to decrypt this" she said <br/><br/>"thank you Adeline" Lexia said<br/><br/>"No problem" Adeline. <br/><br/>Adeline, 300 years old vampire, She lived in seclusion and have taken care of Lexia when she was young when her parent have important matter to attend to, leaving young Lexia alone by herself. She is friend with both of Lexia parent and a mentor to them when they were young. <br/><br/>Deus woke up, finally able to open his eyes. He was in a house so he assumed they finally arrived at the location, he tried to use emblem but as expected his body is still damaged.<br/><br/>Through scientific breakthrough in the past millennia, humanity discovered that every sapient being have a soul, there's 2 part of that soul, the container and the content, but there's also another part of that is later discovered, pseudo-content, the content layer of the soul radiate some sort of energy that form into pseudo-content, humanity manged to harvest that and transform their pseudo-content into pseudo-container which is used to perform miracle like feat. <br/><br/>In Deus case his body is so damage that his pseudo-container is broken and can't gather energy to heal or maintain his physical body. <br/><br/>"I am hungry..." Deus thought since he can't heal using conventional method he have to use traditional method. <br/><br/>Lexia was bit shocked and relief that Deus have awoken. <br/><br/>Lexia slowly lowered Deus head and tried to find food when she came across Adeline coming down the stairs. <br/><br/>"do you have some food in here? specifically non vampire food" Lexia ask <br/><br/>"are you hungery? don't worry I have some stored meat in the kitchen" Adeline replied<br/><br/>"No, Lord Deus is hungry, I must cook some food for him" Lexia said with a blank facial expression.<br/><br/>"oh ok" Adeline replied<br/><br/>after Lexia left, Adeline eyes narrowed with suspicion at Deus. <br/><br/>She slowly walked toward Deus, each step she took is filled with strength, each of her step a burst of mana would be release of her body further increasing the already suffocating dense mana around.<br/><br/>"So, who are you?" she bent forward to eye level of now sitting Deus, her eyes glowed crimson red, her fang showing as she smiled with malice.<br/><br/>All of that disappeared as Lexia come out with a with some bread and meat.<br/><br/>He can't feel the pressure of mana but detected increase of unknown energy as she approached him, Deus don't need to understand the language to understand that the person in front of him don't like him. <br/><br/>Deus grab some bread and eat it while awkwardly looking at Adeline as Adeline watch Deus eat.</p>