
Absolute Domination

~Mature content ~ -------------------------------------------------- A young boy name Avos krol who lost his family at the age of 11 and properties at the age of 15 but now what would he lose? Will he stay the same after losing the Last thing he like? but what happens after that he was not expecting it.. he got isekai to save the world... by the goddess. But will he save the world or will rule the world?? But first thing first the goddess.... For now This will be my first time writting so and since it just a fantasy so if you don't like it then sorry about that you can read other people Nice writing skills novels.. I am thinking of ending it between 100 or 110 chapter. Thank you

RH_Bajong_890 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

12. I'D and journey and Undead

Hah....Hah.....Hah.....N..No~~ More Master i can't anymore ...

This is the last time then


hnn~~~ Ahhh~~~~

He shot inside one more time....


{Note: The penis will be 30 cm 💀*}

Then she lost consciousness...

Hah? she slept?...well this is her first time taking such big thing inside her so it's netural...

He then start to dress up and was ready to go to a new journey...

Hmm.... then i should get going now..

But before he was a about to go

Lumina woke up and ask him did you sign for any guild?


Then please come with me you need your guild I'D to travel the world because if you do not have I'D then you can't enter others Kingdom!

Heh... really?


Well I don't really need it though but still there is no problem for having it...

After that he and Lumina goes inside a church...then she ask him to put his hand on a Crystal...

After waiting for atleast 2 minutes Lumina came out and hand him the I'D

This I'D will show you your rank ..The I'D was like a watch...

{Note: I forgot to mention that the hero has also a I'D watch*}

I'D hah? then he wore it... it look nice ..

You can say Rank to see your Rank!


Rank--- Gold Rank (AA)

Hoh!? Gold Rank hah? well i already knew it though ..

So what is the features of this I'D?

It can let easily enter the Kingdom but you need some achievement first..

Like killing some monster achievement!

Hoh that will be easy!

You can choice the mission on the guilds.

And after you complete the mission you can earn money if you show your I'D

you can do higher rank mission to earn more money since your rank is high!

and it have a space box in it you can keep the monster you kill inside the space box!.

. . .

That much is the features!

Okay thanks...

It my pleasure to help you Master.

And then he kiss her..

Then i will be going out now..

Yes Master....

he went out and he goes inside one of the guild and take mission...They were shock to see his Rank...But he didn't care he just ta the highest Rank mission..It was to kill 20 high Ogre ..The rank was High B rank mission.

After coming out of the guild he told one of the gate keeper to open the gate and then his journey begins....

Wow... this world is beautiful all colorful

Hmm... I think it almost the place..

High Ogre Territory!

After some walks he show two Ogre roaming around one was killing some goblin and one was just behind the other Ogre..

First then let see how strong I am...

The living being of this world does not have a status they only have I'D that show their rank the more missions they do and complete the higher their rank but for me who am I? you know it right...!

Since I am already Gold Rank so let see how strong I am...

The two Ogre notice the intruders in their territory..

one have a giant Axe in his hand and another one has Hammer!

The giant Axe ogre rush towards him

and Swing his axe but Avos dodge it ..

Hmm pretty fast for a giant body but still not as fast as me!

And then he punch the axe and the axe got destroyed the ogre was shock..


Don't be so shock you know!


Then he punch the ogre on the stomach and then blood flew everywhere. the ogre stomach got a big hole on it.

The other Ogre was scared so he try to run away..


Hah? an ogre is running away!?

Tch what a waste..

Then he pick the broken axe and throw at the running ogre!


And instantly the ogre head was gone.

Hmm they are dead so should I try my Necromancer skill!?

Let try it...

Come out...

{Note: Any nice name when he is using his Necromancer skill!!?}

Then the shadow of the ogre began to appear there body was cover in a black like smoke ...

Hoh! it's cool..

Then let see how strong are they find others ogre and kill them and bring their body here! I don't know how I can use my Necromancer skill!!

*Master or Master servant need to kill the monster or if the master or his servant didn't kill it then the master need to see the body to summons it.

Range-- 10 kilometres*

Hoh! that is good then and the range is same as the barrier skill.

So let see how it is going?

You don't need to bring the body now!! He command them...

Come out....

The shadows began to came out of the dead ogre...But the body still remains because it only call the soul not with teb body..

Hmm....It already past 50 Ogre and I only needed to kill 20 I remember!?

Then he command them...

You all can go inside my shadow!!

Then all the shadow monster disappear..

Hmm now since I complete the mission

I need to enter the other kingdoms and go to the guild to earn my money..

He use the space box to collect all the 50 Ogre ...But they ask only 20 but I should take them maybe I can sell it!?

So he began to walk since he was not in a hurry ...

Hmm the next kingdom should be?.

Oh right the Atlantic Kingdom...

This kingdom was literally in the middle of the ocean...

Since this kingdom is the closest I should go their!!

Here I come then Atlantic Kingdom.....

To be continued

Hope it fun (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)