

WELCOME to the exciting story of Alex, a boy who suddenly finds himself in a new world after being isekai'd. Upon arriving, he discovers that he has a powerful soul and an incredible talent, which allows him to increase his abilities to new heights. With the support of his loving parents in this world, Alex sets out on a journey through the multiverse, driven by his ambition to reach the pinnacle of power and attain immortality. Follow Alex's incredible journey as he faces numerous challenges and battles against powerful foes, all while striving to fulfill his ultimate goal. Join us on this captivating adventure and discover the incredible destiny that awaits Alex. ----------------------------------------------------------------

Bored_dude · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


I woke up at 7 am to the sound of my maid's reprimanding voice for sleeping in. In the 21st century, it's common to stay up late and wake up late, but that doesn't fly in my family. Everyone wakes up at 6 am and begins their daily activities.

Today marks the official start of my training. I plan to discuss it with my dad and ask him to find me a skilled combat teacher. In this world, even people with the same abilities can have varying power levels depending on their combat strength, battle awareness, and unique abilities.

After freshening up, I headed to my dad's chamber. When I opened the door, I saw him engrossed in his office work, with his trusted guard and butler by his side.

My dad glanced at me for a few seconds and then asked in a stern voice, "What do you need, son?" Despite feeling a bit nervous, I take solace in the fact that Alex was deeply loved by his family.

"Good morning, Dad! I'd like access to the library, and I also want to start cultivating!"

My dad appeared surprised for a moment but quickly regained his composure. He tossed me a badge and said, "You can use this badge to access three floors of the library. As for cultivation, you'll have to wait until you're ten years old."

"Why not now, Dad?"

"Your spiritual root, talent, and abilities can only be awakened once you reach ten. If you try cultivating before that, there's a risk that your talent might diminish, and you could even become crippled. I advise you to be patient and wait."

"Okay, Dad. Can I go to the library now?"

"No problem. You also have language, other subjects, and dance classes. I'll arrange everything soon. It will take around two years for you to complete these classes and learn the basics of cultivation and the geography of this world. Your classes will begin next week, and I'll find a suitable teacher for you."

"Okay, Dad. No problemo."

"Oh, and there will be a surprise waiting for you when your classes start."

"I'll look forward to it, Dad." With that, I left his office and made my way to the library. Frankly, I'm not that excited about the gift he mentioned. In the past, he has given me fancy items or something similar.

As I approached, I saw a temple-like structure that marked the library's entrance. I entered the library after showing the badge to the guards. Inside, books were neatly organized and categorized into different sections. I walked to the counter where an old man was dozing off on a bench. I waited for a few minutes, not wanting to offend anyone. In the novels I read in my previous life, these people were often powerful, so I wanted to be polite.

Seeing that he wasn't waking up, I decided to use my soul sense to check if he was truly powerful. To my surprise, he was just an ordinary mortal. "Wait, maybe he's extremely powerful, and I couldn't sense it." Well, it's pointless to dwell on it. My soul sense is strong enough to detect even Core Formation Realm strength, yet I couldn't sense anything from him. He couldn't possibly be a Nascent Soul cultivator, as there are only three people in that realm within this sect's territory, and two of them are from the Skysword Sect. With these thoughts, I woke him up.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing here?"

"Sir, I've come here to learn about the basics of cultivation and other fundamental aspects. Could you recommend some books to me?"

"Sure, sure." He led me to an old shelf, handed me some books, and returned to his bench, dozing off once again.

I delved into the books, starting with the basics they provided. Whenever I had free time, I frequented the library, immersing myself in books about beasts, different herbs, and elixirs—topics not covered in my regular education curriculum.

A week flew by in the blink of an eye. Today, I had planned to wake up around 8 am, but my maid, Priya, entered my room and woke me up earlier than usual, citing my father's orders.

After getting ready and dressing in noble attire, I stepped out of my room and made my way to my father's chambers. On the way, I noticed a different carriage parked in front of the mansion. Ignoring it, I approached the door, knocked a few times, and waited until my father's voice invited me in.

Upon entering, I found my father and the butler, as usual, but there were also guests present today. I greeted my dad and said, "Good morning, Dad."

"Come and sit here," he replied.

I walked over and settled on the sofa, turning my attention to the guests. To my surprise, I was taken aback by what I saw. There were only two individuals present—a frail old man in his eighties and a girl who appeared to be around my age. The girl was incredibly adorable, with mesmerizing blue eyes and silver hair. I found myself momentarily entranced by her beauty but quickly shook off the daze, trying to recall my memories and identify them.

The old man's name was Vivek Snow, and the girl was Catherina Snow. They belonged to the Snow family, which owned three cities. After the sect, they held the second position in terms of strength, wealth, and influence. I was taken aback because the girl was supposed to be my fiancée. Seeing her, I began to lament my future life here, considering my complete lack of experience in love, despite having read countless rom-com movies and comics.