
Abandoned - Outcast Dragon - official version

the story of a dragon abandoned by its owner,and how the dragon survives as a wild dragon.

Alexkander · Livros e literatura
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9 Chs

Chapter eight - Dragons and Knights part one

Year 27 AC At Dragonstone Castle,..

Inside the training ground, prince maegor is fighting with ser gawen, after a while the old knight was defeated by the prince - maegor targaryan became a fearsome warrior after 5 years.

Old man ser gawen, maegor said with a smile, do you need me to calm down in battle.

Thank you for your mercy, the prince, the old knight said, "I am not too old to need your mercy.

It's up to you, ser, so do you think I'm strong enough to fight on an equal footing with my father.

It depends on how you fight, prince. King aegon is a warrior, so are you

If I didn't fight my father, I would have more than enough strength to fight other strong people.

You should have a wish of humility, prince, that arrogance won't do you any good, prince.\

Hey, don't say those nasty things when we're saying words to make ourselves feel great.

Ser gawen. The day you don't say those harsh words to the prince you serve is, you can't sleep, can you?

Forgive me, prince. But it was the queen, your mother, who ordered me, to follow you closely - I am only telling the truth.

I also tell you the truth, ser gawen, I would love to kill you – but I respect my mother so I don't.

I know you're the one who always wanted to kill me. The old knight only showed a smile.

It's started again, a young knight spoke up. Teacher and student quarrel.

When the prince and his teacher were arguing, a knight came.

Prince. There is an emergency.

maegor said something.

A village has just been attacked by a certain creature, it has killed and eaten many people. The entire village was destroyed.

is a wild dragon after.

No, sir.

We cannot describe its appearance, but this creature is so dangerous, it killed the soldiers who followed me, I almost killed myself.

Where is that creature now, maegor told the knight.

It's heading for Dragonmont, sir.

Ser Gawen, prepare all the knights and men of the island, we shall hunt.

Are you sure, we should have the maester send a letter to his mother, informing the current state of the island.

No, don't even think about telling my mother.

Follow my orders ser gawen.

A sigh, at the prince's command.

part one - when the dragon and its former master meet again.


Alexkandercreators' thoughts