
Abandoned - Outcast Dragon - official version

the story of a dragon abandoned by its owner,and how the dragon survives as a wild dragon.

Alexkander · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter seven - madness

Immediately, the dragon swooped down, biting deeply into the creature's neck and using its clawed hind legs to cling to the creature's body, the gorgorx dragon lifted the creature up and pushed it hard against the cliff, it very proud. snarled and leapt at the dragon, gaping its teeth full of teeth and biting the gorgorx's neck, the dragon dodging but ripping off a membrane on one of its wings.

The two's bites and scratches continued to attack each other, when the gorgorx spit fire to scorch the creature causing one side of its face to burn, the dragon immediately bit into the front leg of the creature it pulled out. strong enough to immobilize one of the legs, and spray fire into the wound the gorgorx inflicted on the creature.

There was the scream of the creature, the hybrids, which, after a moment of non-intervention - immediately rushed at the gorgorx in a frenzy, the dragon swallowed the leg severed by the Germans, threw at them, the attack crazy. crazy. the madmen stopped, after they saw the leg severed by the god, thrown at them - the hybrid creatures stopped and did not attack, they again backed out of the fight.

The dragon didn't know what happened but it didn't care and continued to attack the creature, the sharp teeth from the gorgorx's jaw kept digging into the creature's neck, looking like it was about to die. Wish the dragon's strength would bite the creature's neck - but the dragon stopped it and opened its jaws to let the creature fall to its death.

Because then the dragon stopped, "because the dragon went mad after soaking up the drops of blood that flowed from the creature."

Gorgorx went crazy, what happened - it was blood.

The blood of the other creature, which is many types of blood mixed to create this creature, it helps that creature to survive, but with the blood of the dragon it is dangerous - soaking in the blood for too long will make the dragon go crazy, drive the dragon crazy. They are even more insane and out of control.

When the dragon was going mad, the creature let out a haughty sound when it commanded – the hybrids attacked the dragon. They immediately attacked the gorgorx dragon.

While hybrids surround the gorgorx, this creature crawls in agony, where will it go?

The dragon was now unconscious, killing had overpowered the dragon, its eyes were green - covered in blood red. It frantically attacks killing anything it encounters, wounds appear but the dragon is unharmed it continues to kill.

". A party of bloodshed, when both enemies are equally mad."

From blood, corpses and organs strewn everywhere – hours passed like that in immeasurable time, the fury of the gorgorx dragon continued, until there were no more hybrids left. not at all.

". Darkness covered the cave, hybrids kept appearing, they attacked the dragon but the bitter ending was mercilessly torn to pieces. When there is no sign of the hybrid, everything is slaughtered - but if you are still alive, you will die and be devoured by the child."

" - It's over -''

The dragon's body was criss-crossed with dozens of wounds, its wings were torn, and a horn growing on either side of the dragon's mouth was amputated. The claws on the wings were broken. The dragon stepped back.

Eyes from blood red - blue eyes fading back to the dragon, the gorgorx was in a state of unconsciousness.

While unconscious, the dragon was transported to a certain dimension, a silhouette of a mysterious person appeared, who mysteriously pressed his hand to the dragon's nose with a smile on his lips.

". You must not die gorgorx, speaking in high valyrian. You will live and be my second darkest nightmare, at some point you will be my new killer.

The dragon awakens – consciousness returns to the gorgorx the dragon revives as it gradually regains consciousness, appearing before its eyes the corpses of the hybrids, arranged in a circle – their blood forming combined spikes with the circle it formed the sun, when the dragon noticed something under his feet he flew up and he saw, a blood eye inside a ring shaped like a sun.

Who it was, thought the dragon, but it didn't matter now - the creature was nowhere.

When the gorgorx dragon searched for the creature, it smelled the creature's blood, the gorgorx dragon continued to smell the blood. Until it came to a cave.

A wind blew through the cave, and the dragon smelled it and knew it was a familiar scent.

Where it used to live - dragon rock island.

So this cave connects to the caves in dragonstone. That creature escaped to dragonstone.

And he smelled another scent, the smell of a newly hatched baby dragon.

". Not,'

Damn, that creature was aiming for the baby dragon that had just hatched.

The gorgorx dragon raised its wounded wings, it flew into the cave towards the dragon stone. It must kill the creature before it can eat the newly hatched dragon.

"right - maybe I should improve the way I make a battle, I'll try that over time when composing new chapters".


Alexkandercreators' thoughts