
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"... The fuck?" I said while looking at the demon running towards me. I was shocked for one reason, this demon was ugly. I was expecting some sexy demon, instead, I ran into some gray-skinned, fat, ugly, armored demons.

Rose threw a glare at me, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. I could feel she knew what I was feeling, so did she have a mind-reading skill or something?

"I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking.  We are soul mates, lovers with connections that transcend all things. So of course, I know what you want." She said with a sweet smile, to which I could only smile, but I was crying deep down... Then again, Rose was hot. I had no regret.

"Enough with the talks, these are what are called a lesser demon. They have a level cap of 35, they are created for the sole goal of being a cannon folder. A little tip, the more human a demon looks, the stronger it is. Gray and Ink black skin are the weaker canon folder than the red skin, and it only gets lighter and lighter from there." Their protector stood at the side, just looking ahead. He was at level 89, and this was a dog walk for him.

"Go ahead, I will only step in to protect you both at moments you are about to die. Fight with everything you have and show your worth if you wish to join the first division." He said calmly while looking towards me, Rose didn't have to try much. She already did, On the other hand, had to show my worth

I nodded slightly at his words before stepping forward, With a step the ground shook before I disappeared at blinding speed. I just ran through the demons, leaving their body parts feeling everywhere

A normal person would have of course seen that, but their protector say something else. While I ran, I grabbed a hammer from one of the demons and used it masterfully to smash all of the demons in my path. but he heard of my strength so this didn't shock him much

My speed, and skill with the weapon are what shocked him. The fact my aim was on point and never came close to missing was also shocking, My movement was perfect, for someone facing a group of demons for the first time, yet he noticed how my movement kept changing, adapting to best suit the condition I was in

'Interesting, he noticed the demon death released a poisonous gas into the air, and that their blood is poison.' He thought while seeing how I avoided nearing the dead demons, as cannon folder The demon race knew well that these demons would be slaughtered 

So when creating them, they made sure that they would at least weaken or kill the enemy upon death. Plus, their poison was not so simple, one would need at least a B-tier ability to recover from it.

Notification appeared before my eyes, telling me how I was leveling up at high rates. Leveling up was super hard, Let's say you were at level 1 and needed 100 XP to reach level 2

Let's say you kill someone at level 10, and they give you 100 xp and you reach level 2. Now you need like 150 XP to reach level 3. Let's say you kill the same one at level 10, who was even stronger than the last guy.

You would not get 100 xp, instead, you would be lucky to get 70 xp. In other words, the closer you are in stats and level, the less XP you shall get from a target killed. One would even get nothing from those below them on levels, making it pointless to kill them

But if you are a level below them your stats far out lass them. You might gain like 1 XP. It was like in life, you would not learn anything if you hung out with those you could easily defeat, fight those with stats above you, push yourself, and overcome the odds, that way you get more XP.

Honest, this was good as people couldn't run all over the world, slaughtering everyone for XP. Even if they only got 1 XP, that would have been enough for them to reach new heights.

Meanwhile me? I had the ability which increase the XP I could get. I reached level 21 in a matter of a few hours, even for me it would have been long, but since I reached this level, my ability began to evolve. Why you may ask? Because I had the ability [Evolver] it shall instantly evolve all of the abilities I have every time my level reaches a new tier

Now, all of my abilities were at the A tier. And the boost they gave me was far higher than at the B tier.

{Name: Sora Dragnof

Age: 19

Race: Evolving Human

Level: 21/120 [80/19,000]


Strength- 57

Defense- 56

Speed- 58

Stamina- 55

Accuracy- 58

Charm- 57

Intelligence- 55


D tier ability: None

C tier Ability: None

B-tier ability: [Greater Evolver] [Unbeatable Strength] [Unbeatable Speed] [Unbeatable Defense] [Unbeatable Stamina] [Unbeatable Accuracy] [Unbeatable Charm] [Unbeatable Intelligence] [Unbeatable Body] [Unbeatable Mind] [Suprme Hand Of The Mind] [Unbeatable Eyes] [Unbeatable Control] [Unbeatable Stealth] [perfect Mirror] [Unbeatable Lover] +50

A-tier ability: None

S tier ability: None

Demi-God: None

God tier: None

Unique tier: [Ability Creation]

Now, what is the difference between A tier? One was simple, For abilities like [Unbeatable Strength] the boost gained was enough to increase my strength by a great amount, unlike with other abilities which would get less useful as one strength and level near the tier of the ability.

Now look at me, I was only at level 21, with a combined stat of 396. Just look at me, all overpowered and stuff, Just a few moments ago I only had a stat in the 40s, which could allow me to bring down mountains, now I could bring down small counties.

I could now see my level cap which was good to see. But my level cap should only get higher as I get stronger, which brings the question, what tier of ability would I be able to create once I reach levels above 100?

Anyway, I continued to kill and kill until I reached level 27, at which point I got bored as wasn't getting much XP. Every 50 demons I killed gave me 1 XP, it was not worth the time.

Plus, the more you level up in a roll, the less XP will be given, and after some time it shall return to normal. It was like trying to learn many things all at once, at some point, you would be putting in more effort and get less in return.

I could have killed more demons if I wanted with a simple snap, with that I could have killed thousands. I had the ability, [Death Bringer] anyone with a durability stat 10 points less than mine, they shall die so long as they were within range of the ability, the range of the ability bring 4,500 miles around me.

With this ability, unless they have something that could allow them to avoid this ability, they would drop dead. It was an overpowered ability,  so it had a huge drawback, but with but just a snap, I could kill anyone who met the requirements with a thought.

"As expected of my boyfriend... You should start getting abilities to make you more powerful." Rose said with a love aimed toward me, I sighed softly at her words and simply nodded. Their protector gave me a deep look before he took us deeper into the battlefield, where Rose went on a slaughter.

She was powerful and quite talented. She was born with an S-tier ability, known as [Gravitokinesis] which gave her unmatched ability over gravity, enough that she could one day control space and time to an unmatched level. 

I didn't even know she had this ability as she had an S-tier ability that hides her stats, but by watching her fight, my [Unbeatable Eyes] [Unbeatable Combat Lord] [Unbeatable Instincts] along with many abilities allows me to get a read on her stats

She should have stats in the 50s, which would quickly increase as she leveled up. She was talented, as she was not even at level 50. The more I saw her fight, the better I could read her, allowing me to quickly know her fighting style, weak points, and so on.

After she saw she wasn't leveling up much, we called it a day and left. Rose didn't allow me to rest and took me to go shop for abilities, so after searching for some time, I ended up being the A-tier ability, [Monkey See, Monkey Do]

This was an A-tier ability that allowed one to copy almost anything they saw. They have to see the thing from start to end first and have a good understanding of what they want to do.

Do you see an ability? Then you could copy that ability, but if the ability is a tier above this ability or of the same tier, then one would find that the copied ability wouldn't be as perfect or powerful, This meant I could even copy [Gravitokinesis]

This was just a weaker version than my [Perfect Mirror]. It allows me to perfectly copy any ability I see, without limit. The requirement for this ability was that I needed to see what I wanted to copy. Not the whole thing, but depending on the tier of ability would require me to see more and know more.

For Rose's S-tier ability, I would need to watch her use that ability for a few weeks, in other words, 100s of hours. Which was a huge requirement, and of course I could lower that time. [Rush] allowed me to rush the time for an ability to be used, so I only needed 30 minutes.

Well, time passed. For a time, it was just me going to the battlefield, leveling up, waiting for my level-up cooldown, and then returning to the battlefield once more. Other than that, I was rolling in bed or being lazy

Of course, the greater the level the longer the cooldown. Because of this, I found myself with a lot of free time. More free time than ever before, normally I would be rolling in bed, but Rose wouldn't allow that, so I paid attention to my abilities.

There I found something interesting, I found that the more limitations I place on an ability, the greater its effect. Let's say I made an ability, that increases my strength by an unmatched level, but my body shall be unable to handle such strength.

This drawback would mean that my strength would gain shall be huge, and be able to rival an ability a tier above it. This was fun and got me creating a bunch of new ability

As for their drawbacks? I created the ability [Drawback Delay] which shall delay the effect of a drawback for 10 seconds. After which, 8 created an ability called [Infinity] which could increase the effect of an ability by infinity

Just in case someone could nullify the effect of [Infinity] I created the ability [Drawback Bypass] which allows me to ignore all types of drawback-related abilities whose effect doesn't have an instant effect.

Next, I created [Drawback ignorance] which allows me to ignore the drawback of any ability which drawback I ignore. But it must only be an instant effect base drawback.

I created a total of 10 layers of safety measures above what was listed above, you can never never be too safe. After seeing Rose had an ability that made sure that her ability couldn't be stolen or copied, I got thinking about ensuring I had many backup plans, but this more than doubled the number of families I had 

"You alright?" I asked with a smile seeing Rose lying on the bed as if she had died. Rose could only make a weak sound, with her out still facing the air, her mind had gone blank from the amount of pleasure.

But after some time, she used an ability that allowed her to quickly recover. Taking a deep breath, she looked at me with deep love. She pulled me into her arms and began to kiss me like there was no tomorrow 

"Let's get married," Rose said with bright eyes, making my eyebrow rise. We only knew each other for 2 years. Rose smirked slightly seeing the look in my eyes, She would be a fool if she didn't tie him down. She tried getting pregnant to tie him down, but no matter how many times I came inside her, she never got pregnant 

"You have to meet my parents, they have been wanting to meet you. We should also see your family." Rose said making me sigh softly, but I nodded. Did I have a choice in the matter?

But at that moment, a screen appeared in front of me. With a slight frown, I went on to answer the call. Seeing Rose look, I allow her to see the screen. And there Rose saw Lucas who had a huge smile

"Sora, me and Sakura are getting married..." Lucas said softly, but he slowly lost his voice at the end, not sure if I could make it.

"I can't..." Before I could reject this, Rose who had put on her clothing, cut me off.

"We will be there, just send him the date and time," Rose said with a gentle smile, making me glare at her slightly, Lucas's eyes brightened in joy, and he quickly thanked us before ending the call and sending us all of the information needed

The wedding was in 6 months, back in that small star system. I looked at Rose, who was already searching for a dress,

"Don't you have something to do on that day?" I asked stunning Rose. She froze and looked at the date, only to realize she would be off working. Unlike me who did nothing, Rose did a lot of stuff, She had her own business,  she trained, she had people to manage, and the list went on

6 months from now was a special day, she would be at a meeting. She would join her parents at a meeting it was at this meeting she wanted me to meet her parents.

"It's good, I will not go. Your parents are more important, I can't make a bad impression." I said with a smug smile, making Rose glare at me seeing how I was enjoying this. She thought for some time before sighing

"Go will go on your own," Rose said with a disappointed look, I quickly tried to change her mind, but Rose was not having it, disappointing me.