
Incoming Troubles

A/N: For those who are curious, I burnt my hand whilst cooking. Scalding hot oil fell on my right hand's fingers, more specifically from my thumb to my middle finger. Nothing too serious, might only get a scar on my middle finger and thumb,

Anyways, I am able to write comfortably once more now.


Leaning back on his chair, Sora looked up at the ceiling. He twirled a pen in his hand, absentminded as he thought about thousands of upgrades he needs to give Eve.

With the tools and materials from the Power Loader, Sora couldn't equip Eve with weapons or better materials for her body.

Like her voice, it was made from a radio and simply repurposed. To give Eve her own voice, Sora let Eve generate her own.

It was a shame the radio parts used weren't of good materials and neither were they apt for being used as a voice for Eve.

Aside from that, Eve had no weapons on her, which wasn't too needed due to the martial arts Sora uploaded into her.

As Sora thought to himself looking at the ceiling, he saw a tired face come into view and look at him.

"Pay attention."

A tired voice slipped out of Aizawa's mouth and Sora gave him a lazy smile.

"Sure thing," Sora said as he fixed his posture and looked forward, still thinking to himself.

Aizawa continued the lecture whilst walking around the class, making sure everyone was paying attention.

With their own efforts and Aizawa's teaching tactics of scaring students into improveing, nobody would slack off or daze around in U.A.

Anyone except Sora of course.

Whilst everyone struggled or actually learned something from class, Sora simply attempted to split his mind, trying to think of two things at once.

Still, it proved to be difficult for Sora.


Once more, when he believed it didn't affect his mind, he was proven wrong.

When trying to improve or learn techniques, Sora simply could attain anything. His comprehension and strong mind told him it was possible, but it was like a wall was stopping him from looking further or crossing.

In the end, Sora could only sit and stare at the wall to understand it.


The bell rang and signaled for everyone to head out to lunch.

"Let's head to lunch. I didn't bring my bento today."

Turning his head to the side, Sora looked at Mirio's smiling face that didn't contain a single bit of shame.

"I heard that they are serving chicken," Mirio said as he rubbed his stomach and licked his lips.

Standing up, Sora, Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki all made their way to the cafeteria.

"Haha! What are you guys going to get??"

"Hm… I'll just get some rice and steak," Sora mumbled as he looked at all the other students get their food.

"I'll get the same then!" Mirio chuckled.

Smiling, he went to get his food from the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush, who was hired by U.A. as the school's chef.

Whilst Mirio went to line up, Sora turned to look at Tamaki and Nejire.

"What about you guys?"

Nejire pressed her finger to her chin thoughtfully whilst Tamaki lowered his head and answered quietly.

"I'll get a vegetable stew…" muttered Tamaki as he quickly followed behind Mirio.

Sora looked at Tamaki walk away before he turned to look at Nejire.

He looked at her thoughtfully.

Her posture, her pondering eyes, her slender finger tapping her chin, her breathing, the slight makeup under her eyes…

Sora took note of every part of Nejire and her actions.

He turned his head to glance at Mirio and Tamaki who were getting their lunch before turning to look back at Nejire and approaching her.


Sora called out to Nejire softly as he studied her expressions.

"Hi Sora," Nejire lifted her head and smiled when she realized it was Sora who was calling her.

Hearing her voice, Sora noticed that something was off with Nejire.

Sora's expression softened and he asked gently, "Nejire, are you okay?"

Nodding her head, Nejire maintained the smile on her face.

Despite Nejire nodding yes, Sora could see that she wasn't okay. Her face was slightly pale, her eyes that were coated with a little bit of makeup to cover her puffy eyes, her slightly clenched hands…

It was completely obvious to Sora that Nejire was sad and that she was in pain.

"Nejire, as your friend, I'm here to offer an ear for your thoughts and a shoulder to rest on."

Sora maintained eye contact with Nejire, seeing her go through various emotions. At first, it seemed like she was hesitant, ready to say something after hearing Sora's words. She was ready to say something, but then she recalled something and her eyes appeared downcast.

She nibbled on her pink lips and lowered her head before she shook her head.

Lifting her head, Nejire looked at Sora with a smile that he could see was filled with sadness.

Sora smiled.

"I see."

His eyes lit up and his pearly white teeth shone as his lips parted into a smile.

"Something happened… to someone close to you…" Sora muttered in a voice only audible to Nejire. "Hmm… from the looks of it, it must have happened when you were with me when we were in the Support Studio.

A family member… your father? Hm, he must have been hurt… by a villain. A vicious one at that…"

Nejire's eyes widened at Sora words and how easily he was hitting the nail in the head. It struck accurately and it made her extremely curious as to how he was doing it yet her current emotions prevented her from doing so.


Nejire scrunched her eyebrows together.


How is Sora figuring it out?

She wanted to know. How he is slowly figuring out what is causing her heartache and sadness.

Nejire lowered her gaze to Sora's mouth as it opened and closed, retelling everything that she was told and witnessed two days ago.

Her mother sent her a text that evening whilst she was with Sora at the Support Studio.

A text telling her to return home.

At first, Nejire didn't think much of it and believed that it was going to be another family dinner. Yet reality proved her wrong.

Nejire arrived home, and the house was deathly silent.

Usually her mother or little brother would come out to greet her, but this time, it was only her brother's nanny that welcomed her into the house.

