

30 thousand year later humanity have conquered the galaxy. Deus Rex is one of 10 billion human, due to abundant amount of star system humanity have terraformed he manage to buy for himself but soon the feeling of joy owning a star system disappear due to him suffering from the side effect of second stage development of a human, which make them stronger both physically and mentally, when a "Chaos storm" is approaching instead of setting a energy shield to protect his planet he just laugh at it and got destroyed along with his planet explore the world with him as he found himself in another world after his planet got destroyed

Griffin_Melchior · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

In a distant star system far away from the home planet of humanity, named "Trinity-89-alpha" by it's sole inhabitant, Deus Rex lived there. Using all of the wealth he accumulated he bought a star system.

Star system were plentiful due to over terraforming humanity has done in the last 20 century, it gotten to the point where a star system could be bought by an individual.

Deus woke up in a beach, his mind is cloudy, like a fog covering someone eyes, he can't form complex thought in his current state and if you are to compare his current state, it would be like the state of someone drunk.

Upon age of 25, a human would enter their second stage of development lasting 5 years,their hair would slowly turn white and their body and mind would further develop in the span of 5 years. After the 5 years their hair would slowly turn back in the coloration of black and change in their body would stop.

Due to that when "Chaos Storm" is approaching his star system instead of raising a energy shield or activating all the other option to avoid the wrath of a chaos storm, he just looked in the sky and raise his hand and said-

"ooooh woaaah shiny purple cloud"

He mess up- the storm is approaching and gaining speed as it devoured all other planet in his star system, soon it reach Deus planet and as his planet is being engulf by the storm he too was experiencing the very reason they called "Chaos Storm" a chaos storm.

Chaos storm are rare occurrence that destroy worlds it come across, it have same probability of appearing as someone being struck by lightning. Ever since their first discovery they remained mystery and the only known fact are they carry energy no human can absorb and they can be repelled by energy shield.

Trees being pulled out of their roots to be fling around by the winds and cyclone formed becoming sword that cut everything it touches, gigantic wave devoured the land.

All of that is mere prelude of what to come, toxic energy come pouring out of the sky into the surface of the planet slowly breaking it like acid being drop into a paper, the sheer amount of it was like pouring a jug of water into a small drinking glass, and if you are to observe it from outside perspective you might mistake the mist like toxic energy to be liquid with how dense it is.

"Toxic Energy" is an umbrella term that refer to any energy that modern human can't digest.

But in Deus case, the toxic energy is so dense and abundant that it was basically being shove into him and him being force to digest it.

He glowed silvery white, the same color as the toxic energy. At the highest illumination point he is glowing he vanish, with his disappearance his planet cracked and was destroyed.

Deus regain consciousness in a middle of a forest, the surrounding area he woke up in have burn marks yet there's appear to be no fire.

His mind is still cloudy, he was naked and cold, he took look around and found nothing that could be of used as clothing, he heard the sound of flowing water and so he walk slowly towards it.

He was hungry and thirsty, few minutes of walking he arrive in the location, a river filled clear water and few fish swimming.

He tried to grab one but escaped but he didn't give up and continued to used his hand to grab the fish to eat, he soon found himself in front of small pond.

In the second of development of a human, they would aquire various ability, one of those ability is "Perception". Perception would allow a human to guage living being strength, unfortunately Perception is a temporary ability that a human would aquired and would be only used to find suitable servant.

there in front of him is an elf but because of his "perception" ability Deus sees a glowing light in a shape of a woman but to the elf she sees naked man/human in front of her, she panicked and screamed profanity toward Deus and was about to cast fireball into his direction but stopped.

Sky darkened and cloud gathered, ominous atmosphere froze the elf in place, she franticly look around what causing this sudden change in the weather, she sense no magic being casted nor monster near by,

lighting appeared and struck the elf.

