
Abandoned - Outcast Dragon - official version

the story of a dragon abandoned by its owner,and how the dragon survives as a wild dragon.

Alexkander · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter five - party of corpses

As the years passed, the gorgorx lived on the island and became a predator – the dragon in addition to eating bugs, for which bugs were just side food, the main food was hybrid creatures. specializes in cannibalism. The dragon has discovered that they reproduce very quickly and even faster when eating their own kind.

The larger the number of them inside – the less food they have, so from the moment they were born they have slaughtered each other. Gorgorx pondered whether they would eat each other in the womb – they would kill each other by natural choice but in a bloody way,,,. Until the dragon was large enough to hunt down its own prey, it ate the remains of the carnage of those creatures.

Sometime later, time told the dragon while eating the corpses, the creature's blood seeped into the dragon and caused the gorgorx to increase in size and stabilize its frail health.,, , but this also comes with some side effects of the creature's blood that will make the dragon go mad with blood and crave cannibalism. ''Also gave the dragon the nickname cannibal later.''

The gorgorx has grown to nearly 100 feet in 4 years and is still growing over time, the wound on one side of his face has scarred now the dragon is as big as the hybrid creatures, the gorgorx started to hunt for real when it begin to ambush and kill any of those hybrid creatures when they are alone. But the dragon will not eat it will gnaw the corpse and bring it to a certain place and release the corpse and then fly up to cling to a cliff and lie down until night falls, those creatures appear and see the corpses, as if they had been starved for many years they darted towards the corpse and began to compete for the corpses of their brethren, the carnage of each other began.

Individuals slaughtered each other, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, eyes and organs everywhere – from the creatures hundreds of individuals after the bloody carnage, now only a few remained, wounded.

When the living creatures began to eat their own kind, the black dragon suddenly let out a roar and from the cliff, the dragon flew down to step on the corpse and bared its sharp teeth at them.

Even though they were wounded from the slaughter just now, that hybrid creature – they still charged at the dragon in a frenzy, and brought a feast of corpses to begin with.

'' Gorgorx killed one by one, biting off the hybrid's head, spewing his emerald-green flame, burning their flesh one by one, swinging the spikes on either side of his tail towards life. tearing them apart, until it was almost morning when the gorgorx took the last survivor of the battle with his jaws, and with a loud huff from the gorgorx it bit the creature in two, and swallowed it, carnage ended. "The dragon had a hearty meal."

When the sun rose and the light shone through the cracks, revealing a feast of corpses, the gorgorx burned each corpse with fire and began to eat them.

"The dragon had a great breakfast." It began to devour.

Chapter five. :))

Alexkandercreators' thoughts