
Chapter 1

11 year old Nova Crynn loved aliens. You could say that she had... an obsession. Just by looking at her you could tell. Everything in her room had to be related to aliens. Her walls were painted like galaxies, she had books upon books of galaxies and aliens. She had walls covered with posters of aliens. So many, that she couldn't see her walls in some spaces. When you walked in, you might even think it was a lab. The only thing that just slightly gave it away was a tiny bed with galaxy blankets, tucked away into the tiniest corner of her hexagon shaped room.

But not many people knew who Nova was. Most of them didn't even know she existed. If only they did...


When Nova was born, she was left by her parents. They thought she would be better off with another family. So Nova waited, and waited, and waited. She waited for a year for a new family to adopt her. Many came and many left, all with children, of every age, gender, and size. But none of them were there for her.

Finally, another family came. Nova hoped that they were the ones. But she had for every other family that came. Why should this family be any different?

But when Nova's eyes meet theirs, she knew for sure, that this family was the one.


Now Nova lives with her wonderful family, pushing aside the horrible memories of her past. In fact, she has pushed them down so far, that even if she wanted to remember them, (Which why would she?) she couldn't. They were thrown on the trash, and the trash had been thrown into a truck, which drove into a spaceship, and took those memories far away to another universe. Sometimes, Nova, being the girl with the big imagination called Nova, thinks that they were stolen. But of course they wouldn't be stolen. What a silly thing to say!

Nova lives currently with her family of 5, her parents, Miles and Lamisa Crynn, her older sister Avianna, and her younger brother Noah. They have moved from the US to France to Canada. They've been through lots together, and they would have each others back, from then, until the end of time!

They were a loving family, you could say that. They would do anything for each other. Anything and everything, if a loved one was hurt. They would protect each other, and stand together as a family, hand in hand, no matter what obstacle was flung their way...