Deus thought on the whole situation-

"ooooh sparkly touched glowy"

Despite his mind being cloudy he still have some rough grasp that a living being just got struck by lightning and probably need a help, he approach the elf to check up on her, after confirming her life is not in danger he stop and thought what to do next.

"Xvorz Nir" he held the head of the elf and said those words. His fingers stretch and dug into the brain of the elf, soon the fingers inside the elf brain started breaking down into single cell and started mixing in with the brain of the elf.

Current line of thought of Deus,

Glowy hurt -> servant improve stuff -> servant heal -> Glowy need to be servant.

Servant are existence that would assist a human with everything, to managing their property and to all sort of other thing, usually when a human would come to the age of 25 they would pick a servant from aliens that have graduated from servant training school.

Although Servant physique would improved compared to their previous physique and would heal any previous injury but turning someone into servant just to heal them is an overkill, it would like giving someone a full body enhancement when they have a broken arm.

Exhausted from hunger and using his remaining energy to turn someone into a servant he lost his consciousness.

The world of "Avion" is brink of destruction, every single sapient species living in Avion waged a war to each other, Dragons, Gods, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Beast-folks, Demons, Vampires all simultaneously at war with each other.

Lexia is a proud High-Elf, while running away from chaos of war she retreated into Dark Forest to take a break from running, along the way she spotted a pond to refresh herself, she removed all her clothing and equipment and jump into the cold water of pond cleaning her body.

High-Elves refer to small subspecies of Elves that have same lifespan of human but twice the magic capacity of the strongest elf.

While enjoying the refreshing feeling of cold water on her skin, she heard a footsteps, she ready herself to cast a magic spell but failed due to the fact she didn't expect a naked man to just to walk out of bushes, she blushed and screamed "pervert" at the man, just before she regain her composure she took notice that sky have darken out of nowhere and large amount of cloud is gathering, Soon a lighting bolt appeared before she even have time to blink the lighting bolt already hit her and she lost her consciousness.

Time passes and she regain her consciousness, in front of her is the same naked man sleeping, she reach out to her equipment with the intent of killing him but as she reach out to her short sword she felt sense of wrongness as if the mere act of hurting him is unnatural and in violation of natural order.

Shaking her head, she decided to tie him on the tree instead.

Deus eyes opened, it was night now and star could be seen in the night sky, moonlight illuminated the otherwise dark forest. Deus line of sight slowly lowered into the camp fire in front of him.


Before he can even finish his sentence he was greeted by projectile of a ball of flame followed by a weird and gutteral, German sounding words,from Deus perspective the girl in front of him sound like saying words mix of Russian and German.

Suddenly, now his mind is clear and the side effect of his second puberty have disappeared,Deus felt his emblem inside her, panick soon insue on his head.

"Crap crap don't tell me I somehow turned someone into my servant while-wait a... I am sole inhabitant in my planet and human can't turn into servant... unless... oh my god police is gonna come after me..."

Lexia watch in amusement as the man before her panic for his life, she mistaken his own fear of getting caught by the police for a fear of being killed by her.

Humans can't become a servant to other human due to it being illegal and impossible since adult(30) human can easily repell the process of turning someone into servant, although a human below 25 can be turn into servant until they reach adulthood which by then their body would have developed a way to fight off the invader inside them and controlling them. That means he pretty much violated a few law by turning a human, UNDERAGE human into servant.

Deus seriously panicked and quickly stand up which cause the rope tying him down on the tree to simply break like a brittle candy, He reach for her head pinning her into the ground and inserted his finger inside of her brain and tried to remove the emblem by himself but to his surprise the emblem mixed too well and as he further analyze her body although similar to a human is a bit different...

Shocked, He quickly retreated, leaning into the tree he stared at his hand full of shock.

Lexia was terrified on what just happened, she tried to cast fireball at the man but can't conjure her will to do so and in turn the man inserted his finger into her head making her nauseous.

She tried to cast another spell, anything just to keep the man away from her but nothing worked, she felt as if there chain enveloping her entirety and controlling her.