Her brother's nanny had a downhearted look on her face, her eyes filled with worry.

"Welcome Young Miss."

The nanny greeted Nejire in a sad tone.

"Everyone is waiting for you," the nanny says, her eyes watering as she worries about what is waiting for Nejire. "Follow me…"

Facing this atmosphere and the nanny's feelings, Nejire found it difficult to stay chirpy at this moment. Anxiousness gripped at her heart and she began to fiddle with the edge of her skirt.

Following behind the nanny, Nejire's mind began to run wild as she thought about what could be wrong.

Lifting her gaze up from the floor and the heels of the nanny, Nejire realized the direction the nanny was leading her to.

Her family's Private Clinic.

"What's happening?" Nejire voiced out quietly, asking the nanny.

"Young miss, your mother will explain everything to you…"

The nanny refused to answer and remained quiet about what was happening.

As they walked down the long corridor, Nejire saw a well dressed woman standing in front of the door to the clinic.

The woman is middle aged and her eyebrows were furrowed in worry, her face covered in stress. She tapped her high-heeled foot on the ground, waiting for someone or something.

Seeing this woman, Nejire ran up to her worriedly.

"Mom! What's happening?"

Nejire looked at the middle aged woman, her eyes darting to the door behind the woman multiple times.


The middle-aged woman's furrowed brows smoothened and she looked at Nejire fondly.

"Where were you honey?"

Nejire's mother grabbed at Nejire's shoulders in worry and looked at her carefully before shaking her head and continuing to speak, not allowing Nejire to speak up at all.

"Never mind that. Nejire… your father was attacked by a villain whilst working."

Nejire felt a shock course through her body at her mother's words. Her face drained itself of color and a gasp escaped her lips. She covered her mouth in shock.

Her father?

Hurt by a villain?

It was hard to believe. Her father might not be the strongest nor the toughest, but he was someone formidable that the average villain would never be able to harm him.

"Is he okay?" Nejire asked worriedly, her face pale and her hands trembling in worry.

Nejire's mother smiled wryly at her daughter's question. She furrowed her eyebrows in heartache and subtly nodded after much thought.

"He will live."

Hearing her mother's words, Nejire visibly relaxed and calmed herself. She was still filled with worry for her father, but now she was relaxed.

"Come. Let's see your father."

Nejire felt her mother place a hand on her back, carefully stroking and patting her back as she opened the door to the clinic and led Nejire in.


Nejire felt her chest tighten at the sound of rhythmical sounds of beeping coming from the heart monitor. Her steps began to slow down as she felt her feet grow heavy.

Her father came into view and before Nejire realized it, she felt something warm rolling down her cheeks as her view of her father turned blurry.

What happened to her father?

He is such a nice person.

Why would they hurt him so badly?

He was missing both bottom half of his legs, two fingers from his right hand, and half his face covered in bandages.

He's pale.

Eyes closed as if he was peacefully sleeping.


Nejire mumbled as she stumbled over to her father. She silently sobbed next to him, her mother right behind her and shakily holding Nejire's shoulders.

"What happened to him?" Sora asked.

He looked at Nejire who was quietly trembling, her head lowered and her lips pressed against each other.

"He… he was attacked by a new villain calling himself Stain," Nejire mumbled. "To not raise any panic, nothing was made public about this. Only the police and my family know… and now you too…"

Sora nodded as he listened to Nejire.

They both grew quiet and stood there in front of each other.

"Nejire, come with me."

Sora grabbed Nejire's hand and gently pulled her along, stepping out of line and leaving the cafeteria.

"Where are we going?" Nejire asked, a lot calmer than a couple of seconds ago.

Turning his head back, Sora smiled, "I have a present for you."

"A present? For me?"

Sora nodded and led the way.

They made their way across U.A. and they soon arrived where Sora had Nejire's gift.


Nejire looked up and noticed the words in bold, 'Development Studio'.

A little confused, Nejire turned to look at Sora. She wondered why he would bring her to the support department, but as they stepped through the door and deeper into the room, Nejire soon found her gift.

It was the dog she had built and was remodeled by Power Loader.

She looked at it skeptically before turning her gaze to Sora. Her eyes blinked at him, hoping she would get an answer soon.

Sora chuckled and reached into his pocket before pulling out a small chip.

"Here's one of my new projects," Sora said, winking at Nejire.

He walked up to her little puppy and Sora casually placed the little chip into the puppy.


The instant the chip fell into the robotic puppy, the chip seemed to realize it's purpose as it suddenly stuck itself to the inside of the robotic puppy. It glowed weakly and it sent a signal to the rest of the robotic puppy's body and limbs.



The little robotic puppy came to life with a small yelp. It's eyes glowed with a light blue light and ran around the desk in a silly manner.

The chip has brought it to life!

"That's amazing!"

Nejire exclaimed in awe, her eyes looking at the robotic puppy in curiosity. She smiled widely, glad she was getting such an amazing and great gift.

For a short moment, Nejire was happy and not worrying or sad about anything.

It may only be for a short while, but it's a great while.

"Thank you Sora…" Nejire mumbled as she grabbed the robotic puppy and held it close.

She didn't mind it's hard body or it's heaviness, or even it's cold texture. Nejire just simply liked the gift she received.

Looking at the little puppy, Nejire raised her eyes and looked at Sora who was smiling at her.

"No problem. Just trying to cheer a friend up."