
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Headache Pangs

(Headache pangs) 

 "Hey, Innie. Come" Han waved to him. The hall was getting noisy and Han wasn't helping. 

 My head was growing bigger and my trauma came back. All the noises seemed to be sounding like my parents arguing. 

 Lizzie held my hands as she saw I was losing concentration. 

 "Okay, let's start with exercise" the P.E teacher bellowed, adding more pangs to my head. 

 I felt a warmth behind me and my brain trauma lessened. 

 "Don't worry senior. I'll stay with you" Jeongin was behind me. He helped me not to stagger and held my hand.

 No one ever crossed out from the P.E teacher's class so I guess I'd have to take it. 

 Jeongin holding me at very turn made me flutter honestly but I knew he was just being the kind fox he was. 

 "Senior, need water?" he asked when we sat down, finally. I kinda hated him calling me senior all the time. 

 "Her name is Emilia" Lizzie must have read my mind. I nodded. 

 "I am not used to calling a person older than me by name. Should I call you noona or sister?" he scratched his head nervously. 

 I winced in pain as a girl's laughing pierced into her skull. I nodded to Innie but met his worried face. 

 "I'm okay" I said but Lizzie ran to call Nikki. Jeongin followed her. Oh boy.

 It felt sweet but Lizzie wasn't smiling when she came back. And Innie was pulled back by Hyunjin to stay with them. Tsk. Possessive Llama. 

 "Next round" P.E teacher shouted again as everyone began to stand. I didn't even see the exercise he had shown. 

 "What is wrong with you?" it didn't seem like she was asking about my headache. 

 "Sorry for stopping you from talking to the cute guys, you can go back" I rolled my eyes and helped myself up.

 Lizzie had been pulled my some of her classmates too. I was alone now. I felt my chest constricts. 

 "The headaches again. You can't seat this class though. I can't help" Nikki folded her arms. 

 "I see. Go back to the boys then" I pointed at the boys but Felix was looking at me. 

 I dropped my hands down but he smiled and waved. I waved back but without a smile. 

 "Go to them" I pushed Nikki away slightly. 

 She was just my friend cos we were both Stays. She's so selfish. 

 I don't know if its my low self esteem or headache hands or creeping hunger talking but I just needed to lay my head somewhere. 

 I collapsed on the ground the moment Nikki went backwards. My head had hit the hard floor and a scream came out from my mouth. 

 I held my mouth but I soon lost consciousness. Guess I'd stay here for a bit. 


Four eyes were looking at me when I woke up. I rose up immediately and nearly clashed heads unto one of them.

 It was Lizzie and she fell back but was caught by Han. Han?! 

 They were all in my roo… this wasn't my room but the school's sick bay. Great. 

 The other that had been staring down at me was Jeongin. My little boy. 

 "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded trying to recollect memories. 

 "Really?" Hyunjin came closer to check my temperature. I took his hands off, flustered. He smiled and went back. 

 Would no one explain what they were doing with me here. 

 "Jeongin wanted you to wake up before we go home" Felix explained. I nodded to him and pat Jeongin. 

 "I was awake now so could you stop making me have butterflies and leave. Quit staring why you at it" I yelled in my head. 

 "Where's Nikki?" I said instead. 

 Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Home". 

 My mouth fell. She went home while I was here.

 "It's six already. Don't blame her" Han defended. Six?! 

 "Wh-Why are you guys still here then?" I slowly got up from the bed. Having your idols babysit you is as sweet as it was uncomfortable. 

 "Don't worry. We took permission and you're Stay so it's okay" Seungnim chuckled. 

 I turned to him. Nikki must have really a shown them those pictures and said things about me being obsessed over Chan and how I wasn't interacting cos I'm shy.

 The bitch would her butt whooped tomorrow. I could almost cry. 

 "Crazy but Chan also said we should make sure you wake up before leaving too so we'd you home" Felix stood up. The rest followed. 

 Chan said? That was crazy alright. What am I?

 "He said he met you at Mrs. Lia office last week" Jeongin held my arm to support me. I could walk okay but I appreciated the support. 

 Chan and I didn't 'meet', it was more like I whined about my family's divorce problems and he heard. 

 Channie is sweet for telling the boys to drop me though. 

 "Dream come true, eh? Your idols driving you home" Lizzie stayed by my side. She whispered. 

 I smiled, "Are you a Stay too?". 

 "Now I am" she gave a thumps up. 

 I took the second van that took Jeongin and Felix. 

 They're two vans to pick the boys up. I wonder why not one since they were just five. 

 Lizzie waved goodbye and went home. She had said her house was a block away. 

 I felt Felix stare on me all through as he was at the back seat and I was at the middle row at the back. 

 There was silence in our van. I'm sure the other van, with Han, would be more active. 

 "Chan told us to connect with you earlier but we forgot". It was Felix, I need not turn. 

 "Connect with me, how?" I made a nervous chuckle. 

 "Connect like, you know, make friends. He said you needed them" his hands was on my shoulder. 

 An energy zapped through body and I stared at him.