
Absolute Supremacy

Cao Huang's father was arrested when he was wrongly accused of smuggling drugs from China to USA. His mother, disowned by her family fell in into critical heart disease, an operation costing millions of credits. He is the only one who can provide fee for his sister's school even if he is about to be expelled from his own. Everything changes when suddenly.... A certain malfunctioning gaming equipment shall change his future for the better. He will stand above everyone else by become the first Absolute Supreme with the mark of supremacy. Cao Huang shall rise from the bottom to the top and take revenge for all the grievances suffered by his family. Marked by supremacy, he shall be the overlord of the second world of Humanity >. ---------------------------- I will also be posting this story on royal roads and scribble hub. ------------------------------ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atifnaeem986 Gmail: Atifnaeem986@gmail.com

Atif_Naeem · Jogos
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36 Chs

3 Paid!

Cao Huang woke at 6 A.M, took a shower, brushed his teeth and went towards the kitchen to cook breakfast.

"There goes the groceries of the week. I should go to the market after school to buy some for the next week." He thought to himself.

After sometime the door opened and his little sister came out of the room smelling the pleasant fragrance of breakfast.

Both of them ate their share and got ready to go to school. As their destinations were in opposite direction to each other so first he took his sister to her school. Saying farewell he went to his own.

Beijing Heaven High School.

A youth with almond coloured and blue eyes walked through the school gates. His eyebrows are sharp like swords and eyes his eyes radiate calmness. He had a chiselled chin like a mountain peak piercing through the highest heaven's. But all of these characteristics are over shadowed by his slightly fat body. If he were slightly muscular, he would surely have been a lady killer.

This person was Cao Huang who had just entered the school gates. Contrary to its name he considers the school a hell. He was a top genius within his previous middle school but the events greatly changed his fate after he had to carry the burden for his family. He was admitted in the school on the basis of scholarship but seeing that his results were deteriorating the school decided to revoke his scholarship and give it to someone more deserving.

Cao Huang wasn't a popular student in the school. He was one of those students who is ignored by everyone else and bullied by the strong.There were many occasions on which he was beaten black and blue after the school. In addition, suffering from harsh berating and scoldings from the teachers, his impression in the eyes of others was less than satisfactory, so no one was there to help him except some of the people he has grown up with.

He doesn't care about that because he is about to be expelled but fears separating from his friends who supported him through out these tough times.

"Brother Huang, where had you been all this time. I have been calling to inform you that I have accumulated enough credits in order to buy a gaming helmet. Us brothers can now enjoy playing <<Absolute supremacy>>."

Cao Huang turned as he saw his best friend Tang Tang coming towards him with great strides. Tang Tang had slightly above average looks. He was a good natured guy who was really cheerful and always liked to smile, that's why he was liked by everyone in the school. He was his childhood friend and one of the people who helped him the greatest.

"I am not free after school so you can just play by yourself."

"How can that be? If brother Huang isn't playing then I am also not playing." Tang Tang stood there stubbornly.

"Tang Tang, I don't have the time to play some useless games as I already have many things to do so just play by yourself." Said Cao Huang angrily.

"Why do you look upset? Brother Huang. If there is anything I can help then be sure to tell me".

Cao Huang knew that Tang Tang would help him even if he had to beg for money so he kept the matter about his expulsion to himself. "Nothings wrong. I wasn't able to sleep well at night so I am feeling little bit tired." He said with a fake smile.

"Oh! Then I am relieved. let's go to the class or teacher will make us stand in the hallway."

Their class was proceeding normally when Principal Dong came in.

"Cao Huang Please come with to my office." He said seriously.

What he feared had already come true. The time of his expulsion.

With a heavy heart Cao Huang followed the Principle towards his office. The principal told him to sit on the next chair and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Cao Huang "Principal I know that I have been expelled. I won't be coming to school from tomorrow so please don't bother to explain." Said Cao Huang with an annoyed face.

"What are you talking about? Expulsion? Your dues have already been paid so you don't have to go anywhere. I brought you here to inform you that." Said principal Dong.

Cao Huang was puzzled by all this. How were his school dues paid? Seeing his puzzled face Principal Dong seriously said "A man named Cang Lan came an hour ago. He handed me 10000 credits saying that these were earned by you. And would be used to pay your school fee."

"Now don't joke with me and go to your class" said Principal Dong angrily as he thought Cao Huang was messing with him.

Cao Huang left the office excitedly. The Principal didn't knew that he was the one who was puzzled by this revelation.

"Seems like Boss didn't confiscate my reward for himself. He knew that I wouldn't pay for my school with the reward money. At least that guy has some conscience." said Cao Huang after pondering for a while.

Fellows first to fourth chapters will contain some the background and basic introductions. The gaming section will start from the last part of the fourth chapter.

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