
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The Council of Gods

Amongst the gods, I quickly skyrocketed to fame. How could it not, Ares was defeated such news was so big it reached other pantheons, and the new God Sora. Became a major topic for some time...

"..." Zeus sat on a chair, his eyes cold while looking at the man with the eye-patched. He had two crows on his shoulder, and with him was a red-haired man who had a short hammer on his waste. They sat within a chair for those of the Norse mythology 

Not too far from them, a four-armed blue-skinned man sat, his 3 eyes lazily looking at everyone there. There were many gods, Hades, Poseidon, Ra, and Amaterasu.

These are all considered the high gods, Odin was the one-eyed god, with his son Thor. This was the council of the gods, where all the important meetings are held, and currently, a troublesome new god had suddenly popped up, Sora.

Why? Because Sora's strength was something that made them all uneasy. For him to have such a low level, yet already be so powerful left everyone here unease. To make things worse, Sora joined Zeus's side, and Zeus had 3 high sides already, and now Sora made this unfair 

"a little bird tells me you haven't been running around seeking women to sleep with..." Odin said with a hint of a mocking smile while looking at Zeus. Zeus' body instantly exploded with lightning, he stood up to fight Odin to the death, but he was stopped by Poseidon, making Odin sneer.

"enough, we have an important matter to get to... This Sora, have him join my pantheon. We have the lowest number of High gods." Ra said calmly, to which Amaterasu snorted

"That's because the gods who are capable of sitting here refused. Meanwhile, we have the lowest capable people to sit here." Amaterasu said with a snort, she was the supreme goddess of her pantheon since there were people in her pantheon worthy of sitting here, but it was not as many compared to Ra's side

"Is this why you woke me up from my sleep? You guys are such a pain in the ass." Shiva said lazily, making everyone glare at him slightly 

Who were the gods, they were all birthed by the Titans, who were soon overthrown by them, Led by Zeus the gods went to war with the Titans and they came out as the winners. 

Out of all the gods, Shiva was unique as he was once a titan who shattered into a few parts, one part being Shiva the destroyer. Everyone here stood at some level of power, with some stronger than others, but the gap was never too far they had less than a 60% chance of winning.

Honestly, Zeus wanted Sora out of his dimension, but that would be a bad move since Sora's strength was wanted by them. Why would they give away someone so powerful to someone else, 

"just ask him and see who he wants to join, offer up some benefits and he will pick," Shiva said with a yawn, Ra and Amaterasu glared at Shiva, but they had no choice but to agree seeing Zeus nodding.

It didn't take long for Sora to arrive, and after giving everyone a look over, with him paused on Amaterasu for a few seconds longer, he took a seat, 

"so what's up?" I asked with a smile, Zeus glared at me for a second, did anyone allow me to sit? But then again, I have shown strength that would require his true form to stand against, making me worthy of sitting here.

"they wish to take you away into their pantheons, but if you wish you can stay here," Zeus said calmly, making my eyebrow raise slightly before shaking my head

"My apologies, but there seems to be a misunderstanding going around here. I only joined this pantheon thanks to Athena, I didn't join because I thought I needed backing or anything of the kind. I'm a one-man army all by myself." I said with a smile, making everyone's eyes narrow

"Are you saying you alone are capable of taking on the gods?" Poseidon asked to which I nodded with a gentle smile 

"I'm the strongest there is, be it the heavens earth, and hell. I alone stand as the chosen one." I said with a smile, my beautiful blue eyes glowing, releasing an aura that they all ignored due to his weak it was, all but Thor whose eyes allowed while he reached towards his hammer 

Auras exploded, all pressing down upon me, but none of them could reach me, or affect me, all but Shiva's aura which carried the aura of destruction.

"shall we fight? A small spar," I said with a smile, to which all of them stood up, enraged by my words. In their eyes, I was a small ant at level 55, yet I dared to be too arrogant.

"Sure... I will fight you." Thor said calmly while standing up, I nodded slightly while pointing towards him to come at me. And with a flash, Thor appeared before me, his hammer slamming towards my face, but it could never reach me.

