

30 thousand year later humanity have conquered the galaxy. Deus Rex is one of 10 billion human, due to abundant amount of star system humanity have terraformed he manage to buy for himself but soon the feeling of joy owning a star system disappear due to him suffering from the side effect of second stage development of a human, which make them stronger both physically and mentally, when a "Chaos storm" is approaching instead of setting a energy shield to protect his planet he just laugh at it and got destroyed along with his planet explore the world with him as he found himself in another world after his planet got destroyed

Griffin_Melchior · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Both Lexia and Deus sat at the log near the campfire.

Deus was looking at Lexia with absolute disbelief.

Throughout the existence of humanity no alien have been found that is so similar that if you remove few scale or horn or extra appendage, like in the old sci-fi movies,that they would be basically human.

As of now he already come to realization that he is on the different planet although unsure how he got here, the fact he is not on his planet remain a fact.

Lexia is incredibly uncomfortable, she tried running but everytime she took a step further she felt her body getting heavier and heavier to the point she might collapse into the ground if she decides to take another step.

"excuse me, Sire... why does my body felt strange"

Lexia suddenly grabbed her mouth, shock that her words didn't come out the way she intended.

"You Bastard, what have you to my body" is what she actually meant to say.

Using the emblem Deus could read Lexia mind like a book and send words telepathically thus allowing him to be able to communicate with her.

"We should do a introduction for now, I am Deus Rex citizen of Culmen Existentiae and I am human, pleasure to meet you"

Deus introduce himself with his palm on left chest and then reach out the same hand toward Lexia as if aiming for a shake hands.

Lexia is bit confuse but nonetheless she introduce herself.

"I am Lexia a High-Elf"

Deus lowered his hand, despite the fact that he is on different world he got used too much of other race knowing human basic etiquette to the point of it being second nature to use human etiquette in greetings.

"If I may be brash Sire but can you please answer my question"

what she actual want to say.

"don't fucking avoid the topic and answer my damn question"

Deus hand slowly reach for Lexia hand, his eyes still can't believe what he is looking at.

Lexia closed her eyes, still terrified at what he just did a couple minutes ago.

Deus rubbed Lexia ear slowly, fascinated that her only physical difference to a normal human is that Lexia have a very sharp ears.

"Due to my own fault I accidentally turned you to my servant"

"Servant? like how when a vampire bite someone and didn't kill them they turn into servant, I thought you said you are human?-"

while in the middle of questioning Deus, a beast appeared.

It have silver fur around it's neck and have black fur on its body, it have a wolf like head and bat like wings on its back, on top of it's head it have unicorn like horn that glowed with crimson red aura.

Lexia quickly grab her staff and immediately casted <shield> just as the the beast lunged toward them.

Lexia casted <fire>, fire appeared in front of the staff and swallowed the beast whole but it is ineffective, the beast have no scratch whatsoever.

The beast broke the shield with it's powerful claw, Lexia retreated few step back and casted <earth spike>, tens of deadly spike appeared below the ground where the beast standing, piercing the beast.

The beast unicorn like horn glowed intensely and large fire ball appeared.

Lexia casted <frontal shield>, multiple layer of octagon shape shield appeared in front of Lexia, with that it blocked the beast fire ball but after the fireball is blocked it turned into thick fog.

The beast disappeared and multiple sound of growling could be heard in multiple direction.

Lexia tighten her grip of her staff as she frantically look for the actually location of the beast.

Deus raised his hand, on tip of his finger, a ball of white light appeared and soon shot out of his finger and pierced beast head, killing it.

A large thump sound could be heard as the beast fallen to the ground, Lexia startled by the sudden sound and turned to her back and found the beast dead with a giant hole in it's head, Lexia immediately look at Deus with disbelief.

"Yes i am indeed human" Deus said.

"huh?" Lexia had a confused look.

"You asked, just a few minutes ago... " Deus shrugged.

Deus body went limp and his eyes become heavier and heavier, he fallen to the ground and pass out.

Sun rose over the horizon marking a new morning yet Deus hasn't woken up yet. Lexia is now carrying Deus on her back as this is the only she thought she could be possibly able to continue her journey.

She felt huge amount of worry for well being of Deus, which she attributed to her somehow becoming a 'servant' to a human. Before she encountered Deus she planned to go to her vampire friend which lives deep inside the [greater desolate] to hide but now it seem she have more reason to go there.

[Greater Desolate] is filled with immense amount of mana which suffocate or mutate life over there which makes it a very hostile environment.

Lexia journey continued until she come across a group of people, they wear ragged clothings, their body is full of bruises, crying of children could be heard among them, some of them is coughing as they walk. Lexia watched from a far, as she's about to head to a different direction in order to avoid them a faint voice whispered in her ear.

"do not avoid them, approach them, help them.... " at first she thought she's merely hearing thing but as she is about to turn her back, the voice become louder and louder.

Reluctant, she approach the group of people. they all stop in track as they stared at her.

In Lexia mind she keep asking for what to do next but no one replied.

"H-hey-, I was just passing by, ignore me~"

In the midst of the group a sickly elderly man walked in front.

"we pay great respect to high-elf" the man bowed a little and so the others and soon they continue to walk.

remembering the voice said.

"help them? what I am supposed to do? I barely have any food to give them and... aghhh whatever"

Lexia casted <Silent Step> and <invisibility>, with that she followed them since so far they seem to be heading to the same direction hers.