

Every year on January 2nd, the people of Earth all rush into their homes, hoping that they won't be The One. What is "The One?" You ask? You really should know. Oh, you don't? Then why do you want to read it so bad? You said that you knew the whole story by heart. Did you lie? Of course you did. Oh well, let me explain from the beginning then...

When day turns to night on January 2nd, you don't want to be outside. Then you could get taken. Taken by whom, you ask? Be patient, I will tell you. Now, let's continue...

What will happen to you, you ask? Okay, obviously I must simplify the story! Now be quiet, and let me explain!

So, to simplify it, every year, on January 2nd, aliens, ones from the Galaxy of End, so far away, come and pluck one human from their home. They are taken away by the aliens, never to be seen again.

Has anyone ever come back, you ask? Why of course not! Why else would I say that they are never to be seen again?

You still don't understand? Here, let me reword this...


Now go to bed, it's way past your bedtime.

Good. Now that that's out of the way, we shall give you a better story...


The silver spaceship flew through the sky filled with ever color imaginable. It was heading straight for Earth. Canada, to be exact. And to be even more exact, 11 year old Nova Crynn's house, 1304 Spaceline St., Alberta.

Why do they want Nova? We don't know. But all we know is that they wanted her, and only her. They don't know every detail about her life and past, all they knew was that Earth was not her home planet.