"oh, we started?" I asked with a smile, before snapping my fingers, summoning my sword of pure destruction. Everyone's heart suddenly dropped hearing this, with Shiva being the only god who had been the only one still sitting down, sitting up in shock, shocked at an ability of destruction better than his [Universal Destruction] ability 

I swung my sword, to which Thor jumped back,  but all of a sudden his hammer fell to the ground, shocking him. Thor tried to call his hammer into his hands, but the hammer ignored him. He tried to pick it up, but the hammer ignored him.

I snapped my finger, causing Thor to freeze as countless arrows appeared in the room, sensing a chill down everyone's spine. So many attacks with a strength stat of 156, how could they not be horrified 

Everyone tried to use their weapons, but they couldn't, similar to Thor their weapons rejected them all, shocking them, and leading to them not being at their peak. Even if they transformed, what could they do before such might without their weapons? Even with their weapons, they would need to work together to face these arrows

I had increased my level to 169, therefore these arrows which in the past only had a strength of 150, now had increased to 156.

"Now that we got that out of the way, I will start to speak," I said with a smile while looking at the fear in everyone's eyes,

"I am under no one's control, I'm a free man without any goals and wishes. All I wish for is for me to be able to sit back and mind my own business... Other than that, I could honestly not care." I said calmly while standing up, making everyone not know how to react. 

"what's with those looks? How about I stop by your dimensions? I'm sure you all like to have power and stuff, so we can use that moment as a moment to come to some agreement or whatever you power-hungry people want." I said with a laugh, before disappearing, leaving all of them quiet for some time.

"Who is that boy?" Shiva asked seriously, a rare sight for someone as laid back as him. Zeus let out a deep breath before giving Sora information to everyone, and after some thought he spoke

"He must die..." Zeus said to which all of them nodded, for their plans to fall through, someone like Sora couldn't exist...

"What an annoying kid." Within the heavenly realm, a realm which Lucifer once called home, Lucifer walked out of a special space, while looking towards where Sora was at. He was amazed slightly as the [Ability Creation] seemed to be... stronger in Sora's hands, something which confused him slightly.

All 7 abilities were unmatched, if a tier was needed to be given to them, they were be SSS tier or something of the kind. but even if they would have their limits, then why did such limitations seem not to be on Sora? Sora created an ability that gives him new abilities, that should be possible,

Sora created [Supreme Overself] an ability that was infinitely near the same level as [Ability Creation], and to make things off was that Sora didn't create it, he took a bunch of other abilities, and fused them into this new ability. so powerful that [Ability Creation] could no longer hide it, allowing others to see it. that shouldn't be possible

"Death, you have gotten close enough to him to know what he is," Lucifer asked calmly, and slowly a fog of death gathered, taking the form of Death who looked at the heavenly realm with a gentle smile before looking at Lucifer

"yes, like how I can't get him, the same is for the system. the limitations which hold us, can't fully bind him. Plus, [Ability Creation] works on the subconscious, when he was creating [Supreme OverSelf]... well, creating the ability he could fuse into it, they were abilities which held laws not of our world. this led [Ability Creation] to go through some changes, thanks to his [Ultimatized] which allows evolving [Ability Creation]. It's a shame, but at the rate he is going there might not be an end to him. we might never be together." Death said with a disappointed look, to which Lucifer looked at her for a moment before ignoring her

those that death takes stop existing, their story is done, no reincarnations, no being brought to life, and or whatever. It is the end, so if Sora were to be taken by her, she wouldn't try to talk about enjoying time with Sora, as Sora's story shall come to an end, his world going dark

"show me the other abilities," Lucifer said calmly, to which Death laughed slightly, while slowly disappearing

"You know I have no interest in such things. You have the ability [Creation Control] and [Ability Control] 2 out of the 7 abilities, I'm sure you have your ways." She said to which Lucifer shrugged before wings grew on his back, before he left the heavenly before anyone knew he was there.