

Aarav is a CEO of a company. He is arrogant, stubborn, short-tempered, and a bit egoistic. His life was miserable. He has a past life. He repeatedly sees a girl in his dream. He slowly remembered his past life. Surprisingly he meets her. They were lovers in the past life but she doesn’t remember him. He tries to seek her attention and remind her of their past life.

abia_thomas · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Meeting day

Next day he had an important meeting. He was already late for office. In-front of the building he met Alva she had coffee in her hands as they both were in a rush, they hit each other. The coffee was spilled on his suit. She was sorry and was about to say sorry but as he did not have time, he left. He was very angry, he met with client but he did not manage to get that. He was very angry that he made up his mind to fire her. He called her and said she is fired, Alva was shocked. She got angry and fought with him and at last he said that he would give one more chance to her with one condition, she will be fired even if she makes a minute mistake. She agreed to it as she has no other choice. When she get home she heard that the rent was increased. She was in a shock; she did not know what to do. In panic she started to search for